音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Rain Cold

Rainy days again~
Lovely, but really, it's cold.
Summer has gone long time ago (though I've never thought we have real summer days! xD), and we had got a couple of rainy days again, with the late (?) autumn coldness.
In the past month (I have to admit that I was too lazy busy to write), I did get several things to post here as a piece of life backup.
I watched "Break Blade" a few weeks ago. The reason, you know, because of KOKIA's songs. That's actually a good movie, but probably I won't watch it again. Its storyline is too sad. Ahh, I don't wanna see people dying!!! >_<
Kalafina had a new album released, the title is.... (I actually forgot). At the first time of listening, I even didn't finish playing all tracks. Gosh, simply because Kalafina has been too much off-orbit already. There were not so many songs I liked from that album, and that's true that I didn't play their songs for months. My passion for them has disappeared (completely, at least mostly).
Another volume of soundtrack from Puella Magi Madoka just released. Hmmm, as usual, not too much impressive at all. I know, Yuki you want to lose your "old" fans!
Anyways, I'll end my complaint now.
On last Friday, I had a long talk with my boss. That's crazy. If I didn't make the decision to end the talk on Friday, we would still have to continue on Saturday. Oh, noes! I want a whole weekend!
So, when we finished in that day, it was....

↑ this time. lol
Yet I was happy that we finally finished. xD
Now, I want to change my blog background again. Since winter is coming, it would be good to use an image with a cold hue. Then, I found this:

Got it when I searched for "nebula". I just love cosmic views!
I don't know if this picture will fit. I'll see tonight. :3