音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ You little bastard! (happy voice)

Since the entire last years days were much less motivated in the aspect of writing. That I never really enjoyed writing (actually hated it especially when I "have to"), and, although it depends, I do have a good memory in things that are special to me, it really doesn't matter whether or not I write it down (and reveal more flaws in my writing skill/grammar. So guess it's fare.
I still write if I'm motivated enough. Having a written record of something, regardless if it will be read or not again, serves as a good archive to back up the brain when it goes temporarily blank.
Since the Sunday about 2 weeks ago, I suddenly noticed Piccolo (cat) began to have his tail hanging down. It did ring in my head. Back to the end of January, I found he occasionally cries out when I pat his rear. Even earlier, I've seen him rub his butt on the floor (looks very funny) but it was so infrequent that I didn't link it to something unusual at all.
Then I did some quick online search, and seemed this could be a sign for a hidden problem, ranging from minor to life-threating.
I had no idea how it could be triggered. He's indoor, no real fight with other cats. The only accidents I've even seen that happened to him was when he rolling on the top of fridge, he fell off (and I did laugh). Yet, he otherwise appeared totally normal. He eats, plays, runs and even jumps without any noticeable problem. However, on the following Monday, I found him trying to hide in the corner more than usual (though it could also be my imagination), and when I'm sure he's happy when I get home, he rolls but still keeps his tail down. I do know this paragraph looks fuzzy in terms of the tense but I don't bother to have them fixed perfectly...
Fine, I'll take you to the vet (I wished I'm the vet), and I booked an appointment in a week after. Not in a rush, as my hunch was this won't be that serious, based on how he behaves.
But then, right before the day to meet the vet, I saw him licking on his penis! This indeed scared me, as everything I found online doesn't indicate it's a normal behaviour.
Eventually, on the vet day. Although I believe he's more scared by taking him out than his potential problem. The vet didn't observe any physical problem on his body, so we decided to have a urine test. At least this is a good sign, no significant problem. I was told to wait for one day until the test result comes out.
Next day, the email from the vet said clearly, the urine test turned to be completely normal. As for his strange behaviour of the hanging down tail, I was told to keep watching him and spot more unusual signs.
What a relief.
However, the unexpected things happened the next day.
His tail raises as nothing ever happened.

Good of course, but...
You little bastard, you shall pay me back the vet fee for nothing!! #°Д°/
Now, the next event.

Totally personal though, Handel > Holst >> Billy Joel (who that is? ^^;)
And I'm now regretting that I should have brought my voice recorder to make a sound note. But I will for sure if it happens again!
Also, after the concert, someone told me that he was following me bowing, and he said I'm actually good. Even I'm not experienced at all, this is for sure something I'm really happy to hear!
Great 10 weeks and I appreciate and love this community. Looking forward the 6 week program in April♪

♢ like to cover a scratched area using duct tape (?)

A week of coding, googling and letting my cats interrupting and sleeping onto my keyboard, it's all done now, at least based on my localhost testing. Not improving too much since last year's attempt, I still don't like how I have to quote all key names in a php array. Second, there's no difference between the so-called string, array and hash elements in php (and the foreach loop syntax), which always cause confusion. Third, it's so annoying among isset(), empty(), is_null() and boolean, even with the official chart of comparison. Especially that variables aren't defined first before values being assigned, it's always so much typing to make sure something is there, or not there.
But perl indeed brought me lots of trouble regarding to UTF8. So much that eventually convinced me to remaster all codes using php.
Which I call as a "remaster".
Nonetheless, Perl is much better (confidence).
Therefore a few scripts stays in perl. Even though there's a chance they can be remastered in php, it may actually take another week away from me.
But somehow I being to miss uncle Gael and vicar Laurence now... |ω・`)ノ ヤァ
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Just tried to make some cookies using kinako and mochiko (which I bought years ago and appear to be expired as the labels read), and they turn out in a horrible shape (the taste is okay though).
The good thing is I've finally get rid of these old stocks, and I swear I won't buy weird things anymore. (# ゚д゚)

✾ If 3rd position plays better, don't stick to 1st position

It all began with this (top):

I'm not a paranoid, but I don't like to see a bloody red drive C.

Although since quite a while ago I've noticed my drive C kept showing me red, sometimes it returned to blue for whatever reason I couldn't tell. But more recently, I never saw the red went away.
That annoys me a lot. It's drive C, I don't know what would happen if it runs out of space (I have a piece of memory back to the Vista [or XP] era seeing only a few MB's left due to my mis configuration for file exporting).
Time to have the whole drive repartitioned.
I believe I had the same idea before due to the same issue, but I didn't actually perform the partition at all because I didn't want to reinstall the OS, knowing there's no way to enlarge the system volume size without affecting the OS.
While still doubting about that can be done, I googled to look for an update.
I indeed got some possibilities, but none of them worked, just as expected.
The main reason could be my drive, for some reason, had 4 partitions in a weird order: system reserved, drive C, OEM reserved, drive D. To only shrink drive D won't create spare space continuous to drive C, and doesn't do anything with enlarging it either.
Yet I had totally no idea where the OEM reserved partition came from. As a few years when I upgraded to Windows 8, I should had already wiped out the entire drive, including all OEM-related stuff. It could come up again with Windows 10, but I barely track my drive status.
Nonetheless, I'm not amused by my right prediction, as the repartition + installation were doomed.
Okay, at least it's just tedious but not difficult.
I think I never reinstalled Win10 from scratch. The first thing I worried was the license. Because initially bought a product key (when it was on sale) for Win8, which only worked if you were upgrading from Win7 (no clean install option available). Later, I applied for the free upgrade from Win8.1 to Win10 immediately after knowing the announcement of release. During the period of using Win8/8.1, I only had one time of re-installation (simply because I wanted to do a partition??). I remembered I had to find out my disk to install Win7 first... xD;;
So as directed by the official instruction, I went to download the media creation tool, and double-clicked and waited it to get ready...

But I'm going to reinstall the OS due to low drive C capacity, why the hell you ask me for at least 8 GB on drive C in order to create the bootable USB?! u_u

Then I attempted to use my Surface 3, and soon realised it only had Win10 Home, not Pro. OTL
I ended up with deleting some softwares and disabled hibernation that I never used at all, and my drive C finally had enough space--roughly 8.3 GB--available, so close!
After deleting all existing partitions, including those reserved by the system/OEM, the installation itself went so smooth. When it brought me to the new desktop, I was even surprised that everything worked fine, without a single action from me regarding to drivers installation, which used to bring some headache.
I know the word that I first learned never betrays me! ( ・´ー・`)ドヤ
As shown earlier (middle), the size of a clean installed Win10 is roughly 20G.
Next task was to install programs. Again, not hard, just tedious.
During this, I encountered a bug (?) that doesn't allow me to change the default program at all. But it was solved by uninstalling the only update (KB4456655) I installed after the fresh OS installation. As I'm writing this, I've done my settings and updated back to KB4456655, and nothing wrong happened yet (nor did I any file association).

As long as it works.

The only sad thing was I lost my RSS feed collection, which was linked to Opera add-on and is not synced with Opera account.
I left localhost related configurations at the very end, as I'm no server-expert, and I don't want to browse their manuals at all.
Lucky enough, my old memos for Apache and Php still work, with only minor changes according to newer releases of these programs.
Additional Apache memos:
  • load module rewrite
  • for <Directory> Option is simplified to "Options +ExecCGI"
  • DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  • change location for writing error logs
  • DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
  • ignore windows shebang for apache: add anywhere in "httpd.conf": ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict
    • also add perl path in regedit [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT] for [.pl .cgi]
    • HCR\.pl\Shell\ExecCGI\Command\(Default) => D:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
  • enable php: LoadModule php7_module D:/kiyoland/server/php/php7apache2_4.dll << phpX, version number needs to fit
  • php.ini: enable PDO's sqli
I wished that was the end of my server configuration, but things not always go that easy.
Some perl/cgi files didn't work, while some did. The reason was simple, the script does load other modules located in its own working directory, and it was fixed by adding a line of use lib $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}.'/cgi-bin/';. While all PHP files run okay..


Which indicates it's time to perform a php-coated remaster. ._.
I've played with PHP's PDO system, and was satisfied. It's like DBI!
I had no idea why last year I insisted using mysqli (apparently based on top google results), which didn't work.
Last, I finally got the motivation to change default icons for all plain text based file formats, especially those I've linked to notepad++.
Back to the XP period, changing icons was easy, but since a point (Vista? Win8? 10? that I can't tell), it never worked as simple as before. Meanwhile, I'm also okay with most default icons, same for the green lizard cutie. However, it's visually annoying to locate a PM file out of a cluster of CGI+PL+PHP+TXT files, worse if some file names begin with the same letter.
After digging a little bit online, I learned that the registry method that Microsoft provided doesn't work if the file is associated, while some simple 3rd party helpers didn't seem to be useful at all.
Superuser was much more helpful (that answer should be voted as the top!). I've learned how to tweak into such auto_file_opening_anchors, although I almost broke the part for xml during tests.
After a couple of tests, I was confident to batch change the icons...

Manually editing XXX items by repeating the same procedure, are you out of your mind??

At last, I just want to mention K439b, which is used as a piece of BGM in 2BRO.'s videos. Before knowing the title, I had a hunch that the style is like Mozart, yet never thought it was indeed Mozart! (*´∀`*)

✿ サツキ

そして、脳内のイメージをそろそろ具現かしたくて、モチーフはね、とある前に描いたヤツと今やっているヤツを合体したリメイク ((o(´∀`)o))ワクワク

✿ redevelop

Maybe it's because I went to sleep too late, I've been dreaming some weird combinations, in which two days ago, I even mixed Leon's appearance in Bio6 into Bio4's item box screen, while saying, this Leon (in 6) looks maturer and more handsome (true).
The truth behind was, my order of "Vendetta" premium edition had been shipped over a month ago, but it still hadn't arrived.
Until the next day when I had that dream. xD;
I don't believe foresight dreams, but sometimes it does occur!

The outer plastic package is so great!
I wasn't really picky about the edition, but the Japanese version is the only one that has Japanese voice cast (which I NEVER want to miss!), and the premium version isn't too much more expansive than the normal edition, so...
It does pair good with Degeneration/Damnation premium edition though~
However, haven't got time to watch it, I was deep in the world of Rorona's atelier.. ~_~

↑ Status after fighting Demon Lord (I couldn't make my way to his area last time). Without any HP recovery items (plus none of them in my party had a skill to heal either). I didn't expect I could win at the very beginning though, but I won, what a miracle! xD
Afterwards, I started bio5 this afternoon, at the veteran difficulty. It all went fine until El Gigante. Later on, I saw almost all people commented the hardest fight has to be Ndesu in pro-difficulty.
What the hell is "Ndesu"? When I searched, I realised it's exactly Bio5's El Gigante...
I'm just having no interest in remember monsters' names.. u_u

Pappatia~! I mean "最終上映 再現像 - LAST SHOW redevelop". Initially inspired by KOKIA's song under the same name.
Being 95% ready in the middle of last month, yet until Friday the 13th I couldn't have the remainder 5% processed. That involved some minor graphic fixes, but more that caused the delay was the problem of naming again. Hopelessly, I had to continue using the same title, as my brain isn't like Okarin's and wasn't capable to find a long name in two languages. The best I could do was to replace "remake" with "redevelop".
Since I've become more used to draw multiple characters, I also merged two other old works into it: blasse melodie and Halloween Magic, which I have absolutely no plan to remake, and they can actually be put together naturally. I did spend some time on the dress patterns instead of using pure colours. Alternatively I considered to use black as the main colour, but the thought of "sometimes I want to try more rich hues" took a big advantage. Therefore, black was limited only to a small area this time.
I love dresses in black! °A° (By the way, all costumes I set up in Atelier Rorona were the black ones!)
The theme is simpler as the theme is rather an abstract one, but I was a little nervous about my computer's CPU while handling layers of film straps. Fun fact, the sparkles I added at the last step, are really magnesium dust! xDD
Although it was a little harder to pick up a colour for the title text (and I still think they look weird)..
For the next one, I haven't decided. Two options are available currently. One is to borrow the weapon designs of Dark Souls, as a souvenir of my playing experience (but will be still be a remake), and the other is brand new, to fit the image of the text I'm working with. But who knows, I may draw a completely different one. Let me see which world-line it's going to be!

☆ 1m 07s 16 ~ nice boat!

This is just how it goes, when I couldn't catch up what I wanted to record, and return to it a few (or even longer) days after, the topics would either completely change, or totally rearranged/weighed.

This is literally my first 10-star rank. I clearly remember that my rank was usually 40-50 while playing SH1.
But also, I'm not quite sure whether I'll still play it again. I've got the green spray, so I'm done (?).
Just want to state, that Eddie is the most annoying boss, and I still have trouble and have no idea on how to pass the second stage without much damage (on the run of getting 10-star, I thought I was even out since I used the first aid kit 3 times). Other bosses, they're either easy or having a special way to fight quick. But like many people said, the "daddy" x2 in the hotel became my second biggest worry after Eddie. I got hugged 3 times and also felt I was out. Yet as it wasn't far to the end, I finished that round and was sort of surprised I made it.
Just out of expectation, the kill number by fight was much lower than I thought -- I don't understand why the number was so low, since was even counting it on a piece of paper!
The boat stage was never a problem any more -- once you get the idea on how to properly rolling the two little mushrooms! -- NICE BOAT (I honestly wish Makoto to die)!
At least the result was alright, and now I can I say my wife will be proud finally? (*・ω・*)
As for the ending → いぬ, which was also the last one I haven't got at the 10-star round. Someone said without reaching to this ending, this game can't end. Now I believe I got why was it. Right after James speaks in Japanese. (I was really astonished since I never expected hearing something exactly matching the subtitle! xDD)

And now I've decided I'll using this as my ringtone (whenever I get into the mood to deal with the non-android system)!
But when I was trying hard in the 10-star run, see what Piccolo was doing... I appreciate the "pause" does actually stop the in-game timer, unlike BIOHAZARD series. ^^;
P.S. I really enjoyed these guy's gameplay of SH2 as well~
Some good time in Shin-Yomawari's (hiragana-only text was hard to read as usual) post-story mode.
Top-class fan-service #3
Top-class fan-service #2
Top-class fan-service #1!!
Don't remember if I've mentioned this before, but I was very happy to see seach by regex became available in google docs! Plus I've found an add-on that deals with cross reference, so seems there's really no more point to keep using office series (I hope! ><)

Finally, on last Saturday's night, somewhere was having a small firework show. I heard the sound and took some horrible shots, including this..

Any way, without a tripod there's no way to hold the camera without shake!
Even though I've finished 99% of the remake of "last show", I paused it since 2.5 weeks ago. Not because the visual work itself, that technically I only need to change just a little bit more on the canvas; the real reason was..
No wonder, the title.
I have to think out one, something different.
I felt I need Okarin's help.. xD;
But I shall get this done by this weekend! (´・ω・ノ)

✿ Cloudy days' stimuli

"The end of summer". Usually there's no such a thing but only a sudden weather change.
Being about 25 last week with a strong sunlight, now it had been cloudy + rainy for almost the whole week. Which definitely made me happy.
Meanwhile, the darker days also brought me a little change in music I wanted to loop.
Solely based on my current memory, the best one in an autumn rainy day has to be...
"人工庭園は翆緑石の雨に霞む" from "Yorlga II". Plus, taking a deeper consideration in its lyrics, it's giving me more stimuli... >///<
In case of classical music, Tchaikovsky and Chopin will be a good choice. But it's generally more abstract and harder to form a sharp "concept art" (I've tried with "Dumka Op. 59" and ended with nothing).
Apparently this stimulated my brain to air-sketch my next piece. Perhaps a while ago I also had some vague design ideas, though never came out so clear.
Right now, I believe this is the first time I'm writing it down, I'm focusing on the remake of "Last Show" I did based on KOKIA's "最終上映" back to 7 years ago. It had been largely redrawn comparing to the first time. As I said before, I'm becoming more and more used to multi-chars, so was this time. It did take a while to have the rearrangement, which ended up by combining two other old works -- also with large renovations. Now I had the same problem again. While I finished the character part within basically 3 days (on Sep. 4), I left them in my hard drive until last night without even thinking for a suitable background. Was such blank time necessary? I didn't know and I'm not intending to figure that out. The only thing I was sure about was the original background won't ever work, since that wasn't me who drawing it. So last night, when I eventually out of anime or gameplay videos to watch, I decided to resume.
Only talking about the outcome, it went pretty smoothly, and I gave it a boost this morning, to make it more "complicated": To fit the inspiration song, certainly there should be film strips -- flying around a music box, the pocket-watch-ish round type. The "assembly" itself was fun, since I mainly grabbed all elements from google image and applied scaling and/or distorting. But when the final makeup is done, just looking at all those rough edges or remaining pixel speckles or discontinuous tones/hues/shades going away does put me into a great mood. Ideally, some old film noise effect will make the entire thing even better (I highly expect it), but whether I can make it remains in question.
↑ Many points along with the second remake~
Things I forgot to bring up since last time:
"Kobayashi-san chi no Maidragon". First knew about it was from its OST, by Ito Masumi. The music is good, so is the anime!
↓ I especially like this pair! xD

Maybe I shall mention it here together (since that's what they're playing in the above gif), I've reached the counter-stop in Dark Souls in last week!
To me, the most annoying boss is the Gravelord Neet. Four kings are actually easier, and I always skip the fight with Kalameet..
I must have bookmarked this page quite a while ago, maybe even back to last year, but never remember to test it out.
But it's working perfectly: to ignore the shebang line on my testing windows+apache server. Another reason to not use php! xD
Photoviewer is the classic. It runs faster, and easier to zoom in/out. Glad to get it back on win10!
I'm sure next time I'll be bringing the finished "last show remake"~