音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Trauma Confirmed! Σ(゚Д゚;!

Once you had a trauma it will be hard to get it healed, even with a rocket launcher...
↑ 444% private story.
So I decided not to touch bio3 for a while. Instead, I tried another series as a snack before the main dish SH4.
I got to know about this series by chance while browsing people's horror game playlists. Since I saw it so many times, as a mood change, I did it during this weekend: 1 and 2.
Different from biohazard or Silent Hill, overall there's no way to fight, you just keep escaping from our hard-working gardener: scissorman.
私は「ハサミ野郎」のほうが気に入るけど~ (*´∀`)
In terms of just to clear the game, it's very, very easy. But perhaps you'll not get the best ending either--There're so many flags need to be taken care, and in case of "2", there's even an invisible timer for everyone's life. And I actually do worse in such "flagging" games than in survival horror. It would take forever for me to get all endings on my own. orz
By the way, if you've done "1", from this or that in "2" you could perhaps guess who is behind our "pretty" scissorman. We know in "1", he's like 9-year-old. Since "2" happens one year after, combining "he" is from the murder scene in "1", and in scenario 2, Helen's plot, "his" voice as well as "he himself" was in the library, it's so obvious, nothing scary (it's supposed to be adventure after all). But the game itself failed to expend much more detail. It focused too much on "game", which could disappoint people who care about the story.
Thus I decided not to waste my time and to cheat with a premade flowchart. Now I feel I made a good decision as I have no intention to do it again (even with a flowchart!). As for different endings, my main purpose is to know the story, and I'm not really interested non-true endings, plus we have youtube, so you know the rest.
Although like I said above, here let me be frank, this game is not bad. If I had no other games to play at all (unfortunately I do) I'd consider to flag everything on my own.

↑ taking the elevator might be the scariest scene! :P
I know, this game was released earlier than biohazard, was for PS1 and Win95 and other nostalgic hardwares, was limited in graphic and character move control (the latter is a pain!)... yes, I understand all of them, but still I'm speechless on some small (?) details...
↓ Heroine No.1 Jennifer (the one in pale yellow). Age: 15.

Are you sure she's that young? Why I feel she looks like 40-year-old!?
↓ The last of credits...

Of course that's human who made this game. Unless there's other meaning behind these letters (which I'm not interested in googling), I don't know what to say about their naming sense.
Other than 1 and 2, I also did a little search about 3 (the PS2 one). But when I saw they labelled it as a failure, and when I saw the producer to be Capcom... hmmm... I hesitated and went to youtube again. (;´∀`)
Just like the review said, CT3 isn't good, like nothing but a stiff drama (especially the cutscenes, so stupid--they overdid too much). A lot of other settings look funny too: the heroine's (what's her name again? ._.) bow is so ugly. And with such a small bow you should be able to move. Bosses speak too much and thus are annoying. Also for one of the bosses, the hammerman... hammerman?! sounds so familiar. Then I realised the guy in Corpse Party was also nicknamed as hammerman! Oh, well, different things began to mix up.
Therefore, due to this or that, I lost interest and skipped to the very last of the player's videos. The last scene = a love comedy. Boring.
Capcom has their success = biohazard. So you shouldn't expect too much.
Speaking of biohazard (I know I've been around this topic for weeks...), good news to me is the coming biohazard 1 HD remaster gets discounted even before its November release:

On some sites the collector's version costs ~$115. Good I haven't placed my pre-order! (ノ´∀`*)
I'd really like to experience living in a mansion like that in biohazard1's world for even one night some day! >///<
and I do hope my trauma will be gone by that time!
Finally, a new piece in my "fangirl's collection":

Steins;Gate blueray+DVD pack (the only thing bad is the movie is not here).
I didn't think to much when I bought this pack--I haven't watched such an amazing anime for years (in opposite Chaos;Head fell into my worst-anime-ever list ^^;)!.. although I'm not here for an anime review. Plus it's getting too long, so let me jump to my conclusion:
Edogawa Conan is the only one turns me to a shota-con, and
Makise Kurisu is the only Tsundere I ever loved~♥