音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ CSS fighting

That wasn't the first time I change my template with CSS, but this was the most difficult time.
I didn't have any CSS knowledge when I just registered on MYO; then when I tried to get a custom template, I became faint since I didn't know what's CSS at all. Anyways, I found some blogs teach people on MYO CSS, I learned some basic issues; in November 2007, I costumed my first template: with a different top image only!
Later, since I knew where MYO original CSS file were put, changing CSS became easier. I just needed to find the codes I wanted to fix, and then replace with my own codes. Though some stuff I couldn't find out directly, I still learned much after many times of trying.
The most epic template (so far I think) I made was in yesterday. Recently I just finished a transparent template for my fiction, then I suddenly wanted to change the template for my own blog too. Since it was so difficult to choose ONLY ONE background, I got suggested from some friends using *.php files.
Firstly I thought the random background was the most difficult part, but it didn't because others helped me writing the php file. I soon finished almost all parts and just when I satisfied with it, I found some default backgrounds didn't match with my style. I've got to turn on fix them: album backgrounds, visitor backgrounds, etc... yet that's the real most difficult part...
After another 3~4 hours of fighting, at about 4:00 AM, I ended up all changing, and got complete satisfied eventually. I talked to some online friends during the fixing, and also got stalked...
However, the fighting ended.
Here I thank: Shin (for your CSS/php support), tsubasa (for your php/domain upload), Heiko (for your transparent background image and some CSS codes), and Hiroyuki (for your post border line/album related stuff code)!!
By the way, I bought a string of obsidian beads yesterday night, before I started to fix the album CSS.