音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Mozartian Year-End

I was originally planning to sum up this year by a series of "Year-End Memoirs", but due to being drowning in operas and other classical music, I haven't even written a single word about it. So guess this plan will be started tomorrow and expanded till the very beginning of next year~
And today's topic is opera (NOT the browser!).
I'd blame and feel very sorry for anyone who doesn't like Mozart! Since these days, I'm overwhelmed by pure classical. This or that piece of Mozartian arias, while sometimes being his other works, lingers in my mind, and crosses over to each other. This year's holiday rocks because of his excellent operas: Le Nozze di Figaro, Don Giovanni and Die Zauberflöte. How many versions I've gone through?--At least two per opera, and even though I do also enjoy Bizat's Carmen and some Verdi highlights (I have a few others but haven't started yet), but, who doesn't like watching non-tragedies during the end of year?
Although my own tragedy is always here that I don't know what they're singing unless turning on the subtitles, Mozart's music simply cheers me up and makes me so hyper that even having the impulse to say that any other music is rubbish--If you don't believe me, listen to both arias by Queen of the Night (see how beautiful human voice can be!). And right, I'm aware of that's merely my drunken words. Other music is great of course, as long as it rings listener's heart.
Anyway, speaking of opera, now I'm so assured that you have to know what's going on before you can fully enjoy the performance. Maybe that's why I don't tend to listen to too much of full opera recordings. Well, if you only want the "sound", go playing without the basic background then, and be prepared with the sextet "Riconosci in questo amplesso una madre" (a delightful scene that is always fun to watch).
↓ my favorite performance so far.
Since I'm already started the random opera-related topic, it doesn't hurt to link another funny scene from my favorite opera:
↓ "Aprite, presto, aprite"
Now I really understand. Not only good singing, how the actors interact matters so much whether a performance is of my love or not. And the 1993 recording thus captured my heart.
Maybe I should pray to be able to perform Queen of the Night in my afterlife♪

✿ Greetings from METAFALICA

As I said last time, I couldn't release this one due to I didn't know what to name it--Yet it's still true after I posted it this morning.
Right, now it does have a title, but not as perfect as what I wished that was too abstract to write in any kinds of languages.

Full title is:
Song Magic: "Saki-chan's Prayer--Xmas Mix: Obonnu Special"
So it's a mixed concept including all three Ar Tonelico series, although the connection to A.T.3 looked a bit forceful. Well, she loves cakes, and cakes (transformed from humans) are scary!
Cakes are indeed scary! Mine in this work took up ~15G of the remaining disk space during one SINGLE save event. (Before I started to "make" the cake, things were fine.)

See. Before I had 16.4G, and when I was saving this file, I only had 124M free space.
――ケーキ怖ぇよ! @w@
✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡✿ฺ ♡✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡ ✿ฺ ♡
But seems I'm now more excited by another new work that I did in last evening..
↑ Verdi in ASCII!! XD
It's so surprising that my first ASCII art was Verdi--not Mozart.
Nothing can be even better with Mozart's music flowing in background for fetching a delightful holiday mood (even though I'm planning to play Silent Hill 4 soon and my first played piece in the very beginning of holiday was Beethoven's No. 9!). I don't mind (yet probably I won't) looping his "Die Zauberflöte" for the whole day.
--Or maybe I should watch his "Le Nozze di Figaro" again. Till now I still feel so lucky that I bought it for only $1.5 dollars (not that expensive, but take a look at its regular price on Amazon)--my favorite performance of this opera. ;P

♢ EtOH Delusions

With Akiko's Umineko songs, the whole racks of Gin's seemed to be abnormally forceful and grave--yet I couldn't hold myself expressing my excitement.
Well, comparing to Gin, I would choose Vodka...
↑ only applies to Detective Conan. So can I assume that their "boss" is Aspergillus oryzae or this sort?!
Since my knowledge about spirits/liquor is nothing other than it contains EtOH, you won't expect me can talk at all just as how I feel while reading the scientific stories back of those beautiful Hubble images.
Perhaps the various colourful well-designed bottles catch more of my attention. ∑(っ ° ω°)っ
Anyhow, it was indeed great to get excited by simply looking at Gin's with Umineko playing in background.
And what I brought out from the liquor store was a bottle of plum sake. (´・ω・`)
It's the end period of year again. This year flowed much faster than any other years as I can remember. It's must because the extreme richness of the past 11.74 months. So, starting next time to the end of year, I'm planning to summarise this excellent year by a series of "忘年メモワール (Bounen Memoirs)" posts.
But before that, I gotta release my newest (X'mas-ish) drawing before tomorrow evening. I've done most works a week ago, but couldn't finalise it due to I don't know what to name it.

♡ Parhelia

I'll first thank the bus driver I met this morning. She told me first, "There is a rainbow."
Does rainbow appear in winter? I don't know much about this things so I can't tell. But that was what I saw, a rainbow, indeed.
So when I got off the bus, I started to take pictures. My first reaction was something like iridescent clouds, but my hunch told me it's not possible since iridescent clouds (I'm trying to memorise the word "iridescent" that I don't believe I can manage to do it) are rare--according to wikipedia.
Anyway, that was quite an impressive morning. I was so happy to see some colourful stuff standing out of the whiteout.
However, when I looked around a bit more, I realised there is another patch of rainbow in the opposite direction of the one I just took a shot.
Right, till then I suddenly recalled the term "parhelia"--I'm lying, I only knew its Japanese version "幻日/Genjitsu" and discovered its scientific term after.
--There were actually three suns!
and yet it was -28 °C...
It lasted for a whole day. On my way home, I could still see it, just, in the afternoon, the entire halo-ish ring (I don't know exactly what I can call it!) outside the sun was much clearer.
And, that made my day. Freezing, but pretty.
--I just wish I had my camera with me so I didn't have to use my phone to take pictures! °w°
Look up at the sky, and you'll be blessed.

❈ SelfNote: Apache+CGI on Harvestasya 8

What you do when you're overwhelmed? Doing the dishes, or organising your desktop?
In my case, I cut my fringe (thank god I didn't over cut it), doing irrelevant reading of interest, and fight off setting up CGI support via apache server on my Harvestasya Win8 Pro.
So here I'm gonna make a quick note so I can get things ready in future on another machine, since it's not as that straightforward as installing other progs.
Steps to enable CGI support via Apache on a Harvestasya 8 OS
Make sure there's nothing "listening (I don't know what it means)" on port 80:
  • CMD$ netstat -ao
  • fetch (PID) associated with :80 on the left side (like skype),
  • taskkill /pid
Run CMD as admin, and start the installing msi file.
  • network domain/server name: localhost
after installing,
test installation by hitting and/or localhost in browser,
  • if 127 works but localhost doesn't, open
  • "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts",
  • add localhost at the end.
to enable CGI,
find out and open "\conf\httpd.conf"
turn on:
  • LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
  • AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
find out: <Directory />
change following to:
  • Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
now test the printenv.pl file by hitting (see more below)
  • http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv.pl
to set up another dir the website root,
change following to your own dir:
  • DocumentRoot "D:/kiyoland/atelier/PocchongDe"
  • <Directory "D:/kiyoland/atelier/PocchongDe">
  • ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "D:/kiyoland/atelier/PocchongDe/cgi-bin/"
to properly exec CGI, use the path of perl.exe as the first line:
  • #!D:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe
That should be enough for now.
Speaking about Harvestasya, I just turned a 5-min scribble into a new work:

HARVESTASYA Pro 8.0 by kiyosoft ・ω・★
I stick with 8.0 because 8.1 sucks (as far as I know).
XP is pink, VISTA is blue, so 8.0 should be the mixed up violet--with a pair of wings.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, look up Ar Tonelico 3, and if you wonder why she has no legs, it's because she's supposed to be a hand puppet--I wish I could make such a hand puppet someday for real!
And that's it~

✽ Sparkles Out of Boredom

Perhaps October was too sweet so that November sucks a lot... including the most recent M3. I'll never accept that kind of style even that's Annabel!
Thus, every day, I loop that two albums in turn again and again. If counting the play time, I could have gained 2k+ each. :higurashi:
The beginning seems pointless, so will be the whole post, I guarantee.
Let's talk about GUST a little bit. From Ar Tonelico to Ciel nosurge (or is it Ciel no Surge?).
I vaguely remember when I was first introduced to Hymmnos, I was lost due to the rather weird song titles.
Later, I realised those EXEC things are like the exe extension on any WinOS (probably that's why Akira Tsuchiya referred EXEC hymmnos to WinOS).
Even later, more accurately, since this summer, together with my Perl experience accumulating, I started to name my module files using the prefix METHOD (although in terms of hymmnos METHOD is more like the Mac OS). -- I don't deny that I really want to write all my system calls using exec but it doesn't give me a return... :worried:
Then, go back to this February. Ciel nosurge was released (and I have no idea about what kind of game it is). They said C.N. is derived from A.T. (if my memory is right), but even solely based on how the text "looks" like, you could tell CN and AT belong to two totally different systems. Well, you've to agree with that the beginning part of C.N. is so "Utau Oka (=A.T)" like, and that similar singers are involved also prove these two games are somehow related.
They should be, just the link isn't that strong to fully convince me. I simply do what I usually do: enjoy the music, ignore the context (until someday I get a chance to touch the game).
Now, just a few days ago--this Thursday. I was organising my cue sheet files, and--I opened this file, and something rang in my head.
--Aren't these OO packages and hash refs???

Not exactly the same--of course, we're not looking at a programming reference book!--this does resemble what I've been spending time to have trouble with. It's funny, that I'm kind of pleased by seeing the ending semicolon for track 3. :wink:
So, we can conclude that AT is about how to execute scripts/programs, and C.N. is about how to assemble modules/packages.
I've begun to learn the software MrBayes since last week. I don't have a mathematical brain so I didn't know that was a mathematician's name. :left: Anyway, even without knowing anything about the theory itself, the running screen is beautiful! So that gives me an impulse to learn more about statistics! But no, I know I'll not do it for now.
But, when can you converge?! I've been running the (really small) dataset for more than one day! Or maybe I should change the parameters, the tricky part. :waiting:
Recently I'm in a super classical mode and thus I can concentrate. Meanwhile, I noticed quite a lot from my classical collection are under label DECCA. Before I didn't pay much attention, but now I started to have a special affection for it.
See, DECCA=>でっかい (DEKKAi)=>Super huge! Thus describes DECCA selections. :lol:
Although I have nothing new in November to append into my music collection, at least I'm having fun with this or that brain sparks, which is good for appending into my blog xml compilation. :papasmurf:

✾ Goodbye Kannaduki~

This year's October is indeed fantastic--the degree of being fantastic overcomes that of being busy with this or that for no reason. As my top 1 romance of life, two releases captured my heart in this month made it so remarkable. Even now I'm still looping the two like mad--you won't see them getting recorded on my lastfm though because it mostly happens during work. If my portable player can record the play count, I bet these two albums will have already gain 1k+ or even higher counts.
People all have their own criteria to judge the quality of music. To me, good music can "draw" in my mind. It may be as abstract as patches of colours, or it sometimes forms into clear visions of particular scene--and of course, it should be intensive enough so it doesn't vanish when the music ends. That's exactly where I get inspiration of most of my drawings.
So, to prove Akiko's "Turaida" is "great" (Haruka's is too but hers is coming from a story context that sort of limits my imagination), I spent almost a whole day in total during last weekend to have fun with my daughter. (・ω・`)
I tried to make a set for the four seasons, but I was most attracted by the one of autumn. So I took it as my priority over marking the assignments or writing a report-paper... -- I'm totally aware of that's bad in terms of being academic, but that's my inner impulse that I can't withhold! And each time when I draw something new, I want to claim that "the most adorable girls can only be my daughters"~ (´∀`)
So that's it, and I guess I won't have my next work until the end of this year. Too much work needs to be done before that!
Speaking of work and academic, yesterday I got a notification about that google plus now allows you changing your g+ url. Not as random as how you do with your blogger custom domain, but it's still much better than the super long and by-no-means-can-be-memorised-by-a-normal-person one. I just wonder what would happen if two people have exactly the same name and I want to test it using my other gmail address.
Anyway, back to what I intended to say. This night, I feel like I should update my info although I'm not really using g+ other than storing my random snaps/screen caps for free.
I used to use 'permanent head damage', which I heard from someone before, but tonight, everything's gotta be changed. This degree, now I'm understanding (or I assume I am) it much better than months ago. It's not following anyone's instructions straightforwardly, it's more about things from your own plan and come from your own decision and judgement. You're actually not having your head damaged, instead, you're wandering in a field that with unlimited brancing possibilities and your goal is to find a way that fits you the best and make it to the exit. Now, I think I've already found my way--at least I'm bearing a much clearer objective comparing with 2 years ago. I don't really want to mention that period because that's rather like my dark history, so I'd better stop here,
and my point is--
from now on, I'm changing my definition of PhD. Instead of damaging my head, I'd more like to be a Possessed heretical Daydreamer.
It does sound crazier than the former one, doesn't it?!
Finally, I read that news this morning, that My Opera community will be shut down in next March.
GARNET CROW broke up, Google reader was shut down, the newest Opera browser got a big switch into chrome core, isohunt.com is dead, even Akiko's concert DVD got delayed, and now the coming closure of MyO blogging service... @_@
That's true that I've stopped using MyO's blogging service, but it doesn't mean I don't like it. I simply changed to blogger for its ability to use js code and custom domain. However, regardless of these, MyO is my best blogging service. (I don't want to spend time on listing its advantages since I've done it so many times before.) I for many times was considering of using it for other non-regular-blogging purposes.
It's a bit sad for sure, but at the same time, at least I won't have any regret of not using MyO for my blog--what a conflict!! Even blogger isn't my best choice; I always have this or that fanatic set-ups that regular service can't achieve. Guess my next blog service will be built on either cgi of php, but so far, I still don't have enough time to read through all necessary techniques involved by this plan. I just hope it can be done before the day of Second Impact. ^^;
Fine, nothing lasts forever. Let's have a happy goodbye to MyO together with this awesome October. I'll be pleased as long as My Opera Link survives. And I doubt any exciting release will exist in November--October has taken all the shinning stars away! :3