音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ ToraYagi∞∞

At the very, very beginning, let me say it otherwise I won't have a chance to switch topic:
Happy holidays and enjoy the time being a NEET~ (ヽ´ω`)
About the title:
ToraYagi (= TigerGoat) = TrYaGain = Try Again.
I was already spoiled through the OST of Biohazard: Code Veronica, so I was never surprised while seeing Steve's end. Anyway, the real men in Biohazard series are Chris, Leon and Wesker! xD
Continued from last time, I finally cleared this game this morning.
↓ my "shinning" record:

I never complain about my playing rank -- I bet the actual death/continue count would go over 100 (remember my 2-hour boss fight!).
Until last night, I suddenly realised who's the guy on the game start screen:

I apologise! I'm too used to your muscle build in bio5. ^^;
Chris' turn indeed graded up the game difficulty. Not mentioning the earthworm we all know well from bio3, our beloved leader Wesker soon unlocked my biggest trauma: hunters. And yet two types this time, while one of them can poison you! Σ(゚Д゚)
At least we now remember the importance of blue herbs... (I didn't use it at all in bio3 by the way.)
But really shotgun is my romance (I love it over magnum). Two shots make hunters down, then plus a few knife stabs Chris can make them through with no damage. Maybe you'll laugh, but I don't know how to aim a single monster properly with a submachine gun (and they occupy two item slots).
Eventually I made my way to the Antarctic base (every one in this game is resistant to being frozen). Right beside the Antarctic mansion, Capcom staff gave us a nostalgic feeling of bio1: the blue room + a statue, the tiger + 2 gems, and even the interior of the 1F hall.
And here it began my another endless retrying = Claire's struggle with the crystal ball (which took me at least 30 minutes), and escape (I didn't know I should run or fire) from the "reborn Steve", followed by Chris' mini last-boss fight = Alexia (no matter how I think she's like a fire-magician). I was surprised that 10 shotgun shells made it, but before that I got my neck twisted twice just because her hands reached me.
When biohazard became such a instant-killing game?? ~_~
The most amazing thing was, the final boss didn't make me headache. I almost misunderstood Wesker was the real final boss but there's no reason for him to die (think about bio5!).
Now I could believe that all biohazard final bosses are supposed to be finished by a sort of special weapon, like a rocket launcher in "1" and "2", the rail canon in "3", and the thing (forgot its name...) in "Veronica". As a result, I haven't used the magnum for even one single time, and due to my early stage worry about ammunition, I managed to die and retry survive with a combat knife.
Later on, all walkthroughs I've found mentioned this game was harder than most others in this series. While obtaining S rank seemed impossible for me, maybe I should aim for unlocking Wesker in the extra mini game.
-- But now I'm going to start bio4 (Leon <3)~

❅ ~The Most Unfriendly Bio~

In the day with shortest daytime, I got my longest "nightmare" -- A boss who can be dealt with less than 7 rifle bullets cost me 2 hours to fight. It's 2x times longer than the Seven-Lucky-Gods I just did recently in Shadow Hearts II. Not because of it's HP-rich, but simply due to Capcom was too demanding I didn't know how to shoot without an auto-aim (I'm now worrying about how I could make through biohazard 4+).
Since the event was triggered after I got the rifle, I believed it would be the silver bullet for the coming boss fight. I knew I was supposed to shoot the boss' heart, but I didn't know how to aim properly while dodging his attacks. So during the 2 hours, I lost count of my death-time: retry > "attempt" to shoot > out of bullets OR got slapped and fall off from the platform (= instant death).
↑↑↑ Biohazard -Code Veronica-, the Antarctic poisonous boss (and as usual I never know the real name of any enemy).
Meanwhile, this game is probably the meanest game I've done so far. Thus in this post, the topic is my gameplay experience.
-- No images, as I couldn't take screen shots.
I almost missed the combat knife in the very first map area. In the little square after graveyard, I got lost and went back and forth, and eventually found the door after 20 minutes. Then, entering the building with metal-sensitive security boxes, I got confused again and spent another 20 minutes to figure out what I was supposed to do. orz
Up to this point, I already sent Claire to heaven for at least 3 times. So at the early stage, I got my first impression that this bio was so unfriendly.
-Iron Bridge-
A straight path, but why the wooden box wasn't burnt up by the flame? :p
I encountered the "crow" enemy in this place = bats. Walk, no quick turn, and everything should be fine. There were lots of unopened doors with either silver or gold signs: I knew I would forget which one was what very quick! While in the other side it was the airport, and my hunch told me it could be the last area I should go in this game.
Again, unopened doors with this or that sign, plus some card readers. Since when did Biohazard become a memory-game?! When I was anxious to go further due to the lack of save points/herbs, the following save point led me to the first boss(-ish) fight.
Boss = enemy you have to get rid off. But the golden thing with a stretchable rubber hand just died after being shot for ~8 times.
↑ At that moment, I never knew that kind of thing would reappear again and again.
-Private Residence-
Checking the items whenever you get stuck. That's how I opened secretary's room. The music box passcode cost me for 1 hour as I kept thinking I was supposed to see it opening rather than read the digits directly. Soon, the golden thing broke the glass... to be honest, it's much less terrifying compared to the scene when a licker breaking the glass in bio2.
I was then led to the mansion of the psycho bro-and-sis (I love the BGM though). Their music box pair indeed bothered me a lot. While looking for the red/blue-ants, I was completely lost and wandered for another 1 hours.
-Part I last boss-
Which was our friend Mr. T! and was even weaker than bio1.
I thought Mr. T was the final boss of the entire story, but it didn't make sense as the gameplay was way too short. I fought hard during the battle in the plane, yet soon realised I didn't have to fight at all...
And in the cutscene, I realised there are some handgun bullets under the tank. ^^;
-The Freezer-
Claire, although you said you preferred Hawaii, Capcom staff sent you to The Antarctic.
Regardless how the moth made me feeling sick, I redid this area because I missed the assault rifle in the weapon storage. Some shotgun shells also indicated the gun would sometime show up (shotgun = my romance <3).
Before I figured out how to get the shinning attaché case together with the zombie in the diamond-cutter room, it was the time for the third boss fight. In the very first round, I sillily used up the assault rifle, and wanted to retry. And everything else can now get connected to the beginning of this post~
The boss made me fight for 2 hours. How the game judges whether or not you're targeting the boss' heart was confusing me. At least I somehow made it, and immediately saved my progress -- I won't let it turning to a double-nightmare!

❈ Someone tell me why it's called "Shadow Hearts"?

Too much RPG recently!! ∑(゚Д゚)
Without any risk(?), I've smoothly cleared Shadow Hearts II last night. I've got my lesson from Shadow Hearts I, so this time, my saves were separated, and while not being spoiled in terms of the story, I've found a well written guide site to save me some time. Thus I have to apologise to the staff that I had zero intention to figure out their riddles or find a way out of the maze dungeons myself -- I do think they were well designed. I'd do it in a horror game but I can't focus in a RPG as you're forced to fight--or to flee--every a few steps. u_u
An impatient RPG player's conclusion: a non-story-spoiling guide is absolutely necessary! The total time of SH2 with playing guide was more than four times compared to the time I spent on SH2.... Silent Hill 2 completely on my own! To think how long it would take to finish the game with no help makes me headache...
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:**・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:*
Time for some gameplay thoughts:
Again, like everyone who played this series said, the stories are really good. SH2 was even a little shocking for both of its endings. It bothered me a lot last night about Kallen's ending. The photo in her hand indicated (based on the hairstyle) she became Uru's mother (=Anne)?! In game it did mention that Uru's name was also his mother's first love's name, which makes sense. But isn't Anne a Russian? And why Kallen still wears the orange outfit? I'm so confused! xD
In the bad ending, what drove Uru to have Roger Bacon to become his father? Althought he's a joyful mysterious being. Well, think in another way, the worldline was changed so this Roger was not that Roger any more... Impossible. It's not Steins;Gate!!
They say the final bosses in Ar Tonelico II were the ones that people don't want to fight, I indeed enjoyed it a lot mainly because Akiko's EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. I-II blowed up all my other feelings (and I do think Nenesha is annoying..). While Kato was the final boss that I don't want to fight at all. The boss BGM was excellent though.
However, since I spent over 1 hour to fight the 30K HP boss: Seven-Lucky-Gods. The final boss and his familiar spirits lost their standing completely. After the 30K boss fight, everything was like a joke. ^^;
↓ 1 hour!!! ( ̄д ̄)エー

top: play time before fighting the 30K HP boss.
bottom: play time after the fight and a quick event.
The top save slot is also my never-change main party. I love girls, but for lots of reasons I don't feel like to use any of the SH2 girls. If they could turn Yoshiko to a magic girl I (and Blanca) will be happy. (・ω・)
At last, Joachim was such a fun guy!! (ヽ´ω`)
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:**・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:*
Speaking of magic girls. It was too late when I realised the colours I eventually chose for "Perfect Pitch" resembled someone in a magic girl anime...
I retried so many times to either fine-tune or start over for an overall balance, and never thought the ribbon's colour caused the most problem. Maybe I should have drawn a bow tie instead (too bad it's too late). At first I used series of pale colours, and soon changed my mind.
The result of using saturated hues reminded me "her" in an anime -- at least my daughter's hair isn't golden. ↓

"Perfect Pitch" -- I wish I had it.
Since I hardly draw background/props myself, this time I was more excited while drawing the magic circle as usual~ and actually there is a cello version (which certainly means the heroine is...) but I'm afraid I can't make it until next year -- regardless the draft was done in early November.. ._.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:**・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:*
↓ My favourite scene in Shadow Hearts II

❈ Get your hands dirty, Get your soul dark!

First, I confess I was supposed to write this post before this Monday but my mind went somewhere else...
Second, I confess the only thing I can do in PHP is "include", yet it doesn't prevent to DIY my site on my own as I have my best servant Mr. Camel. (/・ω・)/
Last, I confess one of the main reasons to reconstruct my site was I always wanted a feature that is not available in any blogging services I've checked:

↑ Using a 27-hour clock!
I bet not that many people wish such a feature for their blogs, and that's why it's never available.
"If there's nothing else can do it for you, make one yourself."
I like this quote quite a lot, which was from the tadpole book--where I got my primary knowledge in Perl.
Not a bad idea, but obviously I needed more knowledge especially in Perl/CGI and MySQL -- although not a pro, I could handle most HTML/CSS related tasks so they were not included.
I did consider learning PHP and use that to make my site, but based on a quick google search, Perl apparently is the Swiss army knife among all scripting languages -- also since browsing traffic doesn't affect a personal site, the pros in PHP's performance won't stand out -- why not learn just one for everything?
I'm not going to say more about how much I appreciate learning it, but it indeed tasted much more delicious compared the learning of HTML/CSS~ Meanwhile, I have a little experience in Visual FoxPro => to intake some MySQL as well as combining it to Perl DBI wasn't a real problem (also because I'm not asking to be a pro!).
That left out CGI, the only area I've never entered before, which was also the area that connected all other branches. Taking certain information from the database, split them into different categories (in this case, years) and then output to the HTML template -- I sillily assigned my first code to be this "archiv.cgi" (no, it's never a typo, archiv refers to Archiv! :3), and struggled the rest of night to stitch every single piece in demand together. Luckily it was just a bittersweet (not spicy) experience; when everything was working as desired, that's where the sweetness came out.
I feel like the entire progress was like a RPG. You train yourself, gain powerful gears, and can fight through until you beat the final boss. The battle, of course, make people lose their sanity. I could tell my Psycho-Pass must be very cloudy soul must be as dark as the sky around 4 AM... (;´∀`).
And probably the only thing retains my current colour was that the cashier I met in the grocery store said to me "I love your hair". Thanks! I love it too~
Although it's a little different. Amano Tohko doesn't wear glasses.. xD
And before I finish, why DIY a site turns me dark?
Wordpress.com's help page has the hint:

If using a pre-made site kit gets your hands dirty, building up everything from scratch has to get your soul dark!
~The End~

♧ Pile-Up Digestion

(So many things happened recently that I couldn't find a single slot to write something!)

This or that loose ends

  1. my MP decreased like mad 2 weeks ago due to that I had to grade piles of lab reports (while the greatest moment is to assign a 0, which in return increased my MP a little bit ^^;).
  2. my HP decreased moderately 1 week ago due to ... some reason I didn't know. My left eye suddenly striked and I had to poi-jun myself in order to make it happy. The potion I got contains "Conium maculatum", and you're not supposed to use it for more than 72 hours. So I wondered what will happen if injecting this into someone's body.... I know my mind is losing control... (;´∀`)
  3. yet my inner dark soul was already nuclear-powered due to Psycho-Pass 2. The Psycho-Pass without Ishida and the old man. But since Yayoi is adorable I'll accept it and keep following. My little wish here is Ginoza could put on his glasses back (it can't be helped that I love men with glasses! ><). Finally, at the end of season I, I thought HaruMika Shimotsuki would be a new shinning star, but in season II, if she falls off quick (or get Uro-butchered), I won't mind. :3
Seems it has become my habit: to start something completely off from what I'm supposed to write. However, since there're lots of things got accumulated it would be better if I continue being off-topic here and correct my orbit next time.

Fate/Stay Night -- Shiro go away! °д°

It's snowing outside. Following my logic, it'd be perfect if I go with some "snowy" music (more exactly, Mozart's K617 part II). But since I just started watching the newest Fate Stay Night, I decided to spend my evening with Kenji Kawai's NHK release vol 3.
Speaking of Fate, Kenji Kawai is the first name comes into my mind. So I was quite disappointed during Fate Zero (yet I somehow "loved the Ishida character"), while now I've decided I won't bother any more. Although the good thing is I can save some of my disk space for the OST, I still want to say:
I miss Kenji's timpani!!
By the way, before when I was doing Ar Tonelico III, I kept getting confused between Aoto and Emiya, but now, I couldn't stop seeing illusion of Aoto while hearing Emiya speaking! lol
-- Ayako Kawasumi's voice is so clear and lovely~ seeing she staying with the useless Shiro makes me angry..

Shadow Hearts may win Silent Hill in terms of how ugly the monsters are

I was doing Silent Hill Zero, but recently, I realised my interest in this specific game was decreasing. It's not because SH0 was developed by a different group of people, I just couldn't get used to the reversed X and O buttons and there's no option to change it, e.g. use extra health drinks, or lost control during battles (I know my Agi. is not high! ~_~)
I might leave SH0 in future, but now I need some break. So I switched to "Shadow Hearts". The only thing I knew about the game before playing was Yoshitaka Hirota and Akiko Shikata and nothing else. But since a lot of people said that's a good game which made a reason for me to have a try.
You are allowed to name the party members, which was fun, and confusing afterwards when you read others' comments/guides/etc. (like, "is there a character with this name!?" ^^;).
My party members:
  • The "dark" guy: いつき (Itsuki from Siren 2)
  • The "light" girl: カナエ (Kanae from Siren 2)
  • The "fire" sorcerer: 百目鬼遥 (Doumeki Haruka from xxxHOLiC -- the other type of the kanji "haruka" wasn't available in game so I used this one...)
  • The "water" spy: Yuuko (Ichihara Yuuko from xxxHOLiC -- and for some reason I didn't use kanji)
  • The "earth" vampire: ルイス・セラ (Luis Sera from biohazard 4)
  • The "wind" boy: ベン (Ben Bertolucci from biohazard 2)
Great, 3 pairs = 6 characters from two horror games and one not-a-horror anime!
Meanwhile, there're quite a lot of spots that you can poke in, how the staff named the characters and some monsters, some "stupid" conversations, some special "motions" of a few skills (I mean Maiki's "the death game" -_-''), and the from-fantasy-to-SF story transition. The story was indeed good, but the gameplay experience wasn't that pleasant. First, I basically fail at the hitting-area battle system (again I'm aware of my Agi is low!), and I especially hate the charging-ring (don't remember what that's called in game) that usually make me retry for 3-5 times. Second, for the cutscenes, the BGM volume is too loud and voices are too low where there's no subtitle so I sometimes had no idea what's going on (at least they should make a movie gallery so I can reply)...
Also, the monsters are so ugly and disgusting (including Itsuki's own fusion monsters, turning me speechless). If let me choose which is more unpleasant between monsters from Shadow Hearts and Silent Hill (both can be shortened to S.H.!), I'd say the former. In Silent Hill, it's always so dark that you don't really know how the monsters look like, and you may not have the time to look at them since no one wants to get killed while staring at them. Whereas in case of Shadow Hearts, during your turn you'll have enough time to observe them or even sketch them if desired...
It's my habit to use the same file while saving as what I do in survival horror. Obviously I completely forgot it's a RPG, which you might resume at any point, so all my saves went to the same file. I did hard to clear this game, and I got the bad end. Fine, as I don't like to leave a game until I see the good/true end. So I'll do it again, with a complete guide, from the very beginning -- I just told how I made the saves... >///<
It's getting long (as I expected) so I'll 'last;' for now and resume tomorrow (or during this weekend). Finally I can work on my next draft (done 2 weeks ago)!~

♤ Triple-Time Imagination

(This post was supposed to be written 10 days ago but a lot happened during these past days and I get to begin with a not-that-important-but-I-still-wish-to-bring-it-up topic...)
Every time when we're publishing with coloured figures, a dispute between my boss and me happens regarding to the colour scheme. However, I know I get to restrain myself not to produce images following my own colour sensation. Scientific figures are not focusing on to be moe artistic (although it's not bad). I'm tired to argue with people who are somehow colourblind. So I follow whatever you desired and make you happy and avoid the useless discussion -- anyway, there's nowhere saying the person who made the pictures was me, which makes me relieved.
Yet I just don't understand why he dislikes orange... I can still remember the very exciting moment when I discovered how pleasant it is to put purple and orange together, when I was 6 or 7-ish.
✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡✿ฺ ♡✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡
So now, let me leave it and go back to the main topic.
Back to 10 days ago, my brain had completely no response to it -- and I couldn't really blame it as it was after spending "that" many hours working on another visualisation.

I eventually titled it "Marionette Fantasia", a song by GARNET CROW, which was also the melodic motif of it. Seems I haven't got anything based on their songs before as Akiko/Noriko/KOKIA/etc have occupied my power of delusion (think carefully again I did have one, but I'd prefer not to tell what exactly it is as it's considered as of my dark history). Though I could tell the truth was that right before I started sketching up, there was not a single tune at all. 10 days ago, it was the ghostly period (I mean Halloween), so my initial idea was simply for that only, and had another completely different (I'd say much crazier) setup. Yet human's brain is so complicated that it may go too fast that ignite something else and leave the original idea light-years behind.
Perhaps the only common thing between this and my old ideas was some (not too many) halloween-ish elements. -- I should actually visualise my initial idea in next year (I won't forget as it's in my google-keep~).
The song "Marionette Fantasia" is really full of triggers to my imagination. Since the first time I heard it various pieces of illusions were flying around in my mind. Even "worse", they were not merely static images, as the music flows, all the scenes came together and became a short film. I really have the motivation to make it through but it's such a shame that I don't know how to make a film at all (not mentioning drawing every single frame and record them in sequence of course).
Therefore, sadly I had to stick to the static. Yet on the other hand, it saves me time (compared to making a real film) so I was able to spend more energy on the total makeup. Although for most times I tend to use copyright-free images if they fit well, it's not the case this time. To deal with a proper background, I looped that song for a few hours. I couldn't pay no attention to the repeating motif words: "time/midnight/clock hands/etc". This was probably how I ended up with this special pocket watch.

I did struggled on the pattern of the clock face. From blank white to working gears to the current silhouette. I attempted to apply something like "The Nutcracker", but soon switched to "Alice in Wonderland" as the related symbols are easier to be recognised. (My secret words here: at first, the entire clock face was designed to be black-white only and very solid, but after I tried dyeing all these elements with different hues, I couldn't stop to give it a softer tone).
and now I want such a watch...
-- Speaking of "Alice in Wonderland", Katakiri Rekka's "幻想廃人 (Gensou Haijin)" was another song that came up in my mind. Its "Pray of happiest pianist." version was awesome (piano arrangement only, I prefer the original sining voice as well as the sound effects). I actually considered integrating some "dark materials" while making the clock, but eventually I didn't -- what I've done just didn't match with any kind of dark stuff! xD
The general file dimension back to 2006 when I just started to use a tablet was around 2000px, but now to have a file like 10k x 7k isn't rare any more.
I could have used AI to make such a clock with lots of standard shapes, but I was confused by merging different shapes to create a single irregular object and I stayed with PS (I got go back to PS anyway to apply effects). The final file size, solely contained the clock, was over 200M.

my currently biggest file!
From the birth to the development, now I believe I could write great variations if I knew how to compose~
✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡✿ฺ ♡✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡
At last, something more off topic!
1. While seeing this huge map in Silent Hill Zero, I was in despair...

Doing biohazard, there's no need of a map since the 2nd time play, but in Silent Hill, a map always saves your life even at the 5th time...
My miserable sense of direction... ~_~
(Although to me, SH0 is harder than any of 1/2/3/4 only because I couldn't change the button config while it has the damn reversed X and O button settings.. orz)

↑Leon was so irony!!
Just finished watching Biohazard Regeneration/Damnation, which confirmed my decision to do biohazard 6 (regardless lots of people saying it's bad) -- Because Leon is there, I gotta do it! <3
The 3D movies were great, with lots of familiar cutscenes I've seen in game (although together with many conflicts in terms of settings I wanted to butt in). They are much, much better than those live action movies, at least the "true" image of each character in this entire series got maintained. Leon is Leon, he can't be acted by any one else.
It's true that people in biohazard are all supermen. I mean, a normal person will definitely die (or have a few bones broken) after being tossed for multiple times against the ground/wall by the section head (which is the nick name of >>) Tyrant... ^^;

❋ Sorry, but going with me you won't be saved

(I'm now really depressed) x 1000;
Exactly the same feeling I got right after clearing Silent Hill 3 in last April and Silent Hill 2 in last August--the special Silent-Hill-styled depression.
Yet I indeed love it.
Think about it again, tonight, I spent around 1 hour to finish my last portion of Silent Hill 4, and the aftermath was, I was turned down for another 2 hours.
Silent Hill is so awesome! (゚д゚)ウマー
Continued from last time, the most exciting hospital stage was right after the 1st apartment.
ただし、私はこの病院にがっかりしてます。だって、短すぎて全然怖くないもん!( ̄д ̄)エー ↑Completely disappointed by this hospital, which was too short and wasn't scary at all!
The otherworld hospital in Silent Hill 3 rocks so much that nothing else has a chance.
But the "male nurses" (don't know their official name so just let me keep using my nicknames here) did make me feeling bad. (their voice... and I won't spoil too much here.. ._.)
↓just this hospital's mascot~

And soon at some point, I realised that I was eventually betrayed by my room--I actually panicked for quite a while → "My HP isn't recovered anymore! Is it a bug?!"

I love this spiral stairway a lot. The ambience is so unique and eerie.
More and more health drinks told me it wasn't a bug.
When I entered the subway again, I met the first "living dead" Cynthia (who I have zero interest). However, the cutscene when she appears, I couldn't stop thinking she's actually Kayako (from Ju-on).

↑back to that time I didn't know I sould use power sword to stop her, so I did it much later in the final stage..

Like the spot in SH3 where frightened me for 5 minutes by just standing there and doing nothing due to the fear toward the coming boss... (I mean this scene).

The depression is getting stronger and stronger by looking at the candles...

The "DEAD SPACE" (I game-over-ed for at least 5 times) ← fighting with 5 quick moving male nurses with only an axe--it's my fault! → perhaps the only place where a handgun works.

Let me say, isn't this a Heart of the Land (大地の心臓) that you can see in Ar Tonelico 2? lol
(saw this thing at the opening movie, and it kept bothering me during the entire period of SH4 ^^)
Sadly again, this last boss, I at first had completely no idea how to fight, that you have to use that thing (I frankly want to ask Mr. Sunderland why the hell you kept that... how many normal people would do that, and does it smell like formaldehyde? (゚д゚)!) in the very front of the huge stuff, otherwise it doesn't work. Also, for first time players, isn't it too harsh to finish this boss in time?
And of course I restarted 3 times (with the help of a superb fight guide -_-).
で、さんざん頑張ったあげく、私一人しか生き残っていなかった… I'm the only person who survived until the end--I tried but failed!

Ending credits, "Cradel Of Forest" echoes in my mind, with the only screen shot without any noise throughout this two week round trip.
At last,
my shinning results (see, even this has noise!):

And the most shinning part is... the 463 kills. (゜_゜>) 私、もう黒化してますかも…
Missed Joseph's last letter, I want to cry... ._.
I know that Silent Hill hates me! I've never got over 60/100 in ANY of SH1/2/3/4!! Q_Q
Some quick thoughts about this game overall:
  • Henry is a tough guy~ <3
  • Otherworld is less-seasoned compared to SH1/2/3.
  • The hospital stage is a big disappointment.
  • Although not that mighty scary like Mr. Pyramid, James May The Coat-Guy is stressful (especially the water-prison stage << his footsteps!!! ><).
  • The story/setup is great yet I'd like to see more details in game.
  • Handgun and magnum are rubbish, for general playing, first half = pipe, and second half = axe.
  • The corrosion induced by the old doll is the most disgusting (I've been deceived once, and will NEVER take that again!).
  • Some hidden items require the highest ranking, which is too harsh.
  • The map is auto-created, which is kinda boring (I love the irritating moments when I got lost and was looking for a map).
  • The 2D only control is annoying.
  • I have no complaints to the music itself, but why a lot of tracks from the OST isn't shown up at all in game?
I've heard quite a lot negative critiques before playing this game. But it's not that bad to me. Regardless some huge changes (which might be less delicious than previous games), I did enjoy it quite a lot (hopefully my roommate doesn't mind my "voice" while doing this game ^^). But also, as this is the last Team Silent release, I should hope other main releases are not that bad as what I've heard. → My next challenge will be SH zero (aka origins). Indeed it's a challenge since ◯ and ✕ will be switched!