音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ The World didn't end, now what?

I could make this post yesterday, memento at the end of the world, but I was having neck- plus shoulder-ache back to last night so I didn't.
Which means everything is still normal, the world won't end.
I'm still looking forward my pre-ordered Ito Masumi album "Wonder Wonderful", plus KOKIA's 15th annv. special album in 2013, and Ar Tonelico's collection box "Kurt" in next February.
It just won't. :reg76:
Right, "Wonder Wonderful", since the world didn't end, time to introduce some soft and cute elements into my world.

Wonder Wonderful@900px@Pixiv
OMG, My past 12 hours and my neck-ache!!! XDD;;
As the title says, it's based on Masumi's to-be-released new song "Wonder Wonderful" (trial PV version). That song attacted me since the introduction. What a delightful and charming aura! I then downloaded the youtube video and looped it for hours. Really couldn't wait for full version this time.
Started in this June, I began to accumulate more PS/AI skills while making new drawings. June: rain effect; August: AI symmetrical vectors; October: glass effect (not good yet); early in this month: noise-gradient... and now, I just learned how to scatter your brush trail. All should sound very familiar to most PS users. Don't laugh at me!! Thanks to that, now I could get some magic effect. <3
For colour scheme, this time, to match the aura of that song, I chose the primary colours: red, blue, and yellow (or maybe not?). Simple and easy to match pairwise. Same for the background makeup. Random noise-gradient ftw!!
I do have big confidence with my skill in colour matching, so I never worry about how the ambience of the final work may be -- as long as you don't ask for grotesque! But... though I never ever gave a try, since the grotesque just doesn't pop up in my head, if you give me a black-and-white draft, I may do it! Who knows. :3
Last thing, I was overwhelmed by doing three in one work, and I still need to improve the skill when it comes to multiple characters in the same work with some perspective technique. :tea2:
Now maybe I should do something for X'mas. I did a scribble a few days ago, but haven't got it finalized. I will see if I can get it done by Dec-24. However, since the world didn't end, I always have time to do it before the New Year, which is my self-claimed deadline for such themes~
P.S. The G+ profile image I linked on my sidebar auto-updated! I at first thought it's just a perm-link to each individual pictures you uploaded.
And that's another wonderful thing just occured! :P