音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ 404. You're DEAD.

I'm not a website-editing mania, but I do love customizing. It was a kind of old idea, to get my blog a customized 404 page.
Because that's fun. I really don't believe people will get a shortened link to my site and then see my own 404 page. xD
However, as you know, blogger doesn't support it. So we have to find a way to hack -- the most benefit to use a service without full control is you can always learn to hack. Thus, to solve my need, I googled and got the answer quickly. Pretty much of people want this feature, so even though blogger doesn't allow it, the users win.
Well, not perfectly though.
this is how my own 404 page look like:
click and give a try!
I was actually inspired by this: How to: Create a BSoD-like 404 page
When I saw this post, I would want to try it on my own blog, because that's so cool!!
I could only use google sites since I don't have a real host (lame, but still fine!).
For the first time, I tried to change everything into blue. But, the stupid system footer, the text in it couldn't be changed -- google sites would be awesome if you could use fully customizable css/html -- then I had to use a silly way to solve the issue: put more enter's under the 404 content. But, when I realised when you get redirected from a wrong link, it goes to this subdomain plus the same wrong suffix (don't know what the term is so just let me call it like this, if you don't understand, ignore it. xD), I had to move the 404 content into user footer region, and...
I'll stop telling more. Wanna know what I actually did, press CTRL+A on the error page
Then I was done. I tested a few wrong links, it works well. But, it didn't work in some cases, like, for each post's individual link, the broken link can't redirect to the error page, and you see the lame blogger-defaulted 404.
Anyway, I can't do anything beyond what I have done. Like what I said in the beginning, I don't believe people will even get a broken link to my blog at all. So,
Yet it wasn't a bad experience; I learned a new kind of hack! :P
p.s. during the setting of the error page, it underwent an unstable time. For a while, my blog couldn't direct the naked domain to the www. version. I reset it in my DNS manager for a few times, then it worked (and stopped working shortly again). When it seemed to be back to normal, I was told that chrome (also IE, don't know about firefox, my computer naver has it!) couldn't access my blog (with or without www.). Ahhh, how lame complicated DNS actually is! However, for some unknown reason, Opera could access it all the time while the other browsers couldn't.
Therefore, my conclusion is: