音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ ゴリ押し?じゃないかも

I never imaged I could make this far back to this February. Just hear the so-called "nightmare mode" made my heart hurt. Plus I had absolutely zero experience in SLG, when I actually cleared the "hard mode", I felt like a pink elephant...
However, the mighty search engine and so many kind people who are both skilful and willing to share their experiences gave me hope.
↓ finally!

I cleared KanColle -kai- on the nightmare difficulty!!
And I dare to say, that I still don't quite understand how to properly arrange my fleet, combine gears for extra bonus, or control the air -- even after 6 rounds (easy-normal-hard-easy-very hard-nightmare) of play. orz
In this sense, I'm indeed better in survival/action horror, as I don't have to worry about such (and I just did a little Veronica -- my hands naturally switched into the "radio control mode", and I didn't have a hard time to recall how it controls << I need to point it out as I didn't play any of this type since February~ -w-).
Back to KanColle, not touch any systematic issue, the game content itself is quite addictive, otherwise I'd give up long time ago.
I remember I had to try a few times to beat the final boss on all other difficulties, but still all yielded an acceptable result (= game clear by my own arrangement), but in nightmare, I ended up quitting the normal attacting way and went off to take a sort of unfair shortcut.
Lots of player had said, most fleets in the final maps can't attack submarines, so a submarine-only fleet can get to the boss without a scratch. With some luck, they just need to launch torpedoes and escape, and then you get a B-rank victory.

↑ I have only 4 submarines!! (and I forgot to repair 401, so the 3-HP loss of her wasn't due to the enemy fleet.)
Whatever, fair or unfair, I'm glad it's over now.

See, I haven't even unlock the other two final areas. I don't like this nightmare world that's crazily demanding on enemy-searching.
and I never care about Kashima. REALLY. I don't understand why she's so popular. Meanwhile, I didn't find training ships are that helpful (of course I did read wiki before reaching this conclusion!).
Speaking of less helpful ships...
Yamato. Regardless the history (I'm terrible at history), in this game, I found she's completely useless... consumes much, yet can't even make a big hit in spite of her "displaying" high attack. Also, as there're both high-speed and low-speed battleships, I didn't see much reason to use the low-speed ones.
That so many RPGs have told me, speed is important!
In addition, the ship that I hate most is...
Akashi, when she tells me "the upgrading failed" with a nothing-happened-face!! °A°#
My last round, see how many ships I can eventually collect (I give up Kashima in my collection), I chose the "normal" mode as I've got enough in harder modes. Taking a glance of my main force...
I must be a chastity-less admiral... LOL
In contrast, in actual RPGs I tend to freeze my party members.
For example...

These for are my forever party members (if possible I'd like to take Sophie off though). -- Taken after I beat the strongest boss literally "shadow of oblivion" on despair mode with field-level-5.
Only gears can't make it through, as this bast*rd hits/heals much higher than each round's total damage.
So they are necessary, really, but digging them out took me months (sparsely playing).
As a memory, other items/gears are linked here~

The quality-999 philosopher's stone~ (didn't try to turn it red as I didn't need it.)
~The end~