音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ ちょいしょんぼりした金曜日より

⇩始めに、ずっと前考えたけど。こんなかわいい背景の付いてるとこでこんな怖いゲームをブツブツ喋ってんいいの? (。・_・。)
To revenge my first time play's rank D in biohazard 3, I tried hard to save less and run quicker since this week. Everything was going well even after Carlos escaped from the hospital. Yet, when Jill entered the park, the little and long path on the right side, I prayed there were nothing but zombies and dogs, but I know the evil CAPCOM just is like a devil--the freezing beam got rid of 2 insane jumping hunters, and I thought I'd be able to catch my 2nd save right before the "earthworm" fight. However, I never knew there was a third hunter!!
The result = hunter's special move (you know what I mean).
Just in 1 second, the screen turned pure white, then black: "YOU DIED".
I laughed in despair. ゜д゜)鬱死・・・
My previous (1st) save was before fixing the train...
カプコンの野郎ぉぉぉーーー (# ゚Д゚) ムッカー
I swear I'll wipe them out in my afterlife.
Think about it again, in biohazard 1, they got me 10+ times, and in biohazard 3 THE MERCENARIES, 9 out of 10 times I die due to those stupid hunters.
The fact is, I haven't even cleared THE MERCENARIES for a single time, yet I've got the unlimited assault rifle + $1700. How come I fall in love with horror games with such a rubbish playing skill! =_=
Hunter now has officially become my biggest trauma (spiders are the next).
I'm so jealous of people who can run Nicolai with no problem! (although my heart belongs to the tough man Mikhail).
So naturally I need something to heal the damage in my heart, which is from ↓
Akiko's "mei-fa-re koo-ja-i;" served for this.
Frankly I was more interested in Yoko's song. And it was good, which I don't deny. But after hours of looping, I switched the looping mode from "playlist" to "track".
And haven't stopped looping since 2 days ago.
Although the other song by Akiko was good (of course it is!), the first track seduced me so much that I don't know what else I should play when I attempted to switch.
But such "meaningless" titles are indeed a pain. Can I wish the GUST staff stop playing around with these looks-nice-but-is-useless languages?! << Really tired with it. ><
As for the very first track... Let me pretend that there are only three songs in this release. Σ(゚∀゚")
I feel like I won't care about any future releases in the following 10 years, as long as I have this track.
--Or maybe I'm possessed.
This one is as dangerous as Ebola~
Since I've decided my special day will be October 17th, which marks I'm at the end of levelling-up. Soon I gotta do something with (a small part of) the battle field...

Although the finally confirmed date kinda depressed me because...

I thought Libra would be higher (like 100%) but apparently I'm wrong (although the above image doesn't really mean anything. xD;;)
I'll just go with my current plan, I don't want to wait to next May! (*´∀`)