音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Mozartian Year-End

I was originally planning to sum up this year by a series of "Year-End Memoirs", but due to being drowning in operas and other classical music, I haven't even written a single word about it. So guess this plan will be started tomorrow and expanded till the very beginning of next year~
And today's topic is opera (NOT the browser!).
I'd blame and feel very sorry for anyone who doesn't like Mozart! Since these days, I'm overwhelmed by pure classical. This or that piece of Mozartian arias, while sometimes being his other works, lingers in my mind, and crosses over to each other. This year's holiday rocks because of his excellent operas: Le Nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni and Die Zauberflöte. How many versions I've gone through?--At least two per opera, and even though I do also enjoy Bizat's Carmen and some Verdi highlights (I have a few others but haven't started yet), but, who doesn't like watching non-tragedies during the end of year?
Although my own tragedy is always here that I don't know what they're singing unless turning on the subtitles, Mozart's music simply cheers me up and makes me so hyper that even having the impulse to say that any other music is rubbish--If you don't believe me, listen to both arias by Queen of the Night (see how beautiful human voice can be!). And right, I'm aware of that's merely my drunken words. Other music is great of course, as long as it rings listener's heart.
Anyway, speaking of opera, now I'm so assured that you have to know what's going on before you can fully enjoy the performance. Maybe that's why I don't tend to listen to too much of full opera recordings. Well, if you only want the "sound", go playing without the basic background then, and be prepared with the sextet "Riconosci in questo amplesso una madre" (a delightful scene that is always fun to watch).
↓ my favorite performance so far.
Since I'm already started the random opera-related topic, it doesn't hurt to link another funny scene from my favorite opera:
↓ "Aprite, presto, aprite"
Now I really understand. Not only good singing, how the actors interact matters so much whether a performance is of my love or not. And the 1993 recording thus captured my heart.
Maybe I should pray to be able to perform Queen of the Night in my afterlife♪