音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ Accumulated This and That

This year is definitely warmer, as there's no snow yet, and it's still above zero.
Although a good sign is it's getting colder recently, the stronger wind is also annoying.
While winter is coming, squirrels are preparing for the winter. During this week I've seen so many of them. But too bad I couldn't catch a single good snap. They run so quick and I'm never prepared with my camera for such swift little things.
-- And I must be the type who has a slow metabolic rate, as right now I'm still code cold.

Speaking about code...

↑ Can't stop agreeing with it, and this post made me want to read "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" again. I read it many years ago that I don't remember any details about it. But I do know it's of my interest.
Meanwhile, I tend to get confused between this and Frankenstein; I don't know why.

Milk is never a key item!

Last week I, after a long while (not less than 10 month), was making a castella. Not only that I don't remember anything regarding to the recipe, I even made a mistake while retrieving it from my quick recipe reference stock.
For some reason, I completely ignored the existence of milk. However, it turned out well as normal. And I didn't think there was any difference in terms of the taste as how I baked it before.
Actually, I even didn't realise the lack of milk until about 28 hours after; yet I was thinking that I could finally use up that box of milk and then to get some more fresh earlier on that day.
At least it didn't change the result, maybe I should take milk out of this recipe from now on?

Silent Hill and Shakespeare and German

Continued from my not-ended-yet Silent Hill Zero, I wanted to know more about "The Tempest". I don't deny that Silent Hill made me of more interest of reading his works. Similarly, I ever went through his comedies back to 2000, but I don't have a super brain so I barely remember any of even the main plot, except "The Merchant of Venice", which I read in a simple English version.
Off-topic: Silent Hill's riddles are much more serious than Biohazard. I love the headache 3 weeks fighting with the Shakespeare riddle with Heather in the bookstore! xD
This time, when I got his original "The Tempest", I was like in an endless hole. The old English was such a pain to me that I kept looking up the dictionary (fortunately it's easy on kindle), and quickly forget what they mean... orz But I indeed understood, that why English and German share the same ancestor. Modern English has evolved so much, but modern German still resembles the old English.
A "bad" metaphor, English is the influenza virus and German is the cyanobacteria.

Great News

1. Shimizu Takashi + Kawai Kenji will be involved in Biohazard's 2017 full-CG film!
They're so good at horror films, but I'm also a bit worried (or curious?) how the film will be like. Obviously Biohazard series is transforming from survival horror to action.
2. By a random search today, I found Murakami Haruki's new book is available on amazon.com! I was almost switching my region to Japan in order to buy the kindle edition there. Good thing that I haven't done so.
And, amazon.com's version is also cheaper than amazon.co.jp!
So please also get more of his novels in Japanese for kindle too! Japanese novels have to be read in Japanese! (I know the hope is weak as even amazon.co.jp doesn't have them.)
Moreover, Suga Shikao is releasing his new album in January next year. It may be unexpected that I love his music. In fact, after falling in love with "19-sai", I tried more of his music and thought, "even merely from the title, there's an Murakami Haruki-ish aura". Later on when I learned that he's also a Murakami fan, I was pleased. People who like the same thing will eventually connect somehow. (¯―¯”)

Recent Orders (Cont.)

As I initialised it a month and half ago, I want to give it a conclusion.
Also, I should say this only include my physical purchases -- there's no fun to "photo" digital buys anyway.
No. 3.2
-- used copy from ebay, remember to disinfect it with ethanol!

I insist that the HOMECOMING cover looks like Harry Potter, although I fell asleep during the first time watching its first film and never touched that series again.
No. 4 & 6
Alto x Soprano

I have trouble reaching the last hole with my 4th finger (of course on the alto)! (´Д⊂ヽ
No. 5
Shikata Akiko -- wokashi

No. 7
Japanese confection and other straps.

Cute is justice. (´・ω・`)
By the way, the Nyan-plug isn't for me, so I didn't unpack it.
No. 8
Just arrived yesterday, Corpse Party -BLOOD DRIVE-

Because lots of CP fans didn't give it a positive critique, I got the physical copy instead of the digital download, as I might want to sell it in future, although not that likely...
It's not the end yet, but will end soon!!
P.S. I was trying to make a record on last Monday but eventually I failed. As I was on gaming mode again.
The secret to play a RPG with a 200% enjoyment is to get a good walkthrough site for the gears and avoid being spoiled. Different from that I like to count my deaths in survival horror, I never want to die in a RPG battle. :3