音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ Real Drawing and Sleeping-Seeking

Since the private and a little doujin-studio-like online group, Aqua Spiritase, has been built for about a week, I wanted to draw for it and I got the final version at yesterday evening after many doodles. If you see this picture as the portrait of AS members: Leonore and me, I’ll be very delightful.
The paper I used was large. I got 8 pieces of A4-size paper and stuck them together. I have been apart from drawing on large paper for a long time. I felt I couldn’t get this big picture well. However, it just cost me about 30 minutes to draw the draft. Then, I should to draw out the border. This was simple; the next step was to erase all pencil sketches. In case of drawing on computer, I don’t have to do it, but here on the real paper drawing, I couldn’t escape it. Although nothing skill was needed here, the strength-needing erasing got my arms tired. Ok, at least after that I came to do the happiest step: color the draw! At first, I wanted to use water color, but its troublesome stopped me. Finally, I chose the color pencils and other easy-using stuff.
When I finished drawing, do a little count, I’d listened to in all 4 albums of “Ar Tonelico,” Ali Project, and FJY. It was a long time sure enough… by the way, I was listening “blessing” when I finished.
My fingers and arms and shoulders were tired, but it was ok. I was drawing for myself!
Also, there was another event in that evening. My pet, a turtle named Namako; I think because it’s winter now, this guy is in his hibernation at a nook under the washing machine. A few days ago, he went out for water and food, I thought, and when he finished them, I put him in front of the washing machine again. However, later when I saw, I found he wasn’t there! I found some his “favorite” places in the bathroom, but I failed. Maybe did he go into the sleeping room? Frankly, I didn’t think so, but still I went to take a look. Amazing! That guy was there! Staying beside the slippers! Hey! Does he feel cold?
But soon, yet he looked like want to go somewhere, and he went out to corridor. At last, he stopped at a nook and started to sleep here. Alright, what was this guy thinking? As a human, I really get confused!
まあ、ようやく出来上がるまで、私は「アル・トネリコ」、Ali Project、そしてFJYのアルバムを全部4枚を聞いた。長い時間だね…ちなみに、絵の終わるとき、私はちょうど「blessing」を聞いているところだった。