音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ Sexy vs. Erotic? Explained (platonically)!

At the very beginning, let me state this first:
Cello has to be the most erotic instrument, and here is why:
Cello is written as チェロ in Japanese,
チ is 1000, and エロ is erotic,
so Cello => チェロ => チ+エロ => 1000 times erotic!
Following the same logic, why I'm specially fond of violin is probably because:
Violin => バイオリン => バイオ => Bio => my major (・ω・`)
It also answers my love in VAIO laptops: VAIO => バイオ.
Before I continue with more stuff like this, I'd like to claim,
I'm really serious throughout the entire post!
Seems I'm getting into the habit of listening Dvořák's "Dumky Trio" every day, and suddenly on this Friday, instead of exclaiming "this is delicious!", my brain was echoing "My Goddess, this is just erotic!"
-- Especially the cello.
For a lot of times, except the solo pieces, cellos are likely to be overlooked. Yes, there is something low behind, harmonising the entire music; but of more detail, it's hard to tell.
Most listeners don't have perfect pitch, nor are they analysing every single piece measure by measure.
Even in small scaled chamber music, cellos are still less noticeable compared to piano and violin, although better than in a full size orchestra.
Dvořák's "Dumky" perhaps made me paying 120% attention to this meek instrument for the first time. Unlike other pieces that I know, here, I can't stop following the cello part. From the beginning to the end, without being distracted by the other two shinning stars. Of course, I can mostly follow the violin part as well, but I tend to lose tracking in the piano part for quite a lot of times. Although I don't know why. Just let me believe that there must be a kind of spell bringing cello to the top!
Recalling that I ever said I didn't (and I still don't) understand why a guy could think this albinoid image is erotic. To judge whether or not being erotic can be fairly personal and subjective, so no doubt my senselessness toward his mind.
Therefore, I wonder how many people have the same feeling as mine?
Maybe people use "sexy" more frequently. I have my alternative that is "delicious".
Since the moment of switch from "delicious" to "erotic" for "Dumky", my brain started another topic:
what is the difference between "delicious", or "sexy", and "erotic"?
Google didn't give me satisfying answers. They say these two are basically the same, with subtle difference "physically". But all of my thoughts against the explained "physical context" led me nowhere but the third definition, "18+".
Obviously my last word (or term) can't be used to describe a piece of music. So there has to be a way differentiating these two,
I clearly can sense the difference, yet I don't know how to explain verbally so I'll give a few examples here.
Mozart's "K. 502" is sexy, while
Dvořák's "Dumky" is erotic (as described above);
A decently designed web page can be sexy, while
its HTML/script source code is way more erotic (as the combination of various tags make up the visual display);
the definition of e looks sexy, while

doing t-test in with a little typing is indeed erotic (as I don't need to worry about any human error during the calculation:
>>etc., etc...
-- Hope I'm not down the rabbit hole to figure out such an abstract thing! xD
Furthermore, I also want to know when people feel something is erotic, do they have the same physical change, such as the hormone level? Such emotional feelings are all triggered by the brain, through the stimulation of what you see/hear/touch/etc.; the brain then releases corresponding waves, passing through different cells relayed by synapses, and eventually increase/decrease specific chemical(s) that change our body's status... so when I get the platonic feeling of "erotic", does my body reacts similarly like people who have the physical version?
-- The project to decipher the human brain and body and the connection might be never complete!!
See, science definitely has a lot of more fun than history or politics!