音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Being deprived of motivation due to Ornstein's shining armour

The end of the $13 simple model

So the progress of Cute Souls has been on hold for a while, after I finished brushing the golden shining dragonslayer armour. My motivation has been much emptied after this and would like a small break.
I'll try to finish it soon anyways though the probability seems small, especially the background.
Meanwhile, I (really) just found the awesome function in ClipStudio Paint about the 3D design model. Found it while I was looking for some texture for brass. Played with that for just a short moment and I was immediately willing to throw away the stiff 3D mode that I bought with ~$13.
I've been looking for a more proper/flexible/realistic human mode for long while without spending a lot. But there was never a conclusion. I'm glad I found this by (such a good) accident. Though it takes some time to get used to, the virtual model is so versatile. Not only it can be posed to any that a real human can do, it also allows you to change light source and even customise head-to-body ratio! Exactly what I'm looking for and perfect for anime-like illustration!
Still, for the most of times I'll probably just pose myself in front of a mirror..

Poisonous Roaku?

With a personal trigger a few days ago I decided to pick up on python again (I once read the "mouse" book about 3 years ago but eventually gave up). Since most people recommend python 3 and listed many differences between python 2 and 3, I thus checked the differences between perl 5 and 6.
Although didn't read, I've seen perl 6 books, they are mostly much thinner than counterpoints for 5. Some say that's still under development, which I'm not aware of and don't really care. However, I do want to know if it can be of any benefit to my own use.
While the answer is obvious. While the syntax has been changed all over those I commonly use, it's appealing in the ability of giving non ASCII variable names, built-in "use strict/warnings", less hassle for Data::Dumper and GetOpt, and the most important, the default utf8 usage.
I'm a bit motivated. Maybe I shall take a closer look after python (hope I can read to the last page this time!).

About my below-the-chickens intonation

Being a sound mixer is fun, but not as fun as actually making the sound.
Or maybe my opinion would change with a better software.
Whatever, two traces of apparently-less-than-40-hours-per-day practice for Shikata Akiko's insane Do-Re-Mi songs, on Dec-8 [Hajimari no Oto] and Dec-14 [PF alpha] respectively.
They were taken in between of changing to a new rosin cake, which does look yummy.

Regardless my intonation, these two songs would be good examples for a chicken-derived rearrangement, though just by thinking on a bunch of chickens making these pitches I'll laugh...
Plus I don't have a chicken, and currently have no intention to buy one. Unless there's some instruction on how to play them properly.

↑I have to include this picture here as I spent 40 minutes on it.. ^^;

❆ 新しいサーヴァントが来てから一ヶ月‥

「Cute Souls」に関して、輪郭ラインや基本の色付きは終わったが、いまのところ影の描画段階でなんだかすごーくだるい。


❀ NieR:Automata アーカイブ「真・626Kの記憶:初見のEエンド」及び補完各種

問題はここからだ。穏やかなCエンドが流れる際中、[E]nd of YoRHa がの文字が見てて、ポッドにノイズが入ったなんやらと言われ、状況分からないままポッド一時停止を同意して、ポッド二台の会話からちょっと光が見えるような気分になりながら突然謎のシューティング???確かに聞いたことがある、ニーアの最後の問題シューティングが難しいとか。最初はラスボスのハッキングかなと思ったがそうではなかったことで確かに気になったところ。しかし、まさかのここで??スタッフロールをシューティングするの???
15:27 心折らずにシューティングが続き(こう見えても私カンストローレンス18%血晶3個だけで勝ったぞ、心折れるわけあるもんかーーって全く違うゲームなんだけど)、とあるコンティニュー画面から「救援要請」が出てきた。
19:04 どうせ無敵だから何も考えずに、ようやく長(すぎる)いシューティング画面が白くなった。
21:17 でもまだ終わっていない!まさかポッドが喋り続けた。もちろんメッセージを残そう(久々のダークソ○ル式も懐かしい)。
26:27 (心を込めてメッセージを残しました)←本気です、知らない誰かさんに見られますように。

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆


♡ 1.8 years after

To express, or even just simply write down, my brain's state is not an easy task, as the latter always runs (much) faster than even the fastest typing hands.
However, whenever there's enough time for me to slowly hit down every letter, I'll make it a record of a summary of a certain span of past days.

Trying return to normal

Finally, about two weeks ago I've got it done, after almost 2 years. (._.)ゴメンネ
More exactly, the draft of this piece first came out in the end of last December, and took 8 months to finish, while there was no complete outcomes in the whole 2018, though there were ideas coming out.
it's all From's fault... >_>
Anyway, I'd like to use this as a new starting point, and hope to gradually return to a more active pace.
<Serenata notturna>, finished on August 24.
The first step to return to the right track: some liner notes as usual.
- as mentioned above, the initial draft came out in the end of last December, out of total randomness while the only clear point was I wanted my girls wearing a tiara with semi-transparent veil (forgot the reason)
- their dress colours were originally white for all black parts
- it took very long (very) to finally decide the background. In February, I initially planned to draw an outdoor fantastic scene, like at a garden under moon/star lights while there are Bloodborne-style lanterns on the ground
- but as I drew the characters (slowly), my mind gradually changed, and at a point, I was inspired by the following CD cover arts (when I happened to play them):

and this↓

- thus, no need to explain why the title is borrowing from that piece and why there's a PHILIPS-style banner on top!
- still, I always modify the base. So the two side theatre miniature (?) turned into flower baskets, while the shinning bright back-light (?) appeared as a night windowsill scene. As for the seven-point star, it's more fun than a more regular one (5-point) and simpler to draw (than a 13-point)
- also, I tried assign random colours to each flower, but soon changed to use the same to make it less messy -- for same reason, I didn't make a full-star night
- at last, I'm aware of that no harp is involved (meanwhile I looped the 3rd movement of his concerto for flute and harp for days)
- besides, since this one, I begin to number my drawings, even just for fun
Next target is potentially "Cute Souls"... a draft that I made back to 2017's October... >_<

Fabric paint online again

Since the kind of crappy painting of the hunter's mark on the back of my phone (this), I wanted to use them more on different things, and the best candidate is the case + case cover. But I didn't have an idea of what kind of thing I could draw.
On one Monday in the beginning of August, I got up early and got ready to work, then felt something wasn't right. So I checked the calender and realised it was a holiday. With such regret, I pulled out the paint and did some quick doodles, then transferred them using a white coloured pencil, and applied the actual paint.
It looked pretty good, I was satisfied with it.
Cats are always a good choice, more universal than "praise the sun" or "endless dream hunting". ^^;

Definitely I'll probably try to paint on real clothes that I still wear someday! xD

Site updates

In last week I made some minor updates to my site scripts.
First, I integrated all static pages into the database for easier retrieving. Though it made me creating a new table and figured out all submit/update related html forms.
-- at the same time, I wanted to install a plug-in (CodeMirror) to apply syntax highlight, but it resulted the input contents can't be correctly submitted without running another javascript to pull out information from the CM-affected textarea boxes. So I gave up and reversed to the basic plain interface (I use NPP for major editing anyways).
Second, the "misc" page and "backyard" page are merged, less confusing now with clearer redirects.
Third, I changed the design of /days (show full entry content instead of truncated on the main page) and /mygirls (pull out more entries on main page, like a gallery. I like the hover-and-show-title CSS trick got from W3schools).
During this, I noticed that Apache+php can not properly read document root dir if put in OneDrive. There must be a myth behind, but I myself won't be able to solve. The simplest solution is to work on a non-OneDrive location, then mirror everything to OD through a .bat file.

Melodist and the end

"Beethoven wasn't a melodist." said Rob, our section instructor.
Exactly, this answered everything that why he's never on top of my favourites. I do like his works, but not always. Mozart is always my top, then Baroque and Tchaikovsky, and then the others...
And the key is melody.
That's enough. Feeling fine.

Two days ago, I restarted my computer several times because of both Apache-related reboots and system update. Things were okay.
Last night, I ordered my computer to hibernate but the power indicator was flashing forever after the screen turned black, so I forced to turn it off.
This morning, I started it and got a "SMART failure warning":

Same happened when I tried to hibernate it later and booted this afternoon.
One more step getting closer to the end? Hope it's not the most recent system update's fault.
Now doing a disk check, hope it can be fixed, at least before Surface book 3 release..

Saw this when I was browsing PSN's on-sale items, which looks very interesting... 30% off, shall give it a try. My lolicon-soul is activated. (゜-゜)

❈ Any computer should be able to play music, and its before-after

Even though I was sort of comprised last time, I have never been happy with a laptop that can't play music while being fine otherwise. So I eventually re-installed the whole OS again on last Saturday.
It was a mystery that how previously it failed only at audio formats -- literally any format, flac, wav, mp3 and ogg -- regardless what player being used. But apparently reinstallation got it fixed.
Also I didn't lose anything as I'm good at keeping my files safe so this is funny but not typical (Just scribed for 1TB OneDrive in March).
Plus I even got rid of some extra programs/etc. completely. Happy end. (*´∀`)
Not sure if mentioned last time. Considering the battery is only valid for 3 seconds, I've removed it from the machine. While it does take a while to boot up, I brought hibernation back so I can pull out the power cord without worries.
Along with the regain of audio-playing ability, I was excited to have another "hearing test", and the topic this time was the phantom butterfly's BGM, which I fell in love at the very moment.
Honestly, I'm so glad to know it only has 3 sharps, as initially I thought there might be 5+ sharps/flats.. xD;;
The outcome. I personally do think is not bad, though I wish I could dig further it's like impossible.
If From ever releases the score, I'll buy.
Earlier than the reinstallation, I finished the 9k puzzle after buying it in January 2017.

9k = 1.93 x 1.39 cm
Now I glued it as 12 pieces, will find a chance in the future to figure out about a frame.. (´・ω・`;)
Conclusion, it's fun. If I had the space, I'll definitely do a 18k one someday.
After the reinstallation, I tried to use fabric paint -- I'm not planning to do any sewing recently -- on the back of my phone, as I'm tired of looking at the all-black body, or mask tape that kept peeling off.

Done by using a paper stencil, still the surface is way too smooth and hard to work with, especially that I don't have a brush.
And I don't know why I chose golden, probably simply because this colour won't be used on fabric more often than others.
Now the next thing is to see how long it starts getting worn off. (・_・)
-- If it really gets worn off before the phone's end of life of, I'll paint claw mark (the one I mostly use) or blood rapture (looks better)!
Coming plans: stretch my fingers and start clip studio paint (finally).

♤ Brutal Resurrection

The fan arrived much faster than I expected, and I performed the fan transplant 10 days ago. As the second time, it all went well. I could tell that I relied much less on photos of where each part originally locates, also I did find the (possible) location for one of the extra screws I left over last time.
But it meanwhile went more brutally -- I know I become less careful after knowing how things are arranged -- that the biggest accident was dropping the hard-drive onto the floor, from a between-table-top-and-chair height. It was dropped along with the metal rack for holding it to the machine, so hopefully it's not physically damaged due to the shock.
Though to replace the new fan was a bit hard because the working area for inserting the cables back was rather small, otherwise the overall time was obviously reduced when I put the shell back -- and then I noticed there's a loose cable sticking out of the machine so I had to open all screws again to figure it out. At least the loosen cable was not at an inner part so just opening the shell was enough.
Next, turning on the machine to have a test. (At the very first time of disassembly I was even worrying if it would explode due to miss/incorrectly connected cables.) But seemed it didn't read the hard-drive, which was soon found to be that I didn't properly connect the HD at all (only 2 screws to reach the HD, easy check).
While another problem was the keyboard turned to not work at all (not so important as a small portion of the keyboard had been already died for quite a while and my USB-keyboard works fine), a week later I opened it again and found it was me who failed to firmly insert the cable to the slot.
Once the HD connection was confirmed, there was no more issues to boot to the OS, although it turned a little slow -- could be due to the potential HD damage. As the disk usage before the old fan died was always high, it didn't catch more attention until I found it plays audio files with a lag almost every a few seconds, plus the system keeps saying I need to reboot for a disk check, but no actions seemed to be actually done after multiple reboots.
More strangely, it's drive D instead of C being the problematic one.
Yesterday I tried two chkdsk commands, one was in the morning and I left it running but saw it got stuck at ~6% 8 hours later. Another in the evening I retried and noticed it was repairing same files as I saw in the morning run, and quickly got stuck at the same progress, 6%. (Both run I typed chkdsk d: /r hoping it can do the repair. Didn't really know every option, simply saw using "/r" on a webpage's example.)
Then This morning I eventually grabbed the repair disk and chkdsk-ed from its advanced repair command window, without "/r" followed by "/scan" as suggested by the system.

Even it looks solved, the audio-playing problem remains. (Tried three players, all the same. While it plays 1080p video smoothly.)
Fine, I do have my old phone as a backup music player. ~_~

♡ Buy a monster and let it serve another 9 years

When my 9-year-old VAIO's fan begin to spin like mad, I got a hunch that it's getting over -- while my hunch immediately became true as the fan soon sounded like a mini-chainsaw.
With several testings in following days, it takes over 10 minutes to start up, slow response to every command, the disk usage is always 100%, plus that when the fan enters chainsaw mode, everything except the mouse cursor freezes.
So it was safe to conclude the fan was undone.
I'm not surprised, nor in a panic -- most files on that machine are also on the cloud. Actual loss I can recall would only include the DMC5 OST that I downloaded but haven't unzipped yet, and a few anime episodes (that I nearly dropped), as well as some RSS feeds (should have it exported long time ago).
However, it's also not what I expected.
-- There's no Surface book 3 yet! (゚д゚)!
Which means I need to accept using my current Surface 3 (works well but 4 GB RAM is apparently not enough for my daily abuse), or try to fix/replace the near-death fan.
On Sunday, I thus experienced my first time laptop dissection.
Of course before that I had no real experience in dealing with computer hardware.
Though it was fun (glad I do have screwdrivers in different sizes) and I made to an okay end.
No wonder (literally) everything needs a clean-up, that I almost dump the entire fan plus the whole motherboard into ethanol (what I actually ended up with was consuming half bottle of compressed air).
The fan indeed had physical problem more than a clean-up. Even by spining it by hand it was clear something was wrong around the axle.
Knowing it's better to have it replaced, I wanted to see what would happen with the deep-clean -- result was as expected, that nothing seemed to change.
Good enough that Amazon does have fans that are likely to be the same (or fairly close). Once it arrives it would answer whether I can keep abusing this VAIO or downgrade it to another external hard drive.
(While one thing I don't understand is why I had 3 extra screws left after I reassembled it...)
↓ My current setup. Never thought you can arrange two displays vertically. _(:3」∠)_
↓ Earlier recent things: replacements of my torn-off messenger bag.

why ideology? watch this..
Fabric dyeing and paintings are also fun! |ω・`)