音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ どう見ても裏世界です、本当にありがとうございました!

Hope I'm not the only person who didn't realise going back to 'my room' will recover my HP until dying 3 times in Silent Hill 4. ~_~
Actually I do feel much more confident in horror games compared to last year -- in which I couldn't dare to do full-screen mode, or being freaked out even with KOKIA's healing melody flowing in background (dark-history memory in the first week Silent Hill 3 playing experience)... Now I begin a new game under 'Normal' mode + full-screen -- which is a huge improvement -- although my playing style isn't favoured by the game developers so I usually end up with a rather low rank. I can't help, for the first time play I simply tend to press '○' at every single corner (and again I complain about North America's reversed '○' and '✕' settings... not really a big deal as most games I play are from Japan though).
A bit off topic. I really wanted to start this post by:

↑Welcome to Silent Hill's most fun place -- the otherworld!
Finally I come to this far! First otherworld visiting in SH4--have been looking forward how it looks like all the way along my trip!
such as...

coming out of the hole and being welcomed by a woman manikin with bloody right hand...

standing right in front of this seal-engraved door with my previous Silent Hill memories...

wandering on the clock prison tower with merely a metal pipe (the foggy whitish environment chills me down to the bottom of sea)...
(and I wonder on Hard Mode whether you can fall off and die)

being deceived by the otherworld-like view and got confused between monsters' or my footsteps... (I indeed got killed in this stage once due to being surrounded by a group of ugly and stupid monkies <<< and afterwards I realised I missed the stungun in the previous stage and a power-sword here >_<)
P.S. 2D control is really annoying. I want 3D/radio control back! ><
Anyway, when things turn to the otherworld, your mind gets to be changed as well. Dogs? They're not a problem any more (thanks to the rusted axe <3). Yet my only problem is the hide-and-seek with my dear perverted neighbours!
(I'm saying the ghosts of course...)
When I just encountered them in the subway, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't kill them. Later I learned that they're not killable, the only thing you should do when meet them is to run.
Fine, so at first I called them 'stalkers'. But soon I realised something was wrong -- how they attack is... π-touch + heart-gouging...
What The Hell?! (´゚д゚`)
Stalkers are much cuter. These drifting guys are absolutely nothing but perverts! Even you beat them to stop, they raise up almost immediately when you try to leave the "crime scene". And they move fast, leaving you almost no time to investigate (I guess that's how I missed my second power-sword).
So since I came back from the subway, I gave them a new name: 近所の変態オヤジmy perverted neighbours. <<< This simply came up so I can't tell more in the wording.
However, I never knew that there's a stage right in 'my' apartment in Silent Hill 4 -- and ghosts appear a lot!
What a ghost-haunting house (even more exciting since it's in the otherworld)!
Wait a moment, so they are now literally my neighbours!
What a perfect match coming from the random! (つд⊂)
As what I know, I'm entering the middle part of SH4. I guess my current progress is about to finish the apartment stage. Since I've heard there'll be a hospital stage (of course, 95% HORROR GAMES HAVE A HOSPITAL), I'll bet I'm going into the otherworld of hospital as well! -- I'm so excited and, it's true that you can't say you've visited Silent Hill unless you had lots of fun in its otherworlds~♥
At the very last,

@Mr. Sunderland: I really had a grate time with your son a year ago and I'm planning to meet him again in this winter (in HD)! m(_ _)m