音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ a lolicon's happiness

Strictly, I’m not a real lolicon. Originally, I’m not male person. That’s one. Also, I don’t mind age. If a girl is a Lolita or not is not important, as long as she is sweet and lovely. Moreover, I like girls, but not from any sexual drive, (sex sounds terrible)! But, how can I give myself a proper title? ~(゜゜)~~(゜゜)~
Ok, no more puzzles on the issue. Now, let me talk about the recent events.
Due to some reasons, I’ve paused writing my story for almost a half of month. About 5 days ago, I exploded with “I can’t bear myself in such situation!” and then I decided, “I’ve got to finish chord (chapter) 5 before Xmas Eve.”
So I threw all tardiness, and I made it on December 21, including the original Japanese version (about 3 and half days) and the translated English version (about 2 days). Being tired…
In the middle of working, I took a short rest to choose for the image music. I’ve made the decision that I’ll use KOKIA’s “tenshi” as the opening theme song at the beginning of December, and the later choosing was went smoothly. At last, track 10 came; it was Lia’s “Star Light Night.” Since then, my heart started to an endless strong beating. I very like it, for one thing. Also, the next two songs – they are Fumiko Orikasa’s “Hello!” and Saeko Chiba’s “Hikari” – have driven me to a complete Moe (cute)-mode. However, (from now on, I shift into whisper) when I was designing the most first version of characters, I’ve given each one a voice. So, no matter what aspect I choose, the title, the lyrics, the singer’s voice, this time, I think I’ve got the best music list!
I tried to write some my own lyrics for my story recently. Also, I want to draw another group of pictures. In fact, I’ve finished one, and it looks very good. Ahhhhh, I’m becoming full-powered in my cute world!
I don’t mind if lolicon or girllover or something else, I just feel very happy! ♪♪~
厳として、私は本物のロリコンじゃない。本来私はおじさんじゃないのに…年齢のみから見れば分かるね。かわいい女の子であれば、ロリであるかどうかあまり重要なものじゃない。なお、私は女の子を好きな理由はぜんぜんセクシー的じゃないの、(なんだかセクシーなんかはこわー)。ならば、私の場合は一体なんと言ったらいいのかしら? ~(゜゜)~~(゜゜)~
中途、原文を終わった頃、暫くひと休んで、イメージ音楽の選曲をした。オープニング・テーマはすでに今月初にKOKIAさんの「天使」を使おうことになっておいて、あと何曲かの選びもとても順番にした。ついに10曲目、Liaさんの「Star Light Night」から、私の心がドキドキ、ドキドキして止まらなくなった。第一、この「Star Light Night」が大好きだから。第二、あとの二曲、折笠富美子さんの「Hello!」と、千葉紗子さんの「ひかり」であって、私は萌えさせてならなかった。だって、(以下、囁く)キャラ設定した頃、私はもう心に決めた、各キャラの声のことを。タイトルから歌詞から声からどれから見ると、今度の音楽リストが一番相応しいからね!


Which one sentence you use more often?
* Nobody brought his book despite my request.
* No students brought their books despite my request.
No matter what you used to prefer to say, I strongly suggest you using the latter one from now on.
I have read many grammar books; some of them are pretty good. They all point out: be careful not to make trouble due to sex discrimination.
I cannot blame anyone who uses the previous expression – it is correct at the level of grammar, but I, as well as many other people feel uncomfortable toward it. I am sensitive to such expressions. In fact, I really disgust it. I am female, but not a feminist; however, I should hold the situation for my own gender. I wonder why some words like “man,” “he,” “his,” etc. may refer both men and women, but “woman,” “she,” and “her” may not?
Sometimes, I really want to express something in singular forms, but each time I always meet a dilemma: how can I say in singular form while avoiding using sex-sensitive words? Of course, I may use “one,” “a person,” but what in case of possessive? I dislike the unsmoothness of repeating using “the person’s,” or “the one’s.” Eventually, I am sent back to the very beginning: I have got to use plural forms.
When I was a kid, I used to think about it: why children have the same surname as their fathers’? Simply, my mother told me “it’s our tradition.” Then I went into high school, I learned a term “extranuclear inheritance.” I proudly said to mother, “Females actually contribute more in human generating!” However, she did not respond as what I expected but only “Really? That sounds good!”
It is true that during entire human history, male beings got their priority through providing major labor works for the family, but does female beings’ contributions may be hence ignored? More directly, can a male have a child BY HIS OWN? Many people, especially some so-called scholars state that female beings, due to their own physical qualities, make themselves lower than male beings. How ridiculously! If females have the same qualities as males’, I am afraid that humans may not be too much better than any single-cell species; another fact is that even the E. coli has their sexual difference.
We have to put the equal amount of weight on each tray, or we lose the entire balance. We have to be temperate even toward something pertain to us, or we overload the trays and eventually break supporting bar. I will not argue against our ancestors’ usage, but I only wish all people in the current world could be more moderate.
Who does not want our little planet goes in perfect harmony? Everyone can achieve it, and everyone should realize the importance of using correct expressing. Avoid any potential uncomfortableness, and keep our world in a well balance. In one word, we are all classified in just one homo sapiens, aren’t we?


I believe all of us bloggers must understand how difficult to choose for ourselves a good blog service: you’ve got to choose one which can as much as possible satisfy you, esp. these that are free, easy-using, nice-designed, and ad-free.
Two and half years after I’ve started my permanent blog “Fairy Aria” on MYO, I became to need more different spaces for my various using. I still needed spaces for a special column, an art work gallery, a photo snap show, and a fiction publishing. So, the problem is, where to find for all of them?
Before I eventually decided the final places, I’ve ever tried several services. I like to try, (who doesn’t like?) Including MYO, I in all registered almost a dozen of free web/blog services. But the result? Yeah, I registered, tried, got disappointed, discarded, shifted, and I went crazy, became jaded. MYO, GOOGLE, SPACE LIVE, COCOLOG, FC2, MY SPACE, WEEBLY, SAMPA, JIMBO… There is always this or that discontent. I’ve no more choice but go back to MYO to build two of my plus-space. They are Siren Tale and Coven Prism, for my column and art work.
Nevertheless, I don’t think MYO is an ideal place for publishing a fiction. Yes, I have an account on FictionPress, but I dislike there after 4 chapters’ working. My rights to edit my own writing are limited there. No matter good or not, I think my story is a big project, not only because I’ve conceived it since I was at middle school; I need a place to organize, and FicPre can’t satisfy these needing. So I turned to Google Site. Since its address is too long to remember, I applied a free domain for it. Now, you may visit my new fiction site through http://soraniwa.co.cc. That’s short and easy-remembered, isn’t it?
Now, the last one, a place for my random snapping. This time I solved it quickly. Combining with Blogger and Picasa, I made the new photo-only blog in minuets. Blogger isn’t good enough for making friends, but it’s splendid on hosting personal stuff, (my photos, for example).
So far I’ve settled all these domains under proper services; plus I need to modify my MYO About page. I want to link all of them, and I also need to redirect my MYO homepage to the ABOUT PAGE.
Ok, the serious service madness goes to its perfect-some happy ending.

❈ Love Me, Love My Opera

One day at one of my English courses, the professor ordered each one for a writing passage, on the topic of “Thanksgiving.” I’ve no idea what I wrote then, but now, if there’s another chance to show my writing to my ex-professor again, I’ll type out one immediately, for a place where I haunt very frequently and happily. Here it is, you must have known, My Opera.
Although I’ve been using Opera’s service, both blog and browser, for more than 2 years, the first inspiration for such a writing emerged out a week ago. My Opera upgraded again, and that “we’ve upgraded the storage to 1GB, and we want to see more of your posts, photos, and files” got me warmed up.
Before I came to stay at My Opera, I only learned from one of my computer teacher that Opera is a web browser better than any others. I tried and seriously agreed and accepted it as my default web tool. Later, one day, from Blogger’s recommendation of some good online album services, I was directed to My Opera Community (Picasa not launched at that time, of course).
I have many blog accounts, some of them give me 2GB or more storage space, but none has ever pulled me into such a nice mood. I registered My Opera on August 6, 2006. At that time, I was a complete novice on blogging, template design, and online communication. Soon, after a few posts, I found my way. I came here because I wanted to make friends from the entire world; I started to write in English from November 25, 2006, and that indeed made a good job. From these friends, I also learned to work out my own CSS, which I knew nothing before.
Step by step, I witnessed and experienced so much exciting upgrading: feature of statue, wider templates, feature of chatting, beautiful new designs, visitor tracing, recent activities, etc. To be honest, I’m not the type of easy-accepting, sometimes, I’m even afraid of new modifications. However, My Opera never made me uncomfortable – I was indeed invigorated.
I like to try and compare different blog services. After my many times of self-experiments, I cling to a few services: My Opera, Blogger, and Live Space. Among these, My Opera is the best. I usually is fumed for some limitations from the rest: I can’t write as many as I want for my self-introduction, I can’t create a nice-looking photo album, I can’t modify the original template code, I have to be patient for a temporary tech-failure…
Fast, safe, free, friendly, beautiful, easy-using… Undoubtedly, My Opera is far above. I don’t why, nevertheless, I can’t spot My Opera at so many comparisons among good blog services. But, well, it’s ok. We happy Opera guys have our own immense felicity here, no?

♡ Big Bangs After A Dull Span

One benefit of blogging is that you can share your own news, ideas, feelings… etc. with others at the very time; reading others’ blogs is definitely enough good either, especially when they are whom you admire.
On November 19 and 20, two big bangs burst out from Yuki Kajiura’s blog. On December 24, 2008, Xmas Eve, Kalafina’s new single CD, “fairytale,” will be released! On February 25, 2009, a new FictionJunction album will be released, pluses with many new tracks! Project FJ~~~ How fascinating they are! Kalafina, YUUKA, KEIKO, KAORI, ASUKA, WAKANA, YURIKO KAIDA… the new FJ album must be a good selection for all new comers of FictionJunction, or also a good belated birthday present for me! (oops! I’ve to pay for it, don’t I?)
The past two months were rather dull to me, but not to people who went to Yuki’s lives. The most recent album of Yuki was an original soundtrack, “Achilles and the Turtle.” Not bad, but I prefer to soundtracks from “Kara no Kyokai, Garden of Sinner.” And the two bangs blasted onto me, I was recharged up to full energy!
Talk about my goddess now. Although I have the experience of singing at a chorus, I never have any ideas how many chorus tracks a song uses. In Yuki’s recent posts, one her coworkers, Mrs./Mr. K, tried to suggest composing a song without any chorus track. Guess what did Yuki say? “No, ‘cos I’ve accustomed to use enough chorus tracks.”
Interesting, huh? In that post, Yuki confessed that there are often more than 50 tracks of chorus in a song; in case of Kalafina-songs, the number usually increases to 60-80 (or more, I can’t remember very clearly). Sure, chorus-free songs, like FJY’s “June is your eternity, from ‘circus’” exist, but they’re few. There’re more songs include so many chorus tracks that no one can’t lose in counting. Maybe songs like “Together, ‘destination’” have only a few such tracks, Heaven knows!

☆ Fine Day!

November 12, 2008

kiyoedit: this image is gone forever
From the very morning, I saw a pale gray sky hovering over my house. Someone maybe think that’s little depressed, to me, however, it’s so fine!
It was a cloudy day, just like what I’ve said, and there was such a day that all flights would have been delayed. Unfortunate to whom planned a sky-journey, but in fact, I’ve no idea whether the airport’s weather was the same to where I was. Little off-key.
I like mist, so today’s fine; my déjà vu of the experience of reading Sherlock Holmes. I don’t expect any crimes happen, but I expect to do some Gothic reading in condition of poor-sight day. To read with you mood matches the environment is also important, isn’t it?
However, to-day I did absolutely nothing Gothic-related reading, and till the last minute, I was still enjoying myself with the online scientific series: THE GONZO SCIENTIST. It’s gonzo. Not bad.
A small pastry mingling with a palled vista.

✯ Merlin's Magic

Merlin’s Magic, a band’s name which I came to know in 2003, by a CD that has the name “The Spirit of Aquarius,” is the only current New Age artist I’m paying attention to.
I ever tried many New Age CDs, but eventually I discard them from my music library. I just can’t be patient to hear most New Age music, because it seems that I intend to be defocused by these calm and peaceful tones. The more I hear New Age, the stronger my feeling become. However, for I’d like to cumulate some knowledge relates astrology, the Zodiac Series CDs caught my sight one day; I took the CD of my sign, and fell in love with the music at the first time.
However, after some-year’s silence of forgetting the CD, I dug it again in this August. I tried to contact with my friends whose sign is Gemini – she bought her sign’s CD with me, and heard Gemini’s piece.
Beautiful – simple but ingenuous my feeling was. Later I tried to collect all the series and tried to find more information about the artist: Merlin’s Magic. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find more about the band even on WIKI.org. However, I did get many Merlin’s Magic’s works.
That’s not only New Age, but the healing melodies of stars, the heave, the air, zephyrs, streams, and lives. In Merlin’s Magic, there’re dulcet notes of the dapper-combined instruments, and you can catch the most beautiful sight of spirit, of meditation, and of tranquility.
That’s the healing magic of music, the only New Age in my heart.