音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ 本年の抱負 - This Year’s Ambitions

Now, here when a few days have gone away, it’s time to make some ambition items.
The first one, my future. I feel incredibly ashamed of myself for I didn’t make a firm decision on that. Of course, I’ll be happy if I can upgrade into the graduate school, but if by any chance I failed (and it’s very possible)… should I fight for the advent, or should I do something else? Graduating in the spring, and then… Maybe I’m off my gourd for my insistence, though I don’t hold the complete confidence. However, there may be only one way to me. So, no matter how long it may cost, I think, I should go on and make it out some day. (Am I too depressed now?)
Then, English. I know I’ve got to get it better willy-nilly. To me, my listening and speaking are weak. Why I can’t understand what are people talking after many times’ re-hearing? Why I can’t express myself by speaking but really I can do it well on paper? Ok, ok. I think I’ve got to do more exercises on them… yeah, why not re-start Science Podcast again?
The next, sure, that’s Science. For it’s a weekly, it’s impossible to read all its articles; but, maybe I should try to select 5-6 ones from each issue. While reading, maybe I also should go over the books I’ve learned, even only for the graduate exam.
Now, it turns to the forth one. I want to translate Yuki Kajiura-sama’s, as well as other related sites’ blogs. In fact, I’ve made one today. (Kajiura-sama wrote an extreme long entry, and it gets me faint during the translating…)
Well, the fifth. Certainly, of course, surely… it should be to draw, and to continue my yuri-like story. What? About singing? I even want to drop off it, because I really discontented with my voice. Uguuuu~
By the way, some days ago, Mrs. Eri (my mother) told me, “You’ll be 22 soon; you should think about to make a boyfriend.”
“What? A BF?” I quickly linked to my (almost female-only) story.
However, there’s no way toward my BF definitely!
Because I want to live as a free girl; because I think the life together with a “XY-type” being is terrible and I have no courage to think on it!
That’s my ambitions for this year.
And why I think I’ve made this blog entry massed…
そして、英語のこと。うまくできないとダメでしょう。私、特に聴解と口語が弱いのです。なんてどんなに聴いても他の人の言うものが分かりませんの?なんて筆をとると書けるものが言葉にすると無理なですの?まあ、これについて、練習しかないんでしょうかな…そうそう、今日からまたScience Podcastを聞き続くことにしようかな。