音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Die Elf Elfen

Maybe I’ve added too much items on my to-do list, maybe I have just fallen down to the anticlimax of my German study, or maybe I found I’ve lost a great amount of my English vocabulary that needs to be regained again. Ok, however, recent days have almost driven me to be downright crazy; thus why I’m mad about entitling this post in German, means “The Eleven Elves” in English.
Nonetheless, there’re only 10 items on my recent to-do list. Some of them are the kind of I have got to do, and the others are the kind of I want to do. Fortunately, no matter what kind of an item is, I have the willing to do it well (or maybe thus they drive me insane?).
Eins: at the very morning, I often listen to an episode of Science Podcast for my listening exercise. Frankly, I can get only about more or less 65%. I need exercise more~
Zwei: to review my English vocabulary. I’ve paid attention on my dwindling English vocabulary. One example: one day I’d got to browse the dictionary for spelling the word “century.” -__-;
Drei: to remember many German new words. I’ve ever heard many people say that German and English are in part similar. Sure, they do have some similarities, but still it’s far more difficult than English. Its awesome pronunciation, especial in the case of the letter “r.” I think my tongue has been twisted after many times’ trying to pronounce it. And finally, ok, it maybe doesn’t matter if my German sounds a litter “harder” and “unnatural” to the native people.
Vier: continued to the previous, this is about German grammar. I’m a greenhorn in German, though I’ve learnt English for many years. I’ve forgotten how I learned English, as well German isn’t similar to Asia language system; I can’t find anymore experience. In all, German study is awesome!
Fünf: grammar of ancient Japanese. Though still it’s a language related item, but here it has become a bit easier (at least I know what my book says). But, it’s about another system of grammar. What I should do is to remember what on the book, and then exercise what I remembered…
Sechs: so far, you may think that I’m a language major. No, no I’ll finally start to study on my real major: life science. I need to do a brief review for all my previous courses; it’s a part of preparing for my future graduate study. The first one is biochemistry (I tell you here, the book is thicker than GENE IX). Fortunately, I’ve finished reading more than half of it!
Sieben: at last, I may get some leisure for my hobbies. Drawing has the very priority definitely! Sometimes on paper, and sometimes on computer with my tablet, I like to draw, but I don’t have the intent to get more characters, because these thirteen have cost a great amount of time to design, (oh! ignore the fact that I’ve gotten two new ones recently).
Acht: my fiction… I’ve thought about it for at least 7 years (though yet I don’t finish it)! There’s one thing I have to confess, that I did borrow one name from my fiction as my own pen-name. At the time when I was not working on the fiction, it doesn’t matter at all. The problem emerges out now, however. Sometimes I’m confusing about who I am? The one in my fiction or I myself… Maybe I’m wasting your time on a trivia…
Neun: Aha, another thing I’m very glad to do. That is, translating of Yuki Kajiura’s blog! How it is good that Yuki-sama writes her blog entries occasionally (till now she’s gotten only 3 entries), so I don’t have to be busy on the translation. I did know what the feeling is when one works on a super-long translation (like her Jan. 3rd one).
Zehn: now, time to end the daily to-do list loop. This one is, to read some articles from the most famous scientific magazine Science. I don’t dare to read too much research article. For me, one or two research related papers per week, and I choose more articles which are easy to understand.
Elf: no. 11? What? I’ve said that there’re 10 items? Oh, yes. I did. I list the eleventh one here only because it’s very important to not only me, but also all of you. To take a good sleep. Every needs a good sleep time to fetch an good brain situation tomorrow, no?
Ok. The 11 items are like elves, they’re around me, play with me, and go with me. Every morning, say morning to me; every night, say good day to me. Die Elf Elfen, I love you!