音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ The eroi-est laughing and the kakkoi-est singing

Walking BGM and April

Maybe it's someday in March, I found "Hyakki Yakou" is so good for walking (the brisk Orgel version from "Ato no Matsuri", neither the original vocal nor the original orgel arrangement). The tempo exactly fits my walking speed (won't fit any more if it's a little faster), and simply makes me happy.
However, the daytime temperature is around 15 recently. Walking at this pace in such a summer-ish day is unpleasantly hot.
In the sense of that it's April, this is also a perfectly good BGM: April 1st -> Watanuki -> xxxHOLiC..
↑ isn't that otaku to understand, I assume.


I hardly take screen shots on cell phone (checking my scrcap folder, my previous phone screen shot was taken 2+ years ago. °A°;), and thus, I just learned how to take one on my Xperia Arc running Ice Cream Sandwich (yes, in last Feb. since I upgraded it I haven't taken any screen shot).

She looks smart in this shot! and sadly my smart-phone now gives a sharp quality difference between its built-in icons and the photo itself. (But I had no time at that moment to fetch my camera already).
-- Still Xperia Arc. Maybe at the time when I actually change my phone, Z10 is already available.

Capcom... Cup-con?!

I didn't know that she (my highschool classmate) loves collecting cups (she definitely has cup-complex), while I have zero interest in it (if possible, I'd like to collect more exciting things, like shotguns... xD;;). So of course I barely buy cups, unless the current ones are broken.
But I just bought a new one, although none of current cups have any damage.
↓ Japanese abbr.: 救スプ

NOT an item for cosplay. It's a real bottle, which can keep warm for 6 hours. 270 ml. If lining up with a regular compressed air can, they're of similar sizes.
While I did my best to not use it in BIO2/3/Veronica, as a newbie holding one of this (or some herbs) indeed encouraged me a lot!
Even though they sometimes make the rank down, I still love them~~<3

The eroi-est laughing and the kakkoi-est singing

The eroi-est laughing @ 4:31
The kakkoi-est singing @ 13:33
By the way, "Rose and the Old Castle of Twilight" has got a playable trailer on Mar. 31. I'm so glad it's not using the tricky but not can sometimes be extremely irritating touch screen. But since the trailer doesn't support save and I'm already stuck near the 2nd blood memory, I'll save the real fun to Apr. 26~

Black holes are cool!

-- Although I don't know much about it "physically"..