音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ A Masterpiece, Is It?

Yesterday evening I did a masterpiece. I thought so at least.
So far as, all my drawn pictures have taken me 5 display books, and I have to use more display books for my new pictures after if only I am drawing continue. Oh, no! I think I will not to buy any display book because I not have so much space to store them. So that last evening, I did a big job: stapled all my pictures by themes and made them into some booklets. Then I finished all them I found it took my almost 3 and half hours. I found very hot and tired because I keep my glasses on my face all the time and standing till the end. Well, I made it whatever.
To count the booklets I did, twenty I got; and the number of booklets was not include these themes which I not colored. In other words, I own more than 20 themes from when I started to draw: from January of 2006 to now. It’s so much that I even can’t believe it!
After, of course I should take some photos. At first I took them by three groups: the first half year in 2006, the second half year in 2006, and all others in 2007. I felt very happy and excited.
At last, suddenly I got a new idea. It would be how great if I put them into a circle. So I did it; and I took it. Sure enough it was very great. For everyone can know how much it was, I put a CD in the centre of the circle. It was so big I had to stand on a chair when I took it, and I laughed satisfyingly. A nice job!

❈ Wa! Surprised! 驚きました!

August 6, 2007, that day is Kajiura Yuki’s birthday:flirt: , and that day was also the day of the first anniversary between me and MyOpera! I knew it just now! I know that this August is the first anniversary of me and MyOpera, so I wanted to know the date and I checked my diary; I was very surprised when I knew it! And the date do was the same to Kajiura Yuki’s birthday…
I was very happy for the two dates were the same! In fact, I had applied 4 or 5 blogs before MyOpera; and that time I met MyOpera was only by little accident. So it is very normal that I could not remember the date. But then, I loved MyOpera soon after I played there.
“… although there is only 300 MB for me, it’s enough! Yet the album was very beautiful. So I will stay there always! It’s very nice!” that day, I wrote in my diary.
Surely it was very nice. I was not so enjoyed blogging before I met MyOpera. And from then I have my opera, and with its advancement, one day I found I have enjoyed bloggin very much. MyOpera is a good blog and it is better than any other blogs I had seen. It’s beautiful, wonderful and you can blogging easily. From then one year passed, and I love MyOpera more and more.
I think it should be a double-insurance for the date when we met is the same to Kajiura’s birthday! I will not forget again the date when I met MyOpera.
Yes, today, August 14, 2007; the date is little missed to the real date, but no matter! Now let me do a little celebration for the first anniversary!
Congratulation! The first anniversary of me and MyOpera!
さっき分かることになりました。今月6日、つまり梶浦様のお誕生日:love: の日は、私とオペラとの出会った日でした!今年の葉月は私とオペラの一週年記念ので、その具体の日を探すため、朝から前の日記を探してから分かりましたので、とっても驚きました。この日は梶浦由記様のお誕生日と同じことなんて…

❅ Colors of “Circus” (EN)

At first, Happy Birthday! Yuki Kajiura-Sama!

this picture comes form a post of Sermons from the Trail--The Church of the Walker's God:

kiyoedit: MyO is dead.
In this February, I wrote a post named “Here We Stand in the FictionJunction” for my loved FictionJunction YUUKA (after: FJY.) from now on, how much fruits that FJY got?
April 18, 2007, the seventh single “romanesque” was released;
July 4, 2007, the second album “circus” was released.
The two CDs were must get new signs in the road of FJY.
About “romanesque,” I have talked it in this April in one of my diaries which named “The Romanesque End of this Spring”, so this time, our theme is on “circus”!
Merely listen to the music, the fit scene can float into our minds. Maybe it is one kind of the so-called “force of music”?
From 2 months after “romanesque”, I awaited for “circus”. Like the last album “destination”, there are about half of songs in the previous singles in the album, but the new songs do are very beautiful!
track 1. circus
The name of this song is the same to the title of this album. The prelude listened very summer-like. This type of arrangement made me thought out one of Saeko Chiba’s song “Melody”. The chorus or arrangement also, made out a calm mood.
Color of this song: the red-orange color of sunset
Image of this song: “In a summer day, we were still little children. From the end of a circus, we were on our way home. Looked up to the sky, it was a very very red sunset sky. We said ‘Bye-bye’ in the crossroad and continued our way.
Bye-bye, see you tomorrow…”
track 6. pleasure (よろこび)
The percussion instrument made a fresh and fickle atmosphere though this song has a calm arrangement. And when YUUKA sung “奏でる歌は薔薇の色 (the song is sung, its color is rose) ”, somewhat, I found little shadow from “blessing” (^_^. However, there is a little likeness between the two songs, the whole feeling of this song is not any like “blessing”. Like the mean of title, there is some unspeakable pleasure in this song.
Color of this song: the sparkle rainbow color of star night
Image of this song: “In the night which we watched circus, I got a dream. That was a very beautiful dream. You, and I, we were in a magnificent star-steamship. To view the splendid star-night, we saw the twinkling stars. I was really happy.”
track 7. the shining desert (光る砂漠)
This is another very summer-like song. In the title, there is the word “desert”, but why I can feel the cool gentle wind in the summer dusk?
Color of this song: the far dancing golden color
Image of this song: “Suddenly, we saw a desert. It was shining in distance. It was very dazzling. The light seemed liked wanted to stop our travel, and not want to stop my dream; the light seemed wanted I could always stay with you, even it was only in my dream…”
If to listen the three songs in serial, they are unexpected match to each other!
track 9. piano (ピアノ)
In the whole album, I love this song best. The sorrowful notes flowing out from piano, and drop onto my heart in grains. In the long intermezzo, the arrangement which mixed with piano and cello is wonderful! This sensation likes one is yearning something deeply. Piano, cello, and YUUKA’s voice, only use the three elements, Kajiura-sensei made out one art song.
Color of this song: the blue color when musing
Image of this song: “Some years later, we were no more children. Where are you staying now... from my room I can see the sea. Every time when I play the piano, I always gaze the sea, then I will think about you. And… the melody what I always play, is that one you ever taught me. Surely, the notes from my piano adorn the deep blue sea, but why I feel so much sad and sorrowful…”
track 10. June is Your Eternity (六月は君の永遠)
Arranged only by piano, this song is another art song. From it, we can feel the transparency of YUUKA’s voice more and more.
Color of this song: the green color when we encounter again
Image of this song: “At last, we encountered again. We stayed together again. Everything happened in this June. And from now on, we swore each other, we will not be apart again…”
Excepting the new composed songs, there are also two mix versions of previous single songs in the album. They also have wonderful arrangements! Especially is in “Romanesque”. Some new lyrics are added into the song. The new lyrics made “romanesque” dimmer and mistier. Although the other part of this song is same to the original version, everyone had better listen to “romanesque-Full Size Mix” please, even only for the new added lyrics!
FJY made lots of beautiful colors from “circus”. And they can make out more and more splendid colors since “circus”. We FJY-fans so praying too. Wish FJY can always compose the most beautiful shine and colors.

❈ Colors of “Circus” (JP)

今年2月、私は大好きのFictionJunction YUUKA(以下”FJY”)へ『Here We Stand in the FictionJunction』という文章を書きました。あれから、FJYがどんな成果をできましたのかな?
track 1. circus
track 6. よろこび
track 7. 光る砂漠
track 9. ピアノ
track 10. 六月は君の永遠
新曲の以外、シングルから二曲のミックスも素敵です。特には『romanesque』の加えた新しい歌詞。これでますます儚げな夢のようになりましたのですね。ほかの分はオリジナルの歌と同じですけど、この新しい歌詞のために、きっと『romanesque-Full Size Mix』をお聞きくださいよ!

♢ 蛍を懐かしむ・Yearning the Fireflies

days I don’t want to do anything; but it’s not the hotness which I can’t get rid of, I think. Such as studying and drawing, there are lots of things are waiting me to do, I must try to do them best!
Say about August, when I was a little girl, I could see the fireflies. The fireflies I said are which use their faint light to adorn our dark blue night. I remembered that time, I reached out and cupped my hands, wanted to chase that light. What a nostalgia the scene that the light flowed out from my palms was! For there are not any fireflies around us now, it’s a little pity really.
Another, the single “Light of Fireflies (Hotarubi)” by RYTHEM which released in last month, is very fit the feeling in August! ^_^

✽ 土用・Dog Days

From today, July 20, the dog days (it’s called Doyou in Japanese) came during the next 18days. Everyone seems to lose weight easier for it can be said that the period is the hottest in summer. To get back the energy, we should have some nutritious food. If you choose eels, that's the best.
So that, Eri-san (my mother) and me went to the Japanese restaurant Momoya near my home. We ordered bake eel and tofu soup. They were very delicious♪.
In Momoya, it was not very light, the air-conditioner made here cool. The atmosphere was wonderful!
This year’s dog days came at last. Although I don’t know how hot here will turn to from now on, I wish everyone have cool comfortable days during the dog days!

↑in the restaurant Momoya / 桃屋の内

✽ Queen and Boyfriend

It was some years ago.
“In future, my boyfriend must be a bioscientist that the same to me!” I said to one of my friends.
“well, that’s wonderful. If you get some results together that must be very happy!” She said.
That was my first thought which about boyfriend.
As time goes by, and as I learned more, my thought was changed.
“If my boyfriend is a good cooker, I can have delicious meal every time; I can also get rid of all the troubles on cooking. It’s good, don’t you think so?”
Another day, I ask my friend.
“But do you know? A cooker has to cooking for all the guests and he maybe no more time for your own meal.”
“Ah, yes, you’re right… I have almost forgotten it.”
What she said was right, so the cooker boyfriend was rejected.
“Now…do you want to listen to me?”
Another day too, I ask her.
“I think a computer science boyfriend must be match to me!”
“Because of that he can help me resolve all the problems about software or internet, so that I need not to take much care of them. In another hand, he and me can work out lots on bio-informatics.”
“But…only he one, can he help you so much? There are lots of fields in computer science, I say your exception.”
“Ah… yes… I know. Did I too ideal?”
“In fact, I need a mathematics boyfriend.”
In the beginning of this year, I said to her.
“Why you said so this time?”
“You see, in this term, we have the class bio-statistics. In our future works, the knowledge must be used frequently, but I am not good at mathematics, and I also do mathematic problems careless so that I always get error answers…”
“Do you think so? Then do what you like please.” She said nothing more but only smiled.
In April, I wanted to draw.
“After I thought once and once again, I think a novelist will be match to me.”
“Oh, yes? When you changed again?”
“Yes, because I can draw illustrations!”
“If you say like that…”
“Of course, if he is a cool Lolita complex one, that will be more interesting!”
“Ha, ha-ha…”
“But, though a Lolita complex he is, he still will be rejected if I am not the first important one in his mind! One can only love the 2-dimensions girls if that one is a so-called Lolita complex.”
“Well, that is very match for you… I think.”
From then, there was not a very long time.
“In finally, I think that is good!”
“What are you saying about? Your future boyfriend?”
“Ha-ha… you have known what I will say…”
She nodded.
“In a word, a economy boyfriend is good!”
“Eco… economy?!”
“Yes, I am not good at it, so…”
“Yes yes, I know. Think it more please!”
“Ah, wait me; I still want to say…”
“Yes, yes, I know…”
My words were plugged by her.
It was June.
“In truth, I think it will be better if I live myself.” I said.
“Oh? Have you understood after all?”
“Yes. Because it is free. And there will no problems on my future researches, I think. For then, I must in a work group which lots of persons are there, so that we can work out lots of problems.”
“Ha! That is it!” suddenly, she said highly.
“What is ‘it’ which you said?” I asked.
“Yes, that is it, I have known early.”
I kept silent and waited her.
“What you think about is not about boyfriend, you are thinking about your future work group! Err…to say more certainly, you like… yes, you like a queen! Don’t you think so?”
“Queen? Me?”
Sure enough, I like my free life, I love to draw lovely girls, I want to study more about my like subject biology… regard to my future boyfriend, I think I never have the time to take attention to him. And I still want to live as this style. Finally, what I thought for long time was not, and never about boyfriend, that is a group which I want to own: all the people who have the same interesting I have, and we help each other, we do all things which we like. In my mind, that is the best!
And that, sometimes, it is good if I am a queen!