音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ It's Literally End of Summer!! (・∀・)モエッ

I saw this tweet in the very morning, and liked it so much so I'm embedding it here:
the reason is this. Anyway, he made me want to refeel Higurashi! xD -- Although I don't think I'll actually watch it again. The last time I watch an anime was probably back to this February.

DNS Unlocker? WTF!!

I don't know how. But that annoying thing just made its way onto my working PC. At first I saw the interface of a program running in the system tray. I didn't pay attention and simply assumed it's a junk software came along some free package. I went to control panel and uninstalled it, but the real mess began after. More and more often I got pop-ups/embedded ad's that couldn't be blocked by my only one browser Opera; eventually I noticed the poisonous name appearing beside.
It took a few days when I reached the conclusion that it's a virus/malware/whatever -- I've been quite calm while dealing with such things actually. So I did a quick scan and it detected an unknown bug. Of course I selected to remove it, and even reinstalled Opera. However, seemed this time the crappy bug liked this PC and resisted to go.
As previous uninstallation didn't work, and Opera's extension manager didn't list it, I decided to google for some others' experiences.
-- And quickly learned it's useless.
Most most search results told me to install this or that, which are all a sort of antivirus software. No way! I was already like a cat with flatten ears; if the only thing I could do was to install another sound-like-rubbish-or-even-another-virus "antivirus" program, I'd rather to reinstall the whole OS.
So, before I proceed to the awkward yet effective ultimate resort, I gave myself a last try.
If people, or even Microsoft itself, say that Microsoft Security Essentials isn't that good, I don't care. I've been using it all the time since 2009 and had no security issue (until now?).
To not only maintain my trust toward this program, as well as to not bother with finding/trying/evaluating a third party alternative, this time I gave it a full scan, which I hardly perform (it's not my own computer, so I'm lazy). Again, the same bug was there. It looked like the previous removal request didn't work, or somehow it got a second life. Whatever, I took one more step by looking at the "details".
Perhaps at that moment I knew what to do. It did say "to remove these folders immadiately" with a list of about 7 virus-like directory names, all under "C:\Program Files (x86)". So that's the real reason? I couldn't tell, but I did know how to permanently remove them.
Things afterwards were straightforward. Reboot, re-full-scan (nothing), uninstall and reinstall Opera just in case, and search in registry for "unlocker" just in case (again).
No more installation of unknown programs, no wipe out of OS, no much of hassle, and a happy end.

A Fresh Return

In last month, I tried out Chromixium and wanted to stay with it. But in last Wednesday, I eventually switched back to Linux Mint 17.2.
Hope I'm not like an idiot. orz
A couple of main reasons. 1) I can't make it to get used to an icon free desktop, 2) a better geared up mint should handle more tasks easier, 3) better compatibility, in terms of both soft and hard wares. P.S. the built in colourful icon sets are good!
Yet a few missing goods. 1) the cute icon set, 2) a less demanding running, 3) which is also the most important, a fully functioning fcitx-mozc. It's working on mint, but I can't bring out its settings and have to use ONLY the romaji mode -- I want kana input mode!!
I got Anthy worked with kana mode, but it's not as flexible as mozc (like by typing "kao" you can get tons of kaomoji). u_u
At least, I finally figured out how to separate the most of linux stuff from your home directly so you can switch between different versions. My future updates/try-outs/etc. will be less tiresome as I don't need to copy my stock music/videos any more!
I'm never a real penguin user; I use windows 99% of time. So a kana-less Japanese IME doesn't really hurt. ^^;

Recent Orders

No. 1

A "kamikaze" hachimaki!!
However, it's too wide while using in a normal way. So I decided to use it as a hairband.
No. 2.1

Shimotsukin 10th anniversary Premium box! with her real signature!!! ≧▽≦

And another thing a piano can do nicely~
I initially wanted to make my own rips, but quicked dropped off the idea. There're 6 discs!! I don't want to wait and just hear my disc drive spinning. So I got a digital copy from someone else's rip.. ><''
No. 2.2

For Silent Hill, I'm okay to play EU or NA versions (with a desperate fight against the inverted X and O though), but I can't stand with how Biohazard is titled in non-Japan areas so I keep buying the JP version (thankfully that PS3 discs are region free! <3).
No. 3.1

And really it comes the expected desperate fight for the X and O switch. I'll see... ~_~
There're a few more items will be coming/released shortly, so I'll have a "part 2" when they're all gathered up~

Scattered Small Cuts

- Last week it was mostly smokey, due to the wild fire from the west. I feel so bad for the trees, and nothing else.
- So far, I've managed to handle the basics of C,G,D,A,d minor (let me use it instead of F!!),B♭ and E♭. Surprisingly the one with the lowest compatibility is B♭! I myself don't understand, that how come the skipped over E♭ is easier?! The blessing of Umineko? :3
- Over the past two months, I've been completely owned by my roommate's cat! <333 And I've changed my mind again: I'll have at least two cats in future, and I'll call them Piccolo and Viola. As my mom also wants a dog, s/he will be called Timpani! xDDD
- Today's (wired) internet was even slower than James May! °A°