音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Sorry, but going with me you won't be saved

(I'm now really depressed) x 1000;
Exactly the same feeling I got right after clearing Silent Hill 3 in last April and Silent Hill 2 in last August--the special Silent-Hill-styled depression.
Yet I indeed love it.
Think about it again, tonight, I spent around 1 hour to finish my last portion of Silent Hill 4, and the aftermath was, I was turned down for another 2 hours.
Silent Hill is so awesome! (゚д゚)ウマー
Continued from last time, the most exciting hospital stage was right after the 1st apartment.
ただし、私はこの病院にがっかりしてます。だって、短すぎて全然怖くないもん!( ̄д ̄)エー ↑Completely disappointed by this hospital, which was too short and wasn't scary at all!
The otherworld hospital in Silent Hill 3 rocks so much that nothing else has a chance.
But the "male nurses" (don't know their official name so just let me keep using my nicknames here) did make me feeling bad. (their voice... and I won't spoil too much here.. ._.)
↓just this hospital's mascot~

And soon at some point, I realised that I was eventually betrayed by my room--I actually panicked for quite a while → "My HP isn't recovered anymore! Is it a bug?!"

I love this spiral stairway a lot. The ambience is so unique and eerie.
More and more health drinks told me it wasn't a bug.
When I entered the subway again, I met the first "living dead" Cynthia (who I have zero interest). However, the cutscene when she appears, I couldn't stop thinking she's actually Kayako (from Ju-on).

↑back to that time I didn't know I sould use power sword to stop her, so I did it much later in the final stage..

Like the spot in SH3 where frightened me for 5 minutes by just standing there and doing nothing due to the fear toward the coming boss... (I mean this scene).

The depression is getting stronger and stronger by looking at the candles...

The "DEAD SPACE" (I game-over-ed for at least 5 times) ← fighting with 5 quick moving male nurses with only an axe--it's my fault! → perhaps the only place where a handgun works.

Let me say, isn't this a Heart of the Land (大地の心臓) that you can see in Ar Tonelico 2? lol
(saw this thing at the opening movie, and it kept bothering me during the entire period of SH4 ^^)
Sadly again, this last boss, I at first had completely no idea how to fight, that you have to use that thing (I frankly want to ask Mr. Sunderland why the hell you kept that... how many normal people would do that, and does it smell like formaldehyde? (゚д゚)!) in the very front of the huge stuff, otherwise it doesn't work. Also, for first time players, isn't it too harsh to finish this boss in time?
And of course I restarted 3 times (with the help of a superb fight guide -_-).
で、さんざん頑張ったあげく、私一人しか生き残っていなかった… I'm the only person who survived until the end--I tried but failed!

Ending credits, "Cradel Of Forest" echoes in my mind, with the only screen shot without any noise throughout this two week round trip.
At last,
my shinning results (see, even this has noise!):

And the most shinning part is... the 463 kills. (゜_゜>) 私、もう黒化してますかも…
Missed Joseph's last letter, I want to cry... ._.
I know that Silent Hill hates me! I've never got over 60/100 in ANY of SH1/2/3/4!! Q_Q
Some quick thoughts about this game overall:
  • Henry is a tough guy~ <3
  • Otherworld is less-seasoned compared to SH1/2/3.
  • The hospital stage is a big disappointment.
  • Although not that mighty scary like Mr. Pyramid, James May The Coat-Guy is stressful (especially the water-prison stage << his footsteps!!! ><).
  • The story/setup is great yet I'd like to see more details in game.
  • Handgun and magnum are rubbish, for general playing, first half = pipe, and second half = axe.
  • The corrosion induced by the old doll is the most disgusting (I've been deceived once, and will NEVER take that again!).
  • Some hidden items require the highest ranking, which is too harsh.
  • The map is auto-created, which is kinda boring (I love the irritating moments when I got lost and was looking for a map).
  • The 2D only control is annoying.
  • I have no complaints to the music itself, but why a lot of tracks from the OST isn't shown up at all in game?
I've heard quite a lot negative critiques before playing this game. But it's not that bad to me. Regardless some huge changes (which might be less delicious than previous games), I did enjoy it quite a lot (hopefully my roommate doesn't mind my "voice" while doing this game ^^). But also, as this is the last Team Silent release, I should hope other main releases are not that bad as what I've heard. → My next challenge will be SH zero (aka origins). Indeed it's a challenge since ◯ and ✕ will be switched!