音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Brief break for my first script

Like the title says, this post is specially for my first script (although it's not really a script):
cd D:\mysql\v5_6_10\bin\
START mysqld
mysql -u root
But even this tiny guy took 1 hour from me, including reading stuff about what a batch file is and find out a good reference. The first "script" I ever made (with the assistance of another person who added the lovely "START" where I underlined), not for completing a course assignment or trying a self-learning example, solely from my own need, to take something into real application. So, I feel satisfied. Even it's NOT what I'm supposed to do. ~_~
Since I'm pleased, I'll still post the very start of the newborn plan, and hope I can come back to update this in May:

↑drwan & text written by me using photoshop cs2 9.0.
Why Sharky? Because I got a shark from my friend today only after saying that's cute! xD

❀ Tree from Hell

Recently, we're working on making a tree for all functional introns in our database. We have made an ORF alignment including about 500 introns. There are two versions of them, one is longer and have more variable regions, whereas the other one is shorter and basically only have the alignable regions.
So now I'm trying to use the two alignment files to make trees, and then, hopefully we can see difference between these two trees and another quick and inaccurate tree. My method involved using RAxML (I myself don't know much about the algorithm, I only know how to use it...).
Basically, for an accurate tree, 100 times of bootstrap is necessary. It's the first time I used it to deal with such hugh alignment files, but I never expected the 100 bootstrap runs would take that long to run.
I started the program on last Friday, and the shorter file was barely half done, while the longer file was around 37. Then I did some quick math:
For the shorter file, 8000 seconds per bootstrap, and thus, 8000/60/60*100/24=9.25 days.
For the longer file, 12650 seconds per bootstrap, so, 12650/60/60*100/24=14.63 days.
...2 weeks to make a tree,
---That's indeed the tree from hell!!!
I just hope there is no power cut during the two weeks. (・_・;)
The Hymmno-infected Records.
#1, Rainbow coloured crayon.

↑ 虹色クレヨン。
↓ 虹色クレヨン?!
Case #2, I saw hymmnos from my alignment

-- Although I know it's grammatically wrong.(´▽`*)
Finally, capricious weather, it's snowing again.
終わり/The End (・ω・`)

❀ Kurt Hymneth Showoff~

It finally arrived! I've been waiting for 3 weeks!!
and that was actually the first time I really hated Spring Festival, the shipment was delayed due to the holiday, then plus the regular airmail, I had to wait for 3 weeks starting from its official release date. Anyway, since it's free shipping, I won't complain about the 2 weeks.

The collection box. Like a huge dictionary. The red ribbon that serves as bookmark is placed at the very bottom for taking stuff out.
And, everything inside: Top is the 9-CD box. Bottom from left to right, a hardback book of back stories from hymmnos, lyrics book, booklet of the three new songs, leaflet of this product.
Indeed gorgeous!
However, there are things I don't like that much from the box.
  1. I can't rip songs from the playbutton.
  2. there are typos in booklet. ( ̄□ ̄;)!!
  3. comments from the original booklets are gone......!!
  4. hymmnos in the DVD are not in full size, not all songs are included, A.T.3 isn't there at all, and the scrolling lyrics are not synchronised with melody.
  5. the promotion video in the DVD are not trimmed perfectly -- at least they should use crossfade if a piece of melody is longer than video.
  6. lyrics booklet could have a harder cover. I don't dare to turn pages roughly.
About the three new songs.

The "sound badge", a.k.a. playbutton, being placed onto the new song's booklet. Preeetty but can't rip music inside of it... I'd prefer a CD!!
Kurt hymneth 外典~失われていた詩~ / The Lost Hymmnos
1. Akiko Shikata as Chroche - METHOD_ALTERNATION/.
2. Haruka Shimotsuki as Luca - EXEC_VISIONDANCE_PLUGINs/.
3. Noriko Mitose as Jakuri - EXEC_DISHADOW_includes.Ex_VANISLAND/.
If sorting by how much I like them, that should be 3 = 1 > 2 -- never changes since I tried the samples.
Although I never like the tsundere-Chroche in game, I like her hymmnos songs. Akiko's newest masterpiece, Chroche's trial at 13, the conversation with Infel.
In Haruka's case, the song is good, but not loopable to me. A song dedicating to the new continent Metafalica.
Noriko's one is definitely another masterpiece. The beginning acappella and middle "noise" multi-track chorus are awesome. Jakuri's lullaby for herself after returning to Eolia's tower, interwove with Syurelia's voice.
The three new songs are all "from" A.T.2; good thing, that I've finished A.T. 1 and 2 stories, and now in the middle of A.T.3 story.
Everytime when a hymmnos comes in game, I get excited. -- Even I've looped EP=NOVA for hundreds of times, I still couldn't stop laughing when it flowed in A.T.3 game. (´▽`*) Also, after watching others playing the game, I finally understand the liner notes of them, as well as the comments from original A.T. booklets. You may get a new feeling of them when you get a better context, that's always true.
But I myself will always only be a game watcher, especially for games like A.T., battles, collecting/making items, different routes, and sometimes H-content orz... so tiresome, not my type (Horror is better! XD).
Yet since the stories are interesting, I only watch people playing them, I like funny comments from players too.
The somehow related Ciel nosurge.
The sound preview disc of Ciel nosurge is included in this CD-box -- and I already listened to both OST and concert of Ciel nosurge released on Feb. 27.
The OST is not very impressive to me -- I won't complain since it serves as a game OST. But the concert disc isn't that good either. Probably there is an outer singer and sings the melody that Akiko composed (what a waste!!) -- because, I don't like her tone. Surprisingly, Haruka's song in that disc is even better than Akiko's.
Hope things getting better in vol.2.
Finally, a real life event.

↑ rotated screen = enlarged tablet = our aligning station!
At the end, more showoff pictures:

The (assumed) hymmnos backstories. I don't even dare to put force while turning pages. XD

Lyrics book. Half blue crosses with half red. Similarly, don't dare to turn pages with too much strength...

The two long edges of every page are either blue or red, together with song titles in same color to match the CDs. But with exceptions, specific songs have their original background designs kept.

And side MORI is green~~

The front view of the CD-box.

Inside the CD-box. Blue+Red Discs from A.T. 1, 2, 3, and then Mori+DVD+Ciel nosurge.

Behind the CDs are motif images of each game.

Bonus. Saki you lost your body!!


///Where to go my love?///
Finally the jacket is out, so adorable~~
KOKIA's 15th anniversary album, this time, the motif is love.
and the tracklist:
1. Dance with the wind
2. 愛はこだまする / love is echoing
3. you are not alone
4. liar liar ~ロマンティックワルツ / romantic waltz
5. something blue & something red
6. ヒトの中にあるもの / inside human beings
7. 微笑みを忘れないように / don't forget the smile
8. 夢の途中 / on the way of dream
9. 映画のような恋でした / like the love from a film
10. Where to go my love(Piano ver.)

Special Track(初回盤限定/LE only)
11. One by one, Day by day(The 5th season concert ver.)
Well, in case of KOKIA albums, it's not that surprising. The last song is from the 5th Season DVD (1st day? 2nd day??), but people who don't own them probably don't know this.
Although I myself would like a studio recorded version -- I have the DVDs~ XD
///I'm just picky, you know.///
While waiting for my "Krut Hymneth", I've been watching others' liveplay videos of Ar Tonelico series since last week. Right now, I'm on the last phase of A.T.2, and I finally know who Jakuri is (and I do like her!).
Yet, is that a fixed law that all main heros are like rubbish and sub-characters are much much better?
(btw @English translators, don't rewrite people's names as what you like!!!)
Lyner--absolutely rubbish typical RPG main character.
Misya--I don't like her appearance.
Orica--almost fine, but the only thing I don't like her is that she likes the main hero.
Shurelia--my goddess. XD
Jakuri>.....I don't like any other main characters in A.T.2. orz
Haven't started, just hope the story is good; the bad thing is that Noriko didn't sing for any character; the worse thing is I personally don't like Tilia (the character whom KOKIA sings for) at all...
So the conclusion: Noriko ftw~~
I'm thinking if I have a black (female) cat in future I would name her Jakuri, or Shurelia in case of a white kitty. (・ω・`)
↑ Actually that's how Noriko herself named her black and white bunny stuffed toys.
///With a katana, in the lifeless hospital.///
At last, about my personal experience in Silent Hill 3. It IS scary!!! Can't play at all without any delightful music (e.g. Rekka Katakiri). Suddenly feeling myself is so weak even I enjoyed "The Grudge" series a lot. ~_~
Anyway, I like horror so I'll keep playing on my own. I enjoyed solving the riddles too. I even spent hours reading about Shakespeare's tragedies. So far, my favorite weapon is Japanese sword (while dreaming about future Heather beam, don't know if I'll obtain it actually though).
And SH series does have superb soundtracks too. SH3 has the best flow overall, followed by SH2. I'm not that impressed by No.1 and No.4 soundtracks that much, but the main theme of SH1 is always the epic.

Theme of Loura (not Laura???)
↑ but now I moe this one much more, from SH2. XDD;

❋ Of Their New Albums

My dear RSS reader + that the dark Noriko singing around ruined this morning!
I mean I'm overwhelmed by so much news about coming releases, and past discoveries.
(so I'm writing at working hours, no surprising.)
#1. KOKIA's Mar-20 new album for 15th anniversary.
The title has been decided:
"Where to go my love?"
I thought that might be something including "color of life" at first, since that's the title of her April concerts.
She also mentioned that the tracklist was decided, but nothing announced yet.
--Anyway, I just want to see the CD cover ASAP!
↓Something like this? XD
#2. The Secret of "Road to Glory"

image source
By the way, she voiced the cat showing in this image; the 2nd song in "Battle of Destiny" is his character song. (*´▽`*)
And, by the end, she said anagram will be involved again in "Battle of Destiny".
KOKI-sama you are really having fun with anagram!!! Σ(゚Д゚;
(and I haven't seen anywhere showing who did the arrangement. I really wish the person to be Masumi though.)
Then, can you please post the rearranged lyrics for "gematria"? This lyrics is too long to decipher by human~~ @w@
#3. Akiko's Coming Soon 4th Album?!
I caught that information on the special webpage for her 2013 concert. New song(s) in Akiko's 4th album will be revealed in concert.
1st is a star, 2nd is the moon, and 3rd is harmony.
what will be the 4th motif? I'm so curious~
Wish it's not about the apocalypse (disharmony). It's possible in case of Noriko though.
Because someone mentioned, once on a Noriko live, she said, "the next song is like, when it stops raining, the world ends."
Yet no one knows when Akiko will release it! If you don't understand, refer to "Istoria" series.
Hope that's not the case this time.
--But but but how come you wiped out the adorable goldfish and replaced with the concert Poster?! Sounds like they have a domain solely for a concert! (つд⊂)
#4. Laylania == Uncertain World
I'm not saying the concept. It's something about the reading.

Anyhow, continuing on this site, a new discovery.
I don't know about others, but it's my first time seeing these two words being lined up, indicating the alternative way to read "uncertain world".
Maybe I just thought too much.
Getting excited by Mr. Sunhelp's live gameplay of "Silent Hill 1", I started "Silent Hill 3" on last Sunday (because he said he's not planning play this one).
Let's see if I can finish this without any outside help. Of course, the action level is on Easy Mode -- if not, I'll never touch it!! XDD
It's Feb 6 in Japan time already, I can now start to look forward my Krut-Box in mail two weeks later~
-- And I'll never touch my RSS reader in future in a workding day morning. u_u

♧ otonami news, etc. etc...

I really didn't look for those info on purpose, they just jumped out of my RSS reader.

2013-Feb-20: Battle of destiny
2013-Mar-20: KOKIA 15th annv. special - title TBA
2013-Mar-27: 記憶の光 / kioku no hikari / Light of Memory
↑ "Battle of destiny" is the new theme song for a new chapter (forget the name) of DragonNest. Anyhow, sounds like another splendid song that can be lined up with "Road to Glory". I only wonder if the arranger is Masumi (she said nothing on twitter though). And, the C/W song is based on(?) a cat NPC in the game. I bet that will be a cute song, maybe like the pink elephant~
About the other two, I've been looking for the release info for a long time, and finally grabbed them on amazon. No cover yet, and no finalised title for the 15th annv. album yet either. Be patient!
"Kioku no Hikari" is arranged by Masumi, that's 100% correct. Now, the last question is if Masumi will be in the album. According to Masumi twitter, yes (hope I didn't misunderstood or misread. :P).
✄ฺ--------- キ ---- リ ---- ト ---- リ ----------------
When I went through my twitter stalk list, I realised I almost missed something just released.

OVA "華ヤカ哉、我ガ一族" theme song single, released on Jan-23, and Annabel is in...
Right, now I remember she mentioned about it in last year, around October (maybe November). Good thing I won't miss it until months after! xD
Then, to confirm how to read the title correctly, I went to its wikipedia page, and read its music section.
Noriko's "Hanachiruya" and "Kinema Mosaic" are also from this game!
-- it's so hard to believe. *dies* (つд⊂) (don't ask me why!)
✄ฺ--------- キ ---- リ ---- ト ---- リ ----------------
Nagi's Jan-30 single "Zoetrope" was leaked already, but it's so average that I deleted it after first listening (I don't like her do like her but not as much as Annabel, even they all belong to binaria).
✄ฺ--------- キ ---- リ ---- ト ---- リ ----------------
About some past C83.
Haruka's new canoue stuff is good, so is LipAura series best collection. Yet I still think "Rakujitsu no Maigo" is kinda wasting of money, especially to people who bought "Tsukioi no Toshi".
Annabel's "Transparent Girl" is out of my expectation. (I'm apparently not saying it's a good one, at least to me), but in "Moonlit Phantom", although not that impressive, her two songs are still nice.
Nagi's album isn't out yet, but after a few times of trying her old albums, I gave up waiting for it. Nagi is awesome in binaria, but like I just said, she isn't that type I can follow throughly and blindly without caring about the music itself (make sense? if not, think about Noriko as an example).
✄ฺ--------- キ ---- リ ---- ト ---- リ ----------------
Finally, about Jakuri, or I should write Jacqri.
When I saw the very first line of her introduction on wikipedia,
"382-year-old, appears as 15."
Somewhat I understood why people call her "the Mother" on the A.T. voting page. Σ(゚Д゚;エーッ!

✿ Wee yea ra ene foul enrer.

Visited that site again very randomly this afternoon, and then I saw this:

That's gorgeous!
Seems I MUST complete the writing by the end of January, as what I promised a week ago.
Actually, I saw the sidebar news earlier than the package appearance.
The new song samples!
I used to ignore samples, but began in last summer, I started to try more and more frequently.
Even I still hate samples, especially for great music, because the samples are nothing but teasers. Am I not correct? ~_~
Akiko's new song is ABSOLUTELY LOOPABLE. Typical Akiko style, and the middle string part is rather attractive -- I want her singing in Hymmnos though. Haruka's is as "average" as her other "good" works (honestly, I'm not that impressed so far). Noriko's is... how should I say it? Interesting? Because of the acappella part and the kinda "weird" sound effect. But I love the second part's drums as well. She said this would be more acoustic, and maybe that's why the composer+arranger was Dani? -- Imagining the two staying late on Xmas Eve for recording~~ But what if that was Hirota did the music? We never know..
Again, who is Jakuri? xD
-- at least I know (and only know) Akiko and Haruka's characters are the cover girls in A.T.2, but Noriko's girl is purely shadowless (to a non-A.T.-player)!
However, somehow being numbed by so much of A.T. music especially the super collage-like A.T. 3 series, I'm more and more getting the feeling that all A.T. related songs CAN be treated as the singers' own works, as long as the composer aren't those GUST people, who have implanted the unchangeable A.T. motif into listeners' mind. I do think these non-GUST produced A.T. songs will have a good flow with other "original" works by the same singer.
A bit off, huh.
I'd better go back to my writing and come back by the end of January.
P.S. Since tried the samples, I can't go back to Mozart, who can help keeping my mind in peace and thus speed up my writing, anymore... I'll count on Hymmnos till the end of wirting then, lol
And I gotta learn Hymmnos some day!