音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ Yayoi comes and goes

While being much less productive recently, It's already the end of March!! °A° -- Wish I can restore the "normal" status soon.

Time for a style change ~なのです☆

I almost wasted $10 per month out of all the impulse to subscribe PS CC. Although it's still acceptable, I don't feel like I really want it -- after 10 years of use, I still don't even know how to do pen-pressure-supported outlining with the pen tool -- and it can't be helped as I'm no pro so an easy to use program is the best than an over-powerful one. I'm always having problem with outlining in PS and wished there's a way to improve. Fortunately, after browsing casually I noticed someone's comparison between many drawing programs, and Clip Studio Paint drew my attention.
- The very first, it recognises my Surface stylus (by SONY) without driver installation, and there was no hassle at all with my Ugee tablet driver (2011 version). I couldn't get any of them working in SAI paint tool at all.
- It has a big enough set of pens/brushes/etc, not like PS, even pencil supports pressure from the tablet (of course in PS it's alternatively achieved by playing with brush settings, but doing such settings is tiresome), and I simply love the pen tool!!
- Paint bucket has a gap close function, which means I don't need to spend time on connecting non crossing-over lines while worrying about taking a balance between different line qualities after applying such "line-patches".
- If lines are drawn in vector mode, it's only one click to remove extra lines after the cross-over point -- no more trouble to lasso+eraser/del+balancing (like what just mentioned above).
- The line has a more nature feeling (in terms of pen pressure and strokes) than those from default PS brushes.
- Compatible with PSD and supports big PSD files (SAI doesn't support over 10k px, although I don't really need it it's still not neat).
- Has all my mostly used filters/balancing settings/blur effects/etc.
- Tools/Panels/Short-cuts are fully customisable.
- It's cheap(er than 1-year office personal subscription)!
Drawbacks (although none is really serious):
- RGB code only, no HEX mode. Not very convenient as it's harder to remember 3 numbers at a time comparing with the 6-character HEX code.
- I can't buy the Japanese version as I don't have a Japanese credic card (I merely just love the JP interface).
I can live well without Office, but I for sure need a good painting program.
Moreover, this is exactly what I've been dreaming for!! Yet I'm not getting it. I'd rather spend less money to buy a few mirrors. ^^;
-- A flag for "remaster", not "remake"! xDD;

Meditation -- 曖昧すぎて分からないです

If possible, I turn off the light (or do things to make the room dark) and close my eyes each time when I listen to Dvořák's "Dumky" (and each time I exclaims how "eroi" it is!).
When the whole piece ends and returns to silence, I feel like waking up from a sleep, refreshed and pleasant. However, I absolutely assure I never fall asleep as I know every single note is entering into my inner mind.
So what is such unfamiliar feeling? Recently the word "meditation" began to linger around.
I never do Yoga. Even on my first try, I couldn't stop laughing because of some funny motions. I don't care how good people say it is, seems both my mind and body refuse it. But I do know meditation. A girl told me she ever fell asleep even though you're not supposed to really sleep during meditation (I guess!).
In my case, as I don't fall asleep, can I therefore assume my experience is, or somehow similar, to meditation?
-- I've read the definition of meditation on wikipedia in 3 languages but I still don't get what the text means... orz

N stands for Intuition

As an INTJ, I shall believe my intuition.
I shall have been aware of this so that I could save some money and time on "limbo".
-- Right, I don't want to write the title all in Caps like how it's designed as I don't want to make it standing out from all text in this post too much.
After my first time clear, I had COMPLETELY ZERO feeling. Nothing. Like reading an ad board in the train.
For the overall ambience and settings, I do admit this is a well-done game, but like the yoga case, I myself have problem to accept it under my standards. It's hard to explain, but it doesn't change the result, that I don't like it. The end, no more words.
Well, maybe the only good point for me is that, to see a boy dying endlessly makes me feel better than a girl.
Thus following my intuition, I shall not do "Gochi-Usa". No matter how Moe it is, the genre doesn't suit me. Anime will be enough.
More about my recent games to end 2016's March:
↓↓↓ what an unfair characteristic!!! (。>﹏<。)