音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ 科学とか妄想とか…

↑ という訳で、「Steins;Gate」を買ったばかりとはいえ、最近の私は完全に「流行り神」にハマっている。
ナタリアちゃんには悪いけど、完成することはいろいろで来週に決められたのです←現時点ではもう95%以上ができたとかかわらずにね ^^;
"People fear because they don't understand." The words from Shimizu Takashi's "Marebito" engraved in my mind. In fact, that film itself to me is more of a "egui type" rather than a Juon-ish horror so I didn't like it at all -- Thanks to that, I didn't want to buy tomato for a short while after watching it (I though I was resistant to that kind of things though).
But I liked that quote, as it did convince me.
I'm a fan of horror games, but I'm clear that I'm not fearless. Some people around me don't get the point, insisting a game should be for relax. I give up describing that indeed I seek for the kind of thrill and thus like this genre. Of course, I never want to put myself into the same situation in the real life. I might be a zombie already if the Raccoon incident really occurs. Be honest to myself, I sometimes still get afraid to be in the dark, unless I'm absolutely sure there's no any suspicious things. Nonetheless, I'm not the type who can't differentiate between the reality and the made-up.
"If gods or spirits or fairies or ghosts really exist, I'd be happy to have a look." Like people who believe such, I'm of the other group. Everything can be explained, from the formation of the universe to the mechanism of human's mind, as well as supernatural. We call that supernatural is because at the current point, there's no other valid deduction -- these mysterious terms are merely temporary placeholders.
Researchers are amazing, regardless the field of interest. The the conception of time, the development of a fertilised egg, or the sensation of carnivorous plants... a few days ago I was also surprised by how beautifully the 9 segments of a lemon was distributed. Such are definitely so much more challenging than giving a lecture in computer programming. It's better to be an outsider while trying to understand something. Since there is no way to jump out of the universe, no wonder mysterious or occult routes are one of the favoured choices.
Any way, I'm bad at describing how my mind works and turn it into words, I'm also not patient to read classic volumes from our great ancients -- Essentially I mean I don't know what I've been writing!! I simply like to let my thoughts expand, and suddenly return to the real world I belong to.
-- Thinking is fun, chasing and printing out my brain wave aren't!

↑ Almost a tea corner. Hope they are better than those I tried last time.