音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Winter Reveries

It was ~25 °C on last Sunday. Not hot and not cold. Nothing special and perhaps only a people had noticed the temperature would drop down suddenly.


[day 1]
The forecast was correct, it began to snow at some time in the early morning of Monday, and by the time when I went out, there was quite a lot of snow accumulated.

Oh, yes, it is still September. But here, we had got experiences of snowing in May, so September snow was not surprising to me at all. As a winter/snow lover, I did enjoy the blending between white and other colours.

↑ and a Silent Hill-ish street view~ (I waited until there's no cars in the sight).


[day 2]
The snow continued, making the entire city into a very pretty white field. The forecast just announced an extended snowing period.

Nice colour again, although the snow seemed too heavy to most "regular" plants. Everything was good enough to give you a Christmas mood, but weirdly, I was playing some music with a strong summer aura (Mitose Noriko's "Pleiades")--of course NOT because I want the summer back!


[day 3]
No matter what, my mind won't change. Snow is awesome, even occurring in August. However, I appreciate the nature aspect, not the others. The traffic of such times is always rubbish. So was the third day and it was getting worse--some streets went out of power completely including the traffic lights (and glad every one stayed careful and safe~). Yet I wish I didn't have to leave home so I could also do some "hand crafts" like this (and make them smile!!):


Winter reveries, indeed. It was back to about 7 °C and will keep increasing in the following days. The white things are gone, and life is returning to as normal as any other time in September. Just as nothing had ever happened, as long as you don't look at the street.

I have no complaints about September snow itself, but I do feel bad for these trees--I think I never truly understood (or think about) why leaves fall off from trees in autumn until this very moment.


and I kinda want to see the bunnies around..
(↑ 500% personal story, ignore what I'm saying!)

♢ Cotton 3, I know that's impossible

I wish someone could tell me why lots of people love the seriously limited twitter over a fully customisable blog service. Most of my favorite artists have switched to twitter so there's no use of my rss reader. -- well, the point is, I don't like twitter and hardly check it so I feel like an outdated stalker.. (by the way I check my rss reader every day. -_-;;)
Anyway, today I'm not going to complain about twitter or other microblogging systems. Just, by chance (or destiny), I checked my twitter stalking list yesterday and entirely crashed my working mood. --although not really very hyper...


2014/10/1 - みとせのりこ (Mitose Noriko): Nostalgia

Oh yay, here comes the eroge theme song collection No. 3~ >///<

At the first glance, I thought that's a photo from Ali Project. ^^;
After "Centifolia" and "Mille-feuille", this time the key word is "Nostalgia". Too bad, not a new album at all. In brief, songs in this album are mostly from the 2000s' PC games, either original versions or new recordings. While looking at the tracklist, suddenly I got a weird (?) question: why the hell there are so many PC games that I've never heard about?! °A°
Although the previous "Mille-feuille" isn't bad, I'd more wish to see albums like "Centifolia" and "vierge automatique". But guess I shouldn't expect too much, she's having so much fun with lives (at least make some live DVD/CD's, it's such a waste if she doesn't (# ゚Д゚)!!).
Perhaps the only expectation is the last song: "哲学系彼女". The title sounds so moe literary~! It's not too long till its release, I'll see..


Second release, on the same day of Noriko's album, but sadly, no jacket available currently.

Ciel nosurge Genometric Concert Vol.3~帝賜の詩~

Good job GUST, you've completely messed up my cognition toward Ar Nosurge and Ciel Nosurge.
what I know is Akiko is awesome than anyone else~
--and Shurelia and Ayatane are somehow involved in the game (Ayatane looks so different from A.T.1 though).

Since I care about only the music..
I think I saw yoko's name...
That was indeed a stronger impulse to me than the release itself (yes I know Akiko is there, not surprising at all)! "EXEC_METEMPSYCHOSIS/." was such a great song even across all hymmnos songs, so I do believe in this series yoko's work will be superb (and I'm happy not seeing Kizuki Minami--I just can't get used to her voice and singing style ~_~).
So, should we expect to see KOKIA's name in vol. 4 (ignore me if it's not supposed to exist at all)? *_*


Seems this year lacks good music, including Comiket, which used to capture my heart a lot (I miss the feeling when new albums come like in last August).

霜月はるか(Shimotsuki Haruka) etc. - canoue chronicle
(to be frank, I love their booklet design.)

One of my loves finally got something new, yet another best album...
And take a closer look, they included all the tracks from their last year release "最果ての塔". orz
I have no issue with that album itself, but what's the point to include the entire album while simply separating instrumental and vocal tracks into two different discs?
At least there're 3 new songs--although I can't stand with the last 3 tracks in the "instrumental disc". Too old RPG-ish!! xD;


My last line:
I don't really care about eroge song collection or best albums or this or that, can I request Cotton vol. 3? >_<

✾ Ar Tonelico playing thoughts

People's mind always changes, so does mine.
I thought I would never play more RPG's, but as the super sweet and most romantic August passed, I finally got trapped in the world of Ar Tonelico.
Music is the main dish of this series, I'm much more excited when a familiar hymmnos comes out. However, in [1], songs of hymmnos are less impressive in game, except PAJA. Apparently I was less impressed compared to [2], which has a more perfect unification (maybe I should use "synchronity") between the game itself and music. I was very happy with SUBLIMATION series during the final boss battle. It was a completely different experience from listening to those songs separately. Then, REPLEKIA is another shinning star (although I regretted miss-activating it during the DESPEDIA battle... ><). Surprisingly I did get all the 100 I.P.Ds~!
I played [1] and [2] in a row, and I like the graphics in [1] a lot (don't understand why most people dislike the pixel art). So it did take some time for me to get used to the overall graphic rendering in [2]. Regardless of the kinda weird pixel characters in [2], the song magic scenes are much better made. Here, I'd say I was glad to choose Croche at the end of Phase I--Her Lolipop Sweets is now my favourite choice!

Now about the story. In [1], because I don't like Misya (really), I was with Orica all the time (her "BOE" is awesome). In [2], I guess most people who have played [1] would go with Jakuri (reason 1)! Reason 2, tsundere is never my love, and I don't like dorodere either. Reason 3, I can't refuse straight, long and black hair.. ._.
and reason 4, I love her face while saying "what a useless man"! xD

↓ the most superb conversation.

Probably the only other person who can be compared to her is Infel, as I love her puns.
↓ I believe Croche has been more or less affected~

Anyway, Croche's REPLEKIA+Lolipop and Jakuri's charming personality altogether have pushed Luca out of my heart--I haven't even used her since Jakuri's join, only Croche+Jakuri over and over.. xD;;
Last, I'd never know there's an "unreleased" song in A.T.2 until I actually played it. (The version in Harmonia pamphlet is toooo short so I extracted a longer looping version from the game -_-'').
P.S. Some people say one's personality can be inferred from character and route choices, so in my case,
A.T.1 permanent party: Lyner+Radolf+Ayatane+Orica;
A.T.2 permanent party: Croah+Shun+Jakuri+Croche.

What? I didn't mention A.T.3 at all?
――あんなエロゲー、遊ぶことはないでしょ?! (# ゚Д゚)

✽ Noriko the REAL godmother

The one I made yesterday isn't the last (piece before the end of August), today's is. Although I wanted to make something like a birthday party, due to lack of proper idea, I chose to resume the "vierge automatique" image series that I paused long time ago (last one was finished in 2013's January.. orz).
Maybe in this March they had similar amount of inspiration, but now Noriko has more pieces associated, and she is the real godmother.. (*゚∀゚).
Thinking about the reason behind, perhaps it's because Akiko tends to create colourful booklets, and thus takes all my own imagination away. Noriko, on the other hand, barely has various designs for her booklets, then leaves me plenty space to build my own world.
and I'm not blaming Noriko's booklet design~ (ノ∀`)アチャー

Another reason (or maybe not), is that the nature of Noriko's songs are generally darker that can excite me easier--even though Akiko's songs are also dark enough to activate my brain, somehow I think Noriko is darker. (・・) (I can't forget that someone who went to her live said she introduced her next song as "it's a song about the downpour brings the end of the world.")
About the song itself, since the release of "vierge automatique", there're two versions of it: the original "Hard" version and the rearranged "Soft" version. To me, both are pretty and I have no special perference. I didn't think I paid extra attention for the final makeup, but it's funny that I've scattered those white petals everywhere (after checking the meaning of rose in different colours) and then took a glance at the booklet--it does say "white petals". Nice match~
Because of the song title, at first I used pure white for the dress, but I changed my mind quickly. Considering the colour I used yesterday, which was also pure white. No, using the same colour in a row isn't my style! Yet to make sure the overall image is not off the track, I went to check my booklet to see whether she (Noriko) mentioned things like a white dress. Good thing is, she didn't. So I re-dyed her dress to black happily, and added some purple for the ribbon~
Purple is nice, and it looks so mystic. As the colour of amethyst, I can't stop loving it and abuse spread it around.
This time, I also tried to faint the transparency of the outline to reduce the contrast between surrounding colours (especially the lighter ones) and its own strong black--Now I feel like I should redo the past works in this series in the future if I want to list them together.
Guess it'll be my next plan at the end of August before I continue more. ^^;
At last, I almost forgot. Now I've got the habit to ultilise my music playlist to record the total time I spent for each art work. For this one, the total time is nearly: ⇩

almost 4:44:44!!! ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)アヒャ

❅ cookie's logic

This morning I was playing around with cookies, and normally, I got a subroutine called bake_cookie.
Then I went to read more about CGI::Cookie in detail, the author had a ready-to-use subroutine to output cookie in one step.
It's called "bake"! I lol-ed for quite a while when I saw the name.
It's all about cookies after all, so you gotta bake them before eating using--Everyone follows the logic! :pp:
By the end, I don't think I understand exactly how it works, but seemed I made the thing work (again I'll leave them later in next month).

☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺฺ*:.。. .。.:*・☪ฺ*:.。. .。.:*☪ฺ

The BGM this morning was Ito Masumi's Angelique series (yet I know nothing about that anime itself). Of "Solitaire Fantasie", the last theme song "Silhouette Crimson" dragged me into a fantastic mode so I sketched and finished a new piece (for 5H48M):
Some points:
1) The song title has crimson, but after a rather long period of thinking, I preferred the mysterious purple as the main hue.
2) Originally I was planning to set up the background to be in a forest with lots of shinning flowers (and magic mushroom + dust), but it's kinda hard to find such a photo online and I didn't have the desire to make my own--although I found the current picture to be the background and it fitted well.
3) Surprisingly I spent ~1.5 hours to think about a title! :load:
4) I still can't spell "Silhouette" on my own so I struggled a bit to copy/paste this word between files.. :rolleyes:
Anyway, it's probably the last piece before September unless I want to do something again tomorrow. I have a theme, but haven't got a satisfying sketch--as of CGI coding, I'd like to leave the rest after "that" since I'll then have big chunk of time. And to be honest, after these two weeks I'd like a break. I'll see tomorrow and hopefully I can make something~ :coffee:

♡ 最初の一歩・The First Step

I was planning to write something earlier 2 weeks ago yet because of my sudden decision, I didn't.
I was in a huge complex mode. Although I'm supposed to be happy, it's complicated in my mind. Rather than feeling happy or that sort, that was quite shocking to me. I know it's only my one-side love admiration, it's still hard to face the fact. I lose my angel and my heart hurts!!....
will my angel becomes a godmother in the future?! =w=
Anyways, lemme be frank. It may be too late, but...
CONGRATULATIONS KOKIA!!~♥ and I still love you even though I haven't played your music that much since this year!


Also, my complex wasn't really the reason that stopped me writing something.
Actually I was doing something that's very time-consuming, starting from the Friday night 2 weeks ago.
It's not relaxing, but it's fun!

I'm very aware of that I should prepare some new toys for my daughter and I've been repeating it since nearly a year ago. On that Friday, the operation finally commenced.
I may not be super experienced, but I do have the confidence that I can do most things I wished to do.
Camel is my friend, and (basic) MySQL isn't that scary anymore~!
Speaking of the real reason, for my own use, the difference of performance isn't really a problem, and I simply don't bother to learn PHP, a term that gets me stuttered after repeating it for 10 times. :left:
During these days, perhaps playing around with css served as relax -- I never thought a glass of mixed berry juice would make me rewriting my css. But I couldn't stand doing nothing with the pretty purple transparency, so I extended my work after handling most scripts I wished to have, to make a new series of css files.

of course I cleaned up my desk before taking the shot.. :pp:
Guess my current blog (hosted on google) looks rather messy since I didn't sync my new css definitions in my writing. Yet I won't publish the new purple-thinking-mood theme (plus a newly made header img combining red+golden for the mizuhiki, which is too attractive to switch) until I clean up everything in my to-do list. I'm expecting a lot of troubles and hope everything will be fine.
and I'll probably come back to the topic of design (fairly) later.
At last, something that's quite sad.

⇧ Almost 8 years of blogging eq 1.83MB (566kb after zipping)... :zzz:


Finally, no wonder I'll blow lots of complaints toward... someone.
If you ask him what you've done during the past 2 weeks, he's answer: I've extracted a bunch of gi numbers and downloaded the corresponding genbank pages.
Considering debugging time and the connection speed, the slowest case would be shorter than 1 day. What the hell made you spending 2 weeks on them?!

He claims he knows perl, but now I don't believe it.
1. He doesn't know how to download webpages. Fine, no one knows at the very beginning and he might just be less experienced. But can't you do some simple search first? It's not that hard comparing to "check potential security holes in my cgi scripts", and keywords like "perl download webpage" will lead you to the awesome LWP::Simple page in less than a second. I don't understand why he couldn't figure it out on his own.
2. He doesn't know how to use flags and intermediate values, I assume. The string he needs to extract is sometimes broken into two lines, and he "tried to figure it out". I remember this kind of problem was covered in one early chapter of the first book I read to learn perl. Well, not only perl, I'd assume other programming languages uses similar logic.
3. If both problems above do sound complicated to people with less experience, this one is really "amazingly" stupid. In a foreach loop, he keeps saving each url into the same output file:
foreach (@url) {
and he asked me "how to save them into different files?"...
Now I'm really happy that we didn't ask him to do more for our database.
I bet he's not a Aquarian or I'll cry. :irked:

✽ euforia**

--Don't be picky, I know the syntax is wrong~!
Recent weather made me in despair (>27°C+100% sunny):
Refer to BIOHAZARD if you don't know what I'm saying.
Anyway, I'm not turning into a zombie because the state of being hyper euforia.
First but not the most, in early this week, I by chance discovered how to apply gradient to text by css, although too bad it only work with a webkit (which I don't understand what it means) browser.
Together with gradient colouring, another thing is to stop line wrapping so it does serve as the equivalent of a <hr /> tag~.
.line { /*kiyo-styled <hr /> tag~*/
color:#de6666; /* used when browser doesn't work with gradient or is of non=webkit */
background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(left top,#DE6666,#C996D9 8%,#6A7BD9 16%,#8CCBCF 24%,#74C285 32%,#EBDA7B 40%,#FFA154 48%, #DE6666 56%);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; 
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
font-weight: bold;
line-height: 175%;
font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
display:block; /*in case I put it in a <span>*/
white-space: nowrap; /* limit this elem to be in one line*/
overflow: hidden;
Then you'll get this: ↓
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:**・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:* Sweet, isn't it?
Now, second and the major stimulant.
After 1 year after I started to tame my camel, I finally truly understood how to bring clear Japanese text into my CMD shell.

Not only the encoding issue, I've been playing around with MySQL+Camel for a (short) while and I'm feeling good.
This indeed kept me awake even after midnight--although I can't say that I won't be freaked out when I switch to a remote server. (;´∀`)
Yet amazingly, seems MySQL shell is utf-8 by default. I wish my CMD is like this.
I know it's not a good timing to start tweaking into such things, but even with a short span, I believe it will be much easier if I resume later.
Also, I've accepted the fact... (one of) my daughter(s) is a Leo. << and I'm not sure what I'm going to deal with a blog's personality.. xD