音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ 脳内妄想:ラビット・ホラー / Brain Delusion: Rabbit Horror

The god of horror music, Kenji Kawai, made me into horror film mode during this holiday!
A few days ago, I was attracted by his "Rabbit Horror" OST, and finally, this afternoon, I watched this movie. Then, my brain began to create delusions.
Before I know anything about the music (including reading the album title but except Kenji Kawai's name), I imagined this could be another horror film OST.
In a weird aspect, the two big black eyes stick by the top corners. Gray, black, white, plus blood red -- what a strong contrast! Things are making the album jacket even creppy. Ok, then, Rabbit Horror. See, the word "horror" is there, stating I was right. I smelt Kenji's horror aura again!!
Rabbit Horror jacket. I know I'm not supposed to leave such images around Xmas time so I deleted the image...
Kenji Kawai, God of Horror Music
The whole album does a good flow. Starts from "Kiriko's main theme [tr1]", the whole album lines up by the depressing and of a little bit of tension motif. The main theme is so impressive that it lingers in my mind for days! Following tracks are mostly in the same category. For the second time, I got scared by Kenji music, which was "Enticing Voice [tr7]" (the first time was his "ghost haunting" from "AVALON"). Among all tracks, "Amusement Part at Night [tr5]" and "Merry-go-Round [tr11]" could be the brightest track yet they still got quite a lot of eerie ambience integrated. At last, "Spiral Stairs [tr18]", percussion and high-tempo made it into my fav list, and you could feel it's like the final conclusion music without watching the movie.
With a rather "misty" feeling, unpleasant notes shimmer distantly, plus the creepy haunting human voice... the entire album is so charming, especially to horror music lovers. Kenji is just good at making scary music! I STRONGLY RECOMMEND this album!!
Story Delusion Deduction
There is no reason not to mention the movie itself since I've watched it. To be frank, I'm not a real movie person, so for most of times, I just search online for its plot, and maybe plus people's reviews, comments or spoilers. I did the same for this one at first. However, after being spoiled, I got a strong desire to watch it for real.
Got spoiled... maybe that's why I didn't miss too much this afternoon, for watching this movie, without subtitle. lol
Well, even saying i got spoiled, that was just the main plot but didn't include the end and any details. The end of it is really interesting. I've been thinking about it since I finished watching but still haven't got a good answer. So using the rest of this post, I plan to do my own analysis.
Contains spoiler, read as you want.
Let's start from the end of movie: Kiriko accepted Daigo's request, kill him and let everything end. She stabbed him, meanwhile, herself, then was pushed down from the top of a spiral stair in the discarded hospital near the amusement park. She regained her voice right before she died. The rabbit toy that Daigo dropped immediately after her falling brake into two from neck. Struggling in Kiriko's blood, the rabbit stood up, disappeared with its separate head. Outside, Kiriko's father sat in calm, seemed to be waiting for something (Kiriko's death?). Then he revealed the carpet covering himself and there was Daigo. Holding Daigo's hand, the father and the son left in golden sunset.
People also call this movie "Alice in Fearland". Kiriko was trapped by a rabbit (Kyouko, her new mother) into the world of her memory. Another theme was "The Little Mermaid". Kiriko lost her words, but in return, what she gained?
Rabbit, the real one, the stuffed toy, and the animal-costume were appearing all the way. Kiriko did caused Kyouko's death (the animal-costume). The real pregnant rabbit that was killed was a sign to Kiriko, her time is up. As for the stuffed toy, which should be Kiriko's birthday present from Kyouko, was... Kiriko's own existence?!
Only one side is true: Kiriko is real, or Daigo/Kouhei are real.
I voted for Daigo/Kouhei's side. Since that's how I believe surreal experience happens -- only at the fake side!
My primary guess: After the merry-go-round accident, Kyouko died but successfully gave birth to Daigo. Something happened to Kiriko, she died in the hospital too (suicide? perhaps jumping from the top of spiral stairs?). After that, the family had only the father and the little brother. However, the world in the movie wasn't the true reality. Kiriko regained life. Past things were altered: Only Kyouko died. Kyouko's child (Daigo) wasn't born. Instead, Kiriko lost her voice, and Daigo became her illusion. Yet no dead person could really revive. The "contract" has its limit. Kiriko had to decide, either return to the real self (death), or continue suffering from the messed-up-self-world and hurting others.
Kiriko chose death, like what the little mermaid did. Her beloved family returned to normal, she disappeared.
Good enough? this explanation. XD
But what kind of hint the last words after the ending song give? The hospital where Kiriko's spirit was confined was sold and was then used as an entertainment place.
Solely a connection?
Pretty much of delusion I've made fom the movie, and Kenji's scary music...
Damn, what am I doing at 2:30 AM... GET MY SIGHT AWAY FROM THE SCARY JACKET NOW!!! =__=