音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ Greetings from METAFALICA

As I said last time, I couldn't release this one due to I didn't know what to name it--Yet it's still true after I posted it this morning.
Right, now it does have a title, but not as perfect as what I wished that was too abstract to write in any kinds of languages.

Full title is:
Song Magic: "Saki-chan's Prayer--Xmas Mix: Obonnu Special"
So it's a mixed concept including all three Ar Tonelico series, although the connection to A.T.3 looked a bit forceful. Well, she loves cakes, and cakes (transformed from humans) are scary!
Cakes are indeed scary! Mine in this work took up ~15G of the remaining disk space during one SINGLE save event. (Before I started to "make" the cake, things were fine.)

See. Before I had 16.4G, and when I was saving this file, I only had 124M free space.
――ケーキ怖ぇよ! @w@
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But seems I'm now more excited by another new work that I did in last evening..
↑ Verdi in ASCII!! XD
It's so surprising that my first ASCII art was Verdi--not Mozart.
Nothing can be even better with Mozart's music flowing in background for fetching a delightful holiday mood (even though I'm planning to play Silent Hill 4 soon and my first played piece in the very beginning of holiday was Beethoven's No. 9!). I don't mind (yet probably I won't) looping his "Die Zauberflöte" for the whole day.
--Or maybe I should watch his "Le Nozze di Figaro" again. Till now I still feel so lucky that I bought it for only $1.5 dollars (not that expensive, but take a look at its regular price on Amazon)--my favorite performance of this opera. ;P