音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ 女王様と彼氏 (日本語)

English Version I will post tomorrow, I am so tired to write it into English.

✿ お中元寸前!

Day after tomorrow is O-Chuugen (a Japanese festival)! Are you busy now? Have you done your ready for Chuugen? In a word, in Chuugen, don’t forget to send a present to people who help you in common days. If you can, try to make some Hagimochi (a kind of Japanese that made by sticky rice and sweetened bean paste.) I think that is the best for this festival!
Well, I wish everyone have a good Chuugen!

❋ 夕立、スイカ、七夕・Thundershower, Watermelon, the Seventh Day

Today is the seventh day (Tanabata, a festival in Japan). I waited this day always before, but I could not enjoy the daytime when this day came. Why? There must was something lacked.
What was that on earth?
The Tanabata Feeling may be the celebration, I thought.
Yes, that was the celebration!
There was not any celebration around my home. Although I said so, I must not go if there was really a celebration. Because I am such a LAZY GIRL!
So, the daytime passed peacefully and leisurely. I did not find out the Tanabata Feeling till 6 o’clock this afternoon.
That time, about 6 pm, suddenly, sky turned dark. Lightning also flashed soon, and, rain fell.
I could smell the scent of soil from the rain.
The rain was a thundershower.
Sure enough it was a thundershower. 30 minutes after, the dark sky turned light again, the hot air turned cool too. I smelt the fresh air when I opened my glass. How wonderful it was!
Certainly I still did not find out the Tanabata Feeling, I wanted to not to thing about anything after the thundershower. So I got out the watermelon which I bought in morning, and I wanted to enjoy some fruit. Watermelon~ Watermelon~ I like~
In summer or Tanabata, watermelon is the best! Also, when Tanabata, do not forget your wish! Then, I thought I had found out some Tanabata Feeling.
Replaced round fans (Uchiwa in Japanese), I enjoyed the cool wind by my electric fan and felt well. Another thing I thought well was that time was like Tanabata somewhat at last, I thought.

❈ めでたい一日・A Wonderful Day

Today is really a wonderful day!
The first, today, FJY’s second album “circus” is released.
I was waiting this album from this February,only for I love FJY. Now, this time, there are 6 new songs in these album 12 songs. I very want to listen to them. But what a pity, I could not go to the FJY’s live in Feb, and like people who went to the live listened 2 new songs of them… how wonderful… the people who went to the live…
Well, no matter, the release day had came, and I will also go to buy it sometime! I have had waited so long time, however, I can’t go to buy in today for some reasons. But I think I can buy this album later soon.
I want to listen! I want to listen! How I want to listen~~~!
“circus”, and FJY…
Another today is also Yuri Nakamura’s birthday who is a singer from the band GARNET CROW. Happy birthday, Yuri Nakamura! I will be waiting and enjoying GC’s new albums and singles all the time!
Something others, now, 10:20 in the morning, I am on my way home. I can see a vast plain from the window of my train. The sun is little clouded, so everything I see is blurred. The sense is wonderful, I think.
Also, I can see some sunflowers sometimes. They are not very tall, with light yellow color, facing to the sun in a gay spirit, and opening big flowers.
“It do is summer now.”
But, say about “sunflower”, is it a seasonal word of August?
Although the question came, it disappeared soon.
No matter sunflowers are blooming in July or August; I am not so care about. In front is my summer holiday, I have done lots of plans, so I need not to care about too much. Now in my mind, there is only summer.
また、今日はね、GARNET CROWの中村由利さんのお誕生日なんです。おめでとう、中村由利さん!GCの新しいシングルやアルバムを、楽しみですよ!

☆ 短い隙間と文月の候・A Short Interval

The start: June 20, 2007
The end: July 1, 2007
Including: cell engineering, biostatistics, microbiology, virology, ecology, immunology, molecular biology, development biology.
Everything came rapidly, and everything ended rapidly.
In that time, I did all the final exams above, and they were all my major exams so that I was so busy then. But in the other hand, I think that time was good: busy but happy, no any emptiness. Yes, that was very good.
And now this term will end soon at last; it’s so joyful that my exams all ended!
Then, it will be my summer holiday later, and I need to done a plan about it. Another, I will get home in the noon of day after tomorrow, in my mind, the summer holiday will start from that moment. So, I want to call the time before July 4 to “the interval between the end and the start.”
Well, let me take a good plan in the interval now!

♧ 夏至・Midsummer

[This post was written in June 23, 2007.]

↑at first, this is the moon in midsummer night.
To talk about Summer Solstice, that is also called Midsummer, it is often comes in about June 21 or 22. And to talk about Midsummer Day, it is June 24, observed in Europe, Latin America, and Scandinavian communities in the United States in commemoration of the Summer Solstice.
It had come in the midst of summer now, I wanted to tell everyone about it yesterday originally, but after I thought some times (the fact was I forgot it). It is better to enjoy such a Midsummer Day which mixed Japanese style and Western style. Do not you think so? So here, I will send my midsummer wish:
Have a happy Midsummer Day!
Another, if you can, to listen the symphonic suit “Midsummer Night Dream” composed by Mendelssohn. The sense is so fit for this day!
Now talk something about me, my final exams started few days ago, and now I have done 3 exams and there are still 5. I think my state was fine in the past exams, and I also hope my state will not turn down in the next exams. In another hand, I even can not believe the fact that my next 5 exams will end in only one week. Such the thing never happened in the past terms. Because the exams in this term came so suddenly, rapidly and busily, as the result, I have to do everything in busy.
For the importance of my final exams, I must to do better and better and I have to go back for my study.

✯ The Silent Voice (English)

Now let me show you my images and comments about the album!
★ is my image
☆ is my comment
Track 1: The Silent Voice in the Crushed Sky and the Distorted World
★ In the end of last world, there was only the last life’s silent voice.
☆ The illusory BGM, and Katakiri’s quiver voice.
Track 2: The Left Hopes
★ Finally, a new world was created by the left hopes.
☆ The dim, blue atmosphere.
Track 3: The Eulogy for Passed the Crushed Ground
★ Human were born, everyday was only eulogize the pleasure of link.
☆ The dazzling vitality, and the inter-twisted chorus.
Track 4: Go Along the Way
★ King of Destroy came, close to a war.
☆ Folk song-like arrangement the strong and too pride voice.
Track 5: Hoping to Realize It
★ A war for protect everything, though one lost his lover, he had to go forward.
☆ The silent pain which flowed out the lyrics.
Track 6: The Distorted Sword
★ Human got peace by paid lots of lives, hoping the lost people would be memorized all the time.
☆ The rich arrangement and the peaceful image were listened well.
Track 7: The Awaken Bird
★ Although time diluted every pain, the real important things would also have their imprints.
☆ The soft song.
Track 8: Ruma-・Ruma-
★ A pure child’s heart could get much from nature the so-called “growth”, may is self know something by his/her own, isn’t it?
☆ The innocent little boy-like Kakakiri’s voice is lovely, and also the innocent lyrics.
Track 9: Confused Words in the World
★ There are only vast and hazy matter in the world, in the oppressions from others’ festered heart, if one suicides, is it only a impulse? Here a tragedy would be started.
☆ The puzzled lost feeling from whose unsuppressed nature.
Track 10: Incantation which Linking the World
★ After died, everyone all want to go to the Pure Land, but, how much people can reach for there? There is Evil, death, trial.
☆ The full-powered rhythm, which give listeners a very strong shock.
Track 11: The Left Evil
★ Only innocent children could know the fact that this world would be ended soon; But even the innocent hearts would be stained after they knew it. Everything was stained, crushed, distorted, also the voice.
☆ The black melody, the Lolita’s voice, and the pain filled cry.
Track 12: Requiem for the Vanishing Lives
★ The last requiem for who would be vanished. Human were close to die out.
☆ Symphonic arrangement, the vain voice and the grand BGM.
Track 13: The Last Time to Stay with You
★ Groans and death filled this ending world, chaotic and horrible. Nowhere could escape to. The fissured sky and ground, the last time of a couple, even the last sound was also cut, toughly.
☆ The song is in a good rhythm, and the unspeakable silent pain is the best.
Track 14: Drops of Tears
★ In the vain dark space, the one which was still remained, were drops, of yours, mine, world’s, and tears’. Drops were dripped, then decayed.
☆ The arrangement mixed silence and noise, the electron-processed special voice.
Track 15: The Silent World and the Distorted Crushed Sky
★ Human or the God, any created world would disappeared soon or later. No matter how the creator wished or prayed, he or she also can’t get the world back again. The silent second time lost, even the voice was not remained.
☆ The deeper quiver voice, the despair.