音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ Dilemma, dilemma...

Before I knew I'm accepted, I was nervous on it, but after I knew, I'm still nervous on it...
In this March, I thought I might be accepted in UofC, I was happy, since then I didn't think I could be accepted in other better schools.
But a few days ago, I received another offer, from NYU.
Later I got into a huge dilemma.
Both are good schools for me, yet both have their own strong/weak points to me. I have contacted with a professor whose research field is my favorite in UofC since this February, and he's also a professor with high quality. His education history, his published papers, etc... He seems a good future tutor for me.
In case of NYU, when I applied for it, I just thought that “Ah, I love NY, thus I must apply a school in NY!” Originally, I thought I couldn't be accepted because of my not-so-good exams. But now... I later also re-read their research fields, I have a few favorites yet they're not as interesting as the UofC one. I know, NYU is a very, very good university, also the location of the school. Ummm, die Universität ist sehr gut und die Stadt ist auch sehr gut......
I don't know where I should go now. For I want to do the CA research, but I want to be embarked in NYU. Uguuuu~~~~ I really have no idea on the issue... I WANT THE CA PROFESSOR MAY TRANSFER HIMSELF INTO NYU NOW!
After all, to follow my own interest is more important, though I love some good schools and cities else, right?
I'm still in the dilemma of choosing one, I want to split myself into two.........
I'd rather there's ONLY ONE school accepted me......