音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ 根性ひゃくぱー

Like Joachim, I believe I also have 3 phases: normal, yuri/moe and zombie (and if Shadow Hearts series has PS3 digital download version that'll be a definitely buy!). Right now I must be the zombie. No exaggeration, continuing doing that for 10 days made all my bones locked.
>> The trade-off for 100% willpower is, to have 0% of HP left.
If I decide to do something, I'll for most of times complete it quick without much delay, but in contrast, if I leave it behind, no one knows how long it can be.
This applies to what I just did as well. I bought it 5 years ago, and did less than 1%, until last week. I eventually decided to give it a conclusion otherwise I can leave it for another 5 years. So that my tank of willpower was full, which made me rushed to the end in 10 days.
-- and just now I got an email from Animate saying my copy of "wokashi" has been shipped, which means my currently pending drawing is again late (regardless it's like 85% done)! xD;;
But at least I did something.

note: look at the photo's file name ._.
10 days, and I think I'm not slow. I've been leaving my other things aside only for that, and I didn't think I can hold for another week. Maybe it's true for most people, that when you're desperate, your mind may have so many unusual thoughts. During the second half of doing this, my mind wasn't expecting a beautiful piece; instead, I kept thinking, "the butterflies must be extremely poisonous, see these bright colour combinations!"
When I managed to finish everything by 16:00 today, suddenly all my nerve cells began to go hibernation. Now I feel my hands have lost all their sense on how to type on a laptop's keyboard. I know I need a break. Although it's to be ironed, I don't have any more interest to do it, at least not today. More importantly, I get to ask my mum how to iron it as I can't do ironing properly. orz
However, to be honest, the happiest thing after it's done was: I can finally cut my fingernails. I had to keep them or the entangled threads could drive me hysterical.
I'm not going to write much today, my brain is already blank. If there's anything doesn't make sense, that's not my fault. ( _ ) ゚ ゚