音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Wow! It’s Mozart!

Although I love Mozart’s music very much, I don’t hear enough his music yet, which including his famous Requiem in d Minor. So I thought a bit shameful about it, I got the CD yesterday. ♪♪~
This work is one of the few-not-so-happy works from all Mozart’s works. But, but, he’s a wonderful musician! Even only a little, I found his sweet-element from this requiem…
Then, track No. 8 is titled “III - Sequenz - 6 - Lacrimosa.” At first, I didn’t listen to it while reading the titles; but here when it turned to this track, something like “what? A deja-vu?” burst into my mind. Hence, I started to repeat this track. Later, about 3 times of listening to it, I went into the status full with strong emotion toward the famous musician, as well as Kenji Kawai.
What? Why Kenji Kawai? As we know, he is the musician who composed for the animation “Fate/Stay Night.” Talk regardless of his music style, I especially love his way of arrangement. One example is “Fate,” and another is the series of “Higurashi.” The first time when I listened to “Fate,” I paid more attention on these two tracks: “Eirei Chinkon (requiem for the great)” and “La Sola.” I’ve ever listened to only the two for many and many times, with murmuring “how these are marvelous.”
However, I think I’ve felt a little sorry after I listened to Mozart’s Requiem: “Eirei Chinkon” can be seen as a rearrangement of “III - Sequenz - 6 – Lacrimosa!” Why didn’t I know it before? Also, why isn’t there anything about Mozart’s Requiem on the booklet of “Fate”? Ok, I see, at least it was Kenji Kawai did the rearrangement work, so… or, is this only one tiny secret for us listeners from “Fate”?
Ok, ok, no matter what it is. At least, I dug it out yesterday! ♪♪~
そして、トラック8のは、「III - Sequenz - 6 - Lacrimosa」というタイトルがある。一番最初私はタイトルなんかぜんぜん気づいてないまま聞いてたが、この曲になると、「あら、デジャヴュ?」と自分に聞きながら、CDプレイヤーをこの曲に留めた。その後、およぞ三度かな、「ああ、こなんじゃすごーい。モーツァルト、または川井憲次さん!」と言わんばかりに、私はずいぶん感慨無量だった。
え?なんで川井憲次?その方、テレビアニメ「Fate/Stay Night」の音楽担当である。彼の曲風はさておき、私はとっくに彼のアレンジが好きである。「Fate」はひとつ、また「ひぐらし」シリーズも。始めて「Fate」のOSTを聞いたとき、「英霊鎮魂」と「La Sola」二曲を大変気になった。なんて素敵な曲だねと連呼ながらその二曲を繰り返し聞いたこともいつもある。
でも、今度モーツァルトの鎮魂曲を聴いた後、なんか、少し恥ずかしくなったような気がした。だって、「英霊鎮魂」は実に、「III - Sequenz - 6 - Lacrimosa」の再編集と言ってもいいから。なんでその前は知らなかったの?そして、なんで「Fate」のブックレットにて、原作曲者をちっとも付いたことない?もちろん川井憲次はこの曲を再編曲した。あるいは、これがもっとも「Fate」が私たち聞き手のほうに残した小さな秘密の一つ?