音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Span Closed

When I saw the calender I was relieved, seems I still have time to fill up the hole I left in this month. I was distracted seriously during the past 30 days and thus had left a big span. Now look at the screen shot I had for my unfinished drawing, which was made on March 29; today is April 29, it's exactly one month!
Yet I had never left an artwork untouched for that long...
I was dealing with a couple of incidents that were much more troublesome than using solely a knife to stab zombies. Troublesome, I'm not completely negative here though. I'll come back to this topic later on, but now, time to close the span of my top priority!
-- it doesn't mean I'm going to write this post using all '<span>' instead of '<div>'. ^^;

From KOKIA to Silent Hill (cont.)

My ex-unfinished work was pending at the make-up step. It was tough. On my mind, I did had the idea of a detailed attic room, and I actually had it on my draft. But to transform a piece of real drawing pencil doodling into photoshop was a pain. In the previous screen shot, you can see I did have the "base reference" ready in layers, but I was worrying about how to arrange them altogether as a whole.
When I came back after one month, though, I didn't think too much and finished these small props first. Then, I began to play around with them. I in fact had drawn an attic room view in background, but it looked bad, so I kept modifying the rendering gradient until its opacity became 100%, in which the attic background wasn't visible any more. The gradient only fill-up was amazingly fitting well with the characters, although looked a bit unrealistic. So I wasn't sure how I should proceed. Should I continue working on a drawn attic view?
For a short moment I tried to just use the gradient since I could finish it right there, but a few days ago, after googling a couple of anime background pictures, I though I got the idea on how to do more detailed post-rendering. It's hard to say in words though; after brushing/blurring/photoshop-effecting, I did get a better looking attic view as the background:

I don't have a 3D model with light source (maybe I should make some in future), so the lighting effect may look weird, but at current stage, I'm quite satisfied.
By the way, I eventually decided to omit the celestial globe (which was appearing in my previous screen shot) because I was too lazy to draw it.
Once the attic looked okay, I was finally of more desire to do the global lightings and other depictions, and then blend the characters in.

It definitely looks better than a simple gradient only background! :3
However, I wasn't aware of that I spent one additional day to figure out a title. This time, everything was ambiguous. It's not clearly from a song, though KOKIA and Akira Yamaoka's melodies contributed a lot. My idea had changed so much that even I myself got lost.
I ended up with the title "Fragmented Reflection", but it's not directly linked to the drawing itself. My girls have their backgrounds, which I hadn't got the time to tell!
After "a literary moment", it was my second time doing a full size background (I think others such as "Marionette Fantasia" don't count as that's mainly a big single object). Full of uncertainty, but it was really fun. Maybe next time when I'm out of drawing ideas, I can remake of existing works to improve both the characters and the background.

God Knows by Suga Shikao

In my high school PE class, for a few weeks we were asked to perform a technique of passing the basketball to the basket, regardless whether or not you love this sport (apparently I don't care it at all and my degree of interest was negative). No matter how many times I see the demo, either I could do with my hands and I couldn't run properly, or I could run but I lost the ball (at that time I even had the impulse to punch my PE teacher on her face, why didn't she just leave those who having no love with the stupid orange ball alone?).
Not only in my high school, I had trauma in all/ PE classes, from elementary school until to the first two years of undergrad, nor I'm a fan of any type of sports so I never watch Olympic games or so. I know my body is poorly coordinated. I can bump into the table/chair/etc edges while seeing it's right in my way (it's strange that I've never hurt myself while handcrafting -- maybe it has nothing to do with body coordination).
-- Hope I can increase my AGL eventually. (´∀`;)
Last words:
Today when I was talking to someone, I got this idea: if I happen to have two (male) cats, I'll call one "Chris" and the other "Leon", similarly, for females one will be "Jill" and the other will be "Ada"!! :3