音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ Akiko-san Onegaishimasu!

Follow these simple steps and get one of your wishes granted.
1. make sure there are at least two of you.
2. you cut a paper into butterfly-shape.
3. ask all people around to hold that piece of paper-butterfly.
4. everyone repeats in heart "Please grant our wishes, Akiko-san~"; the time of repeat is the same as the number of participating people.
5. all people tear the butterfly into pieces altogether.
6. then all of you will be brought to the mansion of Beatrice Akiko Shikata; you will find her and ask her to grant your wishes.
7. if she admits to do so, that's the best case. if not, you have to at least find a way to make her willing to let you back.
8a. if she doesn't want you go, or there is only one left of all people, well, game over.
8b. if there are at least two of you make your way, place the butterfly-pieces togather, and everyone repeats that phrase again. but now, the time of repeat is the number of participating people plus one.
9. you're where you start. congrants, you've made your life from Akiko's mansion, with or without one of your wishes granted.
10. not satisfied? want more wishes being granted? then go back to step 1...
Akiko's VII is just magic (, of course, all her Umineko songs are)! It took me over 8 hours to turn my "pulse of colour harmony" (a.k.a. drawing...) into shape yesterday, and this morning, being completely in Umineko world, what I wrote above floated up in my mind.

❀ May isn't (wasn't) blank!!

LONE TIME NO WRITING! and almost forgot how to correctly spell the word "writing" in upper case. ^^;
But it doesn't mean I did nothing in May so that I had nothing to write. In the opposite site, I did A LOT, and thus I never ever got a chance to focus on making a decent blog post.
So let me re-organise myself here, as well as for a good wrapping up of May 2013.
--May was a beautiful programming month--
Like what I've mentioned in April (or maybe March), I was launching the "sharky" project. However, I'm aware of being lacking certain knowledge to build up everything from scratch (even though I wish that was not true!). So, during the entire month, I spent most of the time learning/improving my programming skill. More exactly, I started learning Perl, a not-so-hard but powerful and ready-to-be-used language.
Good thing was I did have programming experience. I used to be able to use C years ago, but now nothing specific in C I can recall, except some commonly shared ideas, like how to design your script and make it flow. Yet such remainder reduced quite a lot of time I spent on reading--I actually ignored all after-reading exercises from that book. Here, I guess, one of the main reason that I forgot almost all about C was I don't know why I would use it. This time, before I decided to touch Perl, I've already got the idea what kind of things it can do and what kind of tasks I want to complete. I had thoughts, which made the study progress much easier than just reading books and doing exercises--To me, text-book exercises may help, but it may change my life if the practice can satisfy my own needs.
Just right after I decided to learn Perl, something exciting popped up in my mind: I was gonna name all my scripts in the format of "ar tonelico song magic"!
and it's how my scripts ended up like:

↑ it does look good!
You might have noticed, the folder name for all coding stuff is "alchemy"--'cause I think coding is like magic, you mix different letters, and you can make computer work for you! I also have multiple perl modules, under the folder "_atelier". They were named like "method_xxxx.pm". Hmmm, exec and method, although the set up is kinda different from the real A.T. world, sometimes you do need to modify things to fit your own requirements, don't you?
One more thing about my named scripts. There is one module file that I used for collecting all individual module files together. By doing so I don't have to include everything in each of my scripts. I simply need to include this master library then everything will be set up. You see the exec_library_fyusion.pl? That master file is called "method_library_fyusion.pm", and this "exec" was written to auto update the "method", so I have a quick index of what subs I have inside of each single module.
Anyway, I have so much of fun with programming--much, much more than doing biology.
Finally, about the book I'm reading.

↑ which is this guy. I do admit it's a good start to me. Now I'm finishing up the final chapter, probably will proceed to the next one soon, which is about mastering perl for bioinformatics (from tadpole to frog!). Then, back to my project, so far I'm not sure what kind of language I should use to build up everything--CGI or PHP. Since I know nothing about either of them, I don't really care. Perl was just a beginning, I didn't mean to learn perl only for using cgi, so I'm totally okay to use php. But somewhat I feel like the letter combination of php doesn't look as cool as cgi, so I'm a little lost.
Or maybe it's too early to worry about this. I can't really choose unless I know both of them! XD
P.S. I learned so much Perl that a few days ago I thought "#xxx" was a piece of comment in css before recalling that was used for define "id" tags! :P
--Rainy days, and my new nest--
It started raining a lot since last week, and I got super excited.
Rainy days are neat. No bright sunlight that can hurt your eyes, the weather is not hot; the air is sweet when it's raining, and the sound of rain is beautiful; also, there is no static during raining days (you know what I'm saying if you have long hair)!!
Generally, raining makes me happy; and I tend to enjoy dark songs much more than sunny days. So if you see someone laughes serectly on the street, that's me.
From Annabel x myu's sexy collaboration to Akiko's Umineko series or Noriko's "vierge automatique". The category of dark songs spread among my music library. Although sometimes, I may play some brighter songs like KOKIA's "vintage love", the first three examples will be played 95% of the raining period.
The thing is, this kind of songs will multiply the reveries in my mind!
It was on this Tuesday. It rained again in the morning; back to that time, I found a new post about Opera Next's beta release!! I gave it a try immediately. Overall it was quite good, but some features I love for current Opera were missing there. Hope they can bring them back later. What I wanted to say was, together with Opera Next release, I decided to go back to My Opera blog service.
Long time ago, I wanted a place to keep my random thoughts. They would be short and incomplet, don't fit real blog post and such. Most microblogging services are rubbish at this point, you can't write too much (you can only write LITTLE). Some of them can hold more text, but you can't fully customise your page, some are okay for both skin and text amount, but they have a poor editor (wysiwyg go hell!). Plus my love to MyO, I decided to bring my sealed MyO back to life; this time, I'm turning it to my private lunatic nest--I write all my crazy dreams(delusions) there.
Also, I think I've never said it before, MyO's about page is my current favorite place for self intro. I'm not good at writing self-intro at all, but MyO provides some fun questions, which made my life easier. Thus, after spent sometime re-designing a quick-and-to-be-modified template, I'll link it here, and also replace the link to my current "about" page~
Alright, I think I've written a lot. Before I end this post, there is the last thing to mention.
Again, it's about my MyO intro page. I caught this test from someone's intro page, so I did it too, and...
The result sounds pretty interesting, and I also got a general picture of these three words (which were somehow all new to me!).
No matter whether this test is logically made or just for fun, I'm pleased and will end this post right here~ ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ

✾ Fully Powered Delusion

it was on tuesday when I went to bank.
it was raining in the morning, which made me hyper. and in the afternoon, at the bank, to retrieve some info, I needed to go to my email inbox.
things started there...
till now, I'm still wondering what that bank guy would think about me.
I'm completely fine if others see my email inbox--I'm not doing anything illegal anyway. but, well, I attached a quick shot of my inbox here...

umm, right, I was looping Akiko's insane-laughing song when I took this shot! :3
I've blurred the area that contains ppl's info, but what you can still see is, a colourful totori background image!!!
since I did go through my emails for quite a while, I believe he saw those emails with Japanese in the title--including my purchase if Win 8. lol
plus, the most thing I care about is my status--you can see it at the top right area. I'm pretty sure that guy can read kanji, and what I wrote literally means "fully powered delusion".
so, what would that guy think??
>>what kind of life she has?<< xDD
--I don't believe people have no thought at all. maybe I'm getting things complicated, anyhow, it's my style, and I do love to hear from others commenting about it--what exactly I want to know is how others see my own delusion.

★ Reverie Drops

--it's all about a maiden's fantasy, or you may call it delusion--

CSS-styling my Myo. なんか懐かしいぃぃぃ (also the Myo emoji)~~~ finally I got a chance to try ALL-BLACK!! XDD
Opera Dragonfly does help a lot! to pull out elements I don't want, and push { display: none /* my favorite css code while editing others' template */ } to it. although I'm still working on editing the css code, my brain is overwhelming with my "delusions" (this triggered a new art~ :happy: )
guess since this post, I'm resuming (or restarting) posting on Myo. another place for my random, crazy and not organised but reusable thoughts :star:
--apparently I wanted a place to dump all such things before, but what I needed is something between those real complicated blogging service like blogger and those crappy and way too simple microblogging systems like twitter. the former one, I tend to make REAL blog posts, take effort to error check my writing or whatever, while the latter, wysiwyg ONLY editors, almost no customisable CSS, and the worst. . .
-you can't write as much as you want. :irked:
anyhow, initially I switched to blogger because I wanted my own domain and some more flexible feathers like javascript, but for this time, I don't really care about them. so there I'm back, making Myo my little nest of all my hidden dark characters.;)
the last question,
should I give titles to my posts here? :confused:

✽ 愛を貫いた私は幸せです

At first, I have no idea how to express the title in English! Any suggestions? XD
Anyway, that is over. Although I'm not gonna congratulate myself on being a permanent head damage, I hope I will in future. :P
God, I miss my tablet so much! The only thing I could do before it ended was to shorten another pencil.
I miss Silent Hill too (I want Heather Beam!! °w°), but I don't want to scare myself for now. Just, this time when I resume, I'll go with its own awfully superb sound. Yet, from previous experience, I guess I'll be totally freaked out (it's so scary even I go with KOKIA ^^;). And I believe I'm now a fan of horror games. I've started to watch people playing BioHazard series.
Saying about KOKIA, see what I've pre-ordered as a celebration! although I know I'll just get them no matter what.

with an unreleased song "傘を貸してあげて", an extra, newly recorded song (according to her blog) outside of "Where to go my love?".

Umbrella: "Elephant Family" Beige (and Titti is so adorable!!! <33)
There is a gray version, but I eventually went with the beige one. It reminds me her balance series~
So I guess the next thing is to pray for more raining? ('∀`)
Bonus -- I really hate to stand in front of a camera, but if you dare, click me and enter the pass. XD
PASS: the name of my favorite singer, all in lower case.

✯ Clear rain drops falling, そして私は大正浪漫へと落ちる

始めにこんな和洋折衷なタイトルごめんね~ (・ω・`)
I didn't intend to have such a mixed title...
After wasting about 400 pieces of paper on Thursday, I'm officially on win8 now. By saying officially, I mean I transferred my win8 code from the one I throw at the lab to the one I mainly use at home.

you can see the solid task bar is the only change of appearance.
↑ I made this wallpaper before I formatted win7.
KOKIA is ALWAYS so pretty. I can look at this all day~~(*´▽`*)
And of course, there is no reason for not talking about this album (which I KEPT LOOPING FOR FIVE DAYS)!
Where to go my love?
The very overall impression to me was an image full of indigo, sometimes with several other brighter hues. Gentle rain drops falling, blending these colour patches into one clear world. Ura Kiyohide's arrangement was another impression since the very beginning, things like "only he could depict this kind of ambience".
-- You got it?
#1. Dance with the wind. I did get a feeling of "soft breeze is in my heart" during the introduction and before looking at the song title. Music is wonderful that you can see beyond the word. The first and the second songs are connected so naturally. Both are slow and warm. #2. 愛はこだまする / Love is echoing. I love the introduction sooo much. Time by time, with the addition of sets of new instruments (and I especially love the strings), the main melody repeats -- or I should say echoes. Then, KOKIA's "I love you" is luring me.. ^^;
#3. you are not alone. Like inheriting from "moment", here the music expends a feeling of the endless blue sky. "I want to do something for you, and please don't leave me along." #4. liar liar ~ロマンティックワルツ / romantic waltz. This song was the very first song that made me looping (for over 70 times...). The 6/8 time signature (I assume) brings me an excellent delightful mood. This song also fell into my self-defined KOKIA's "another world", in which includes fantastic cute and lovely non-heart-touching songs (it's hard to describe but I hope it makes sense). The tiny candle light is swinging in the magic bunny's palms, and follow the sound of rain, in front of the dark tunnel, he'll take you to your own wonderland. #5. something blue & something red. Somehow, I myself want to pair this song with "you are not alone" -- probably because of the lyrics.
I'm waiting for someone.
#6. ヒトの中にあるもの / Inside of human beings. This song gives a transition of the image colour to a tender orange. The lyrics is like a folksong, and it first related me to the album "aigakikoeru" -- more exactly, "the story of two daughters". The god inside our hearts may be different, yet we're all keeping praying, and so making an ensemble of this planet. The final phrase is so "world" (that's the only description appeared in my mind)! #7. 微笑みを忘れないように / Remember the Smile. The fresh orange from #6 is fading. KOKIA+Ura Kiyohide are just a tearjerker. The No. 1 heart touching song out of the whole album, especially at 1'58''. We feel, as time goes by, yet the feelings are something beyond the words. #8. 夢の途中 / On the way of dream. The last one I want to group with "you are not alone". So the order could be, #5 -- #3 -- #8 (I know I'm now in my daydream to combine songs in a story-telling fashion). This song is at its best position, I mean the positive ambience and the major chord restore my feeling from #7. "Dream is my life. I will be my dream."
#9. 映画のような恋でした / like the love from films. Calm star sky and warm strings. I especially like the last phrase of this song, KOKIA's voice is so sweet and adorable. #10. Where to go my love. In regular editions of this album, this song is the last, echoing back with the album title, return the motif.
-- "Where to go my love?"
#11. One by one, Day by day. This is the encore!! I've already listened to this song for times since the release of her the 5th season concert DVD (and I believe this song is from "the 2nd day"~ ;3). This is a cheerful song, drawing a perfect full stop of her 15th anniversary album.
(P.S. Here I want to emphasise how well she can sing, on live or in the studio <3)
I'm so happy because I'm with KOKIA and her sound-rangers.
Now, as the second part of what the title says, I've fallen into a Taishou Romance mood.

↑ Annabel - ファンタスマゴリア / Phantasmagoria

That's my sekushi Annabel again! and myu is such a genuis!! >__<
Just sekushi, don't ask me to explain it---!
Yesterday when I was configuring my computer, while without music copied onto my hard drive, I was looping this song for all day -- without a single change. As a non-single CD collector, maybe I should buy this single (although I'm not a fan of Ceui at all ^^; ).
Sadly, again I forgot how to read the kanji "哉", so I went back to its wikipedia page and saw the future theme song information. Don't know if I ever saw it before, but Noriko will definitely have three new songs (hopefully can be released in the summer, which is when the game will be released).
OP - ナヴィガートリア 〜北極星〜 / Navigatoria ~Polar Star~
作詞・歌 - みとせのりこ / 作曲・編曲 - 中河健 (Ken Nakagawa)
ED - 君知ル哉、此ノ華 / The Flower You Know (something like that, I suppose. u_u)
作詞・歌 - みとせのりこ / 作曲・編曲 - 弘田佳孝 (Yoshitaka Hirota)
IM - 天球トロイメライ / Celestial Sphere Träumerei
作詞・歌 - みとせのりこ / 作曲・編曲 - Dani
Anyway, Noriko+Hirota is back!!!! I wish for a horror Tooryanse or Hanayome Ningyo ambience! About Dani, although I don't hold a special affection for him in terms of composing and arranging, his EXEC_DISHADOW_includes.Ex_VANISLAND/. is awesome.
But what I want to say here is I just read from Noriko blog about the set-list of a live in which a mini hymmnos section will be included. Noriko is gonna perform "EXEC_PHANTASMAGORIA/." with Dahna. This song was for three people and thus I'm so curious how the two would sing it, also, how it would sound like while a male is singing! xD
At last, some "new" releases to me:

Eiko Shimamiya etc. - 5 tears vol. 2
The more I listen to this mini album, the more I feel "this is the Eiko style". By the way, Lia's "infini" is fantastic~

LAYLANIA Another Storys [moon*birds]
I do think I see a "s" after the word "story"...... anyway, I thought that's Akiko composing, but I'm wrong. The composer is Ken Nakagawa (music isn't bad though). Yet comparing to this image CD, I more want the mug cup, the blue one is good!! °A°
Seems Akiko will have some new works too for a new anime, I remember things that vaguely from her twitter account. I don't care about if that's for an anime, just got excited by the Umineko-ish ambience with multi-chorus (according to Akiko). (´∀`)o
Finally, shall I resume my Taishou-romance or continue with KOKIA tonight? (*゚∀゚)

♤ My sweet five hours

ECHO #Simple batch convert, using only default settings. For a better adjustment for image quality, use Photoshop instead.
ECHO #Before start, make sure this computer has ImageMagick installed.

ECHO ###################################
SET /p indrive=The drive for target folder (C/D/E/etc...). . .  
SET /P infolder=The target folder path. . .  
REM switch to the target drive + folder.
CD %infolder%
ECHO Create output folder "imgmgk_out" . . .
MKDIR imgmgk_out
set outfolder=%infolder%\imgmgk_out
SET /P informat=image format to be converted. . . (jpg/png/gif/tif/etc...)  
SET /P outformat=convert images to. . . (jpg/png/gif/tif/etc...)  
REM do this to avoid errors.
ECHO ###################################
ECHO Now converting . . .
forfiles /m * /c "cmd /c convert @fname.%informat% @fname.%outformat%"
ECHO ###################################
move *.%outformat% %outfolder%
ECHO Finished.
START imgmgk_out
ECHO ###################################

SET /P choose=Continue to another folder? (Y/N)  
IF "%choose%"=="y" goto convert
IF "%choose%"=="Y" goto convert
IF "%choose%"=="N" goto end
IF "%choose%"=="n" goto end

cd "K:\musik\classical\tchaik_pi\karaj_sym"

REM in (start, step, end);
REM can replace stuff after "do"
for /l %%i in (1,1,8) do (
	mkdir karaj_sym%%i
	move tch_karajan_sym%%i.* karaj_sym%%i
	cd karaj_sym%%i
	ren tch_karajan_sym%%i.* karaj_sym%%i.*
	cd ..\
Now I feel coding has much more fun than biology. @w@